Mr. Sunday Movies/Weekly Planet Commentaries
Aside from the word salad thread title, anyone follow these two Aussies on youtube?  They do "Caravan of Garbage" and I absolutely could not stand them at first...but eventually the youtube algorithm wore me down and I totally dig them now.  What I didn't realize until today is that they also do movie commentaries and are currently up to a whole 69 of them (nice).  If there's enough interest in these, I can start syncing these up in addition to the other syncs I do on this site.  Be warned though you'll probably need the movie subtitles to follow since they seem to talk over just about every second of the movies much like the Jaboody boys...definitely the commentary opposite of Rifftrax's surgical precision, get-in-get-out commentary jokes!  Below in the stash is my first offering: 1990's Captain America, complete with upset stomach grand theft auto x2!  Also linked is a random youtube of theirs in case people have only seen their thumbnails while scrolling through youtube.  (Included in the video are subtitles and both the original movie track and Jaboody commentary track)

[Image: WTI9qkC.jpg]

Weekly Planet Stash
I thought I was the only one who liked them Smile ... Thanks in advance for any syncing as my skills in that area are minimum at best and nonexistent at worse Smile
after watching the avatar video; they're funny
thanks for offering to share some of the material!
I'll be damned a fellow Weekly Wackadadoo in the wild.  Been around with James and Maso since episode 2, even got my kids hooked in and we are all members of Big Sandwich.  Their Justice League and Suicide Squad commentaries I would put up with some of the Rifftrax in terms of entertainment.
Perfect timing since I'm about to be out of country for a few weeks...but while we were all gone:

Weekly Planet Commentaries

[Image: t2WiwLj.jpg][Image: aiMT75s.jpg][Image: maCFRZL.jpg][Image: DxhST2e.jpg]
a great excuse to put the crank movies on and do some cleaning. thanks for these! =)
Love these guys
Awesome, thanks so much!
(Mar 11, 2023, 14:31 pm)Walkingenmity Wrote: RODNEYYY!!!

Wake up m8's new Green Trivia dropped

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