Why do people seed and download so much porn?
Now more than ever people are downloading and seeding, should always be done, porn. But even before the quarantine people were always downloading massive amounts of porn.

Why download it compared to just streaming it off the net? Wouldn't it get boring to watch the same video over and over again?
most full length porn or new porn is only available through subscription services... much like most other content.

new star wars, or marvels flick... same thing as the newest clown porn or furry flick.

I recall once watching a gangbang where all the men whore panda suits and the chick was dressed like little red riding hood or something... i don't even think porn is the right word... more like art. like comparing animal nature to carnal knowledge. anyway.
Porn is a spectator sport.

Personally, I always prefer to download than stream. And some videos, like the matrix series, I prefer to Archive.
I believe the answer could be summarized as "frustration". People want things they can't usually, and/or conveniently, achieve.
We all want to be in a pandas vs red hood gangbang or just go back in time and score that super-hot... whatever easierly said/pictured that done.
(Apr 08, 2020, 02:19 am)dueda Wrote: I believe the answer could be summarized as "frustration". People want things they can't usually, and/or conveniently, achieve.
We all want to be in a pandas vs red hood gangbang or just go back in time and score that super-hot... whatever easierly said/pictured that done.
so, why download shows like west world when you can just stream it using the hob app?
When you lose connectivity in the middle of session and nothing already downloaded? Sounds like a time of frustration and wishing something was already downloaded. Yes?
Downloading beats streaming in all ways. You know the amount of bandwidth you will use before initiating (twice the size of the download if youre a good seeder), and you can rewatch it again and again without spending that bandwidth again. Might not matter to those who have uncapped internets, but a lot of the worlds webizens do manage pay per gigabyte
Another thing is, most of the vids I think I might want to see, I just dont want to see *now*. So DLing ensures that I will have them. They might not be there tomorrow, or else the seeds might be offline.

Also, by playing from file there is alot less possibility of interruption, especially as it does not interfere with me compiling, transferring large amounts across the network, etc. Streaming can be easily choked.

And speaking of choking, with the wuflu, expect bandwidth to drop as everyone is clogging up the backbones with their midget porn.
(Apr 02, 2020, 21:23 pm)SuperSpartan177 Wrote: Now more than ever people are downloading and seeding, should always be done, porn. But even before the quarantine people were always downloading massive amounts of porn.

Why download it compared to just streaming it off the net? Wouldn't it get boring to watch the same video over and over again?

porn is better on your harddrive. then you can play it on your tv loudly overnight with all your windows open
(Apr 03, 2020, 01:09 am)stormium Wrote: most full length porn or new porn is only available through subscription services... much like most other content.

new star wars, or marvels flick... same thing as the newest clown porn or furry flick.

I recall once watching a gangbang where all the men whore panda suits and the chick was dressed like little red riding hood or something... i don't even think porn is the right word... more like art. like comparing animal nature to carnal knowledge. anyway.
did someone say furry OwO flick

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