Rape-porn possession will get you 3 years jailtime.
(Nov 21, 2013, 04:37 am)Vintage television Wrote: I wasn't aware that there was such a thing as a non-voilent rape. But I assume you're a rational intelligent human being and that's not what you're trying to claim. So read back and you'll see that there's no deflection at all. The studies listed are about are about the effect of viewing violence on the psyche. Violence is violence and someone would really have to be bent or have an ulterior motive to try and split hairs on the subject.

The studies are on children and no one is suggesting that children are involved in the type of material that is proposed to be outlawed. The only splitting of hairs here is coming from you as children and porn of any type is already outlawed in the UK and what is being proposed is for adult material to be outlawed and you rather than simply exercising your right not to view such material seem to be of the opinion no one should view that material and thats just not rational.
(Nov 21, 2013, 04:44 am)Kingfish Wrote: The studies are on children and no one is suggesting that children are involved in the type of material that is proposed to be outlawed. The only splitting of hairs here is coming from you as children and porn of any type is already outlawed in the UK and what is being proposed is for adult material to be outlawed and you rather than simply exercising your right not to view such material seem to be of the opinion no one should view that material and thats just not rational.

Not all the studies are done on children and even so.... SO WHAT?
All you're doing is taking one single elemet in this conversation and trying to turn it into something controversial in order to validate your own paradigm.

Now if you don't like my opinion or what I have to say then show some initiative and go do your own research.
(Nov 21, 2013, 05:29 am)Vintage television Wrote: Not all the studies are done on children and even so.... SO WHAT?
All you're doing is taking one single elemet in this conversation and trying to turn it into something controversial in order to validate your own paradigm.

Now if you don't like my opinion or what I have to say then show some initiative and go do your own research.

You never posted all studies you cited one specific one that was predominantly done on under 10 year old's in the context of violence then for reasons unknown you tried to use that study as a basis for justifying outlawing consensual adults engaging in voluntary sexual activity.

I'm not inclined to do any research on children being exposed to rape pornography as I'm not certain its an issue and the only person claiming it is one seems to be you so rather than me researching to prove you right why dont you prove yourself right by giving just one shred of evidence that proves children are in someway harmed by adult pornography in the UK and children are exposed to rape porn because I seriously doubt they are hence me stating you were deflecting.
Considering that keeping movies which depict murders is perfectly legal I find this ridiculous, how many people have seen the death of Kennedy for example? It is nothing more than another way to attack freedom.
I can only imagine walking around with my google glasses and witness a rape... what can I do now? Just delete everything, since I risk 3 years of prison...
(Nov 21, 2013, 04:37 am)Vintage television Wrote:
(Nov 21, 2013, 03:56 am)Kingfish Wrote: That's quite a deflection given children typically dont have sex and adults generally dont let them watch porn.

I wasn't aware that there was such a thing as a non-voilent rape. But I assume you're a rational intelligent human being and that's not what you're trying to claim. So read back and you'll see that there's no deflection at all. The studies listed are about are about the effect of viewing violence on the psyche. Violence is violence and someone would really have to be bent or have an ulterior motive to try and split hairs on the subject.

Children today live in a society of blood, bombs, misogyny, etc. And the overwhelming amount of it is called "entertainment." Since we all start out in life as children, I can only postulate that someone who enjoys viewing "rape porn" didn't just wake up one day and say "hey I'm sexually arroused by the idea of seeing someone violently and sexually brutilized." If someone did just "wake up" lke that, then there's obviously some sort of malformation or chemical imbalance in their brain. Otherwise their desire for rape porn came about gradually.

Heneceforth my opinion that greater investment in education and mental health care. (Plus I support the ban on rape porn.)

Well we better shut down every single show on TV because most teach you things you should not do, how many TV shows are not teaching lying? So people must be lying even more than they used to.

Kids (really all people) do learn from what they watch though. However it is only bad normally if noone is teaching them right and wrong while they are watching it. The kids who turn out bad are the ones who parent's use the video games to baby sit them and never tell them that hey this is a game you don't do this in real life.

This is really no different then candy and stuff, perfectly fine if you eat a little but if all you do is eat candy you get fat. But should we ban all candy because less than 1% of the population can't control themself?

PS: btw some countries porn is illegal. Turks and Caicos being one of them. Maybe they should do studies on families there and see if they are better off with no porn. Ultimately porn is not a good thing it generally just causes problems in relationships.
I am unable to form an opinion on this. Porn is porn. censorship is censorship. Perhaps it is not the job of the government to do social engineering. Perhaps people should be free to do whatever they want as long as they are not harming others, who should also be free to do what they want. If the government is allowed to sensor, then eventually they would also censor porn containing guys with big dicks and woman with big tits as this would upset regular men and woman.
I thought I would do some research on the concepts of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression. I came across the following :

Concepts of freedom of speech can be found in early human rights documents. England’s Bill of Rights 1689 granted 'freedom of speech in Parliament' and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, adopted during the French Revolution in 1789, specifically affirmed freedom of speech as an inalienable right. The Declaration provides for freedom of expression in Article 11, which states that:

"The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law."

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, states that:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Today freedom of speech, or the freedom of expression, is recognized in international and regional human rights law. The right is enshrined in Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Article 13 of the American Convention on Human Rights and Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights. Based on John Milton's arguments, freedom of speech is understood as a multi-faceted right that includes not only the right to express, or disseminate, information and ideas, but three further distinct aspects:

  • * the right to seek information and ideas;
    * the right to receive information and ideas;
    * the right to impart information and ideas

International, regional and national standards also recognize that freedom of speech, as the freedom of expression, includes any medium, be it orally, in written, in print, through the Internet or through art forms. This means that the protection of freedom of speech as a right includes not only the content, but also the means of expression.

(Nov 24, 2013, 14:10 pm)Vintage television Wrote: I thought I would do some research on the concepts of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression. I came across the following.............

And upon reflection your position has changed or you still seek to randomly ban things?
(Nov 24, 2013, 16:06 pm)Kingfish Wrote: And upon reflection your position has changed or you still seek to randomly ban things?

Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas using one's body and property to anyone who is willing to receive them. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, as with libel, slander, obscenity, sedition (including, for example inciting ethnic hatred), copyright violation, revelation of information that is classified or otherwise.

The right to freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Article 19 of the ICCPR states that "[e]veryone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice". Article 19 goes on to say that the exercise of these rights carries "special duties and responsibilities" and may "therefore be subject to certain restrictions" when necessary "[f]or respect of the rights or reputation of others" or "[f]or the protection of national security or of public order (order public), or of public health or morals". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_speech
// I have doubts that most people will even bother to read the above legal definition as set out in international law and even less will make the effort to comprehend the legal text before commenting.


  • *I believe everyone has the right to hold opinion without interference (or mockery)
    * I believe everyone has the right to seek, receive and convey ideas and information regardless of medium used.

Therefore when something is an idea, opinion or educative in nature then I'm in favor of its circulation without limit. However like all everything in this world there are certain special duties and responsiblities. Therefore certain degree of care and restraint must be exercised.

Now the questions I have are :
Is rape porn (or any porn for that matter) an idea? Or an opinion? Or educative?
And if it is any of the above then what are the duties and responsiblities that go with it's distribution?
man every thing has porn in it food porn, clothing porn, toy porn(adults and kids toys), TV shows.... what doesn't give a hint towards some sort of sexual act... i even seen my little cus's show (can't remember the name) hes only 2 and even i see hints at some sort of sexual act going on in the animators heads or even some person drawing and animating a porn version of it.

hell even TV ad's have a adult "XXX" rated flare to it....

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