Have u ever had/seen someone ruin a movie for you or somebody?
*SPOILER* back in the 9th grade this one time in class ppl were talkin bout scream 3 I think and this douche said "her brother is the killer" and a lot of people were mad 

Also one my relatives once said that about halfway into this scary action movie someone outside ran in the theater and yelled "the girl dies at the end" and ran back outside 

Personally I've never had someone do it to me but I've seen people do it to others 
(Of the lowest immature things u can do)
Yes..But in different way(world has changed in that too)..
There has been movie nights when me and my friends gather watching movies and relax.
For some reason there seems to be always someone,who just has to play with his or hers phone..
Usually on fb..I mean..someone sents a message..
You pause..then again and again..
Once when I said"I though we gathered here to watch films?"
I got frustfrated reply"So what?This and that happens in the end"
That person thought more interesting update what is doing/where etc.
Starting to be more common these days Sad
Ya I know what you mean   I've seen ppl do that too 
I really just watch tv/movies etc alone like 90% of the time 
I rate the movie on IMDB a few days later  I check Wikipedia and youtube 
Sometimes to see what a movie is about 
I avoid people who are glued to their phones 
LOL i swear the most coolest shit that someone could, and should do is this. Bring in scary costumes or like black hoods and robes in a scary movie. When crazy shit happens or when its really dark they should just stand around or I haven't figured it out yet but do creepy shit.
I have... And I still see it.... Sad
I've ruined a movie for others! Smile

Like Sixth Sense. I... oops! Better not ruin it again! Smile
Yeap, when my friends told me the hateful eight climax scene at office.

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