Last Active: Yesterday
It happens all the time, it's a bug in the system. You'll find that now and again you get a 0 for the stats. There's nothing that can be done it's just the way it goes.
TPB isn't perfect and besides it's all Public file sharing not Private torrent sites so that's why. Public sharing where you don't require to be a member never in the history of Torrents has it ever worked right and it never will in the future it's just the norm.
If you see a 0 and a 0 for the stats well then don't worry because as a regular here somebody who is used to looking at those numbers should know it doesn't make any difference to anything. You might see a 0 but what it actually tells you is that it tells you completely nothing at all.
You see the problem isn't that at all, there is no problem just simply how people seem to think that because there's a 0 in the number it means it's not working which is far from the truth. As an example for several years now I have uploaded many many times and had no problems sharing things out the numbers don't mean anything. They don't work for me and never have done, it looks like with me that I'm barely sharing anything but yet have uploaded a mass of different things. The true numbers are in the servers that are uploading to different peers and that information is completely private only accessible to the person who operates the client which does all the work. TPB stats don't account to anything useful at all, the whole purpose of those numbers are irrelevant and are completely pointless to everybody.