>> Computer turn off
I turn off the Power Plan for Hard Drive to 0 and the same thing happened (monitor and mouse turn off but the computer is still on with lights and fans running). I have one 250 GB SSD where Windows 7 is installed, one 1 TB SSD to installed more programs and games, one 3 TB HDD for files, videos, and photos, and one old 250 GB HDD for my old files. I just unplugged the old 250 GB HDD and the DVD player so hopefully that reduce load on my motherboard. Hope my computer stay on for at least 2 hours so I can use it properly.
Please tell how it goes after a day or more, I'm curious what the cause.
One of the things I have noticed is sometimes a certain monitor that I have plugged in won't wake up.
Usually restarting the PC fixes it, but it isn't a consistent problem like you're describing.

I recommend running a memtest while you sleep.

If you end up with errors with your memory it would be good to try another kit or try removing one stick to see if the problem goes away.
The computer's monitor and mouse turn off again after 15 minutes of use, but the computer lights and fans still stay on. I did a Windows Memory Diagnostic Test and it find no error.
Since this is a problem that has come up recently, then a recent change must have happened. Did you update anything around the time this started to happen?
For example: graphics drivers

Also, reseating the ram on your motherboard might not be a bad idea. Sometimes a PC might get bumped and parts could lose proper connection.

Check out HwInfo64, it'll give you a lot of useful info about your PC. One of them is the health test of your drives.
My computer turned off again after 15 minutes of use. I'm planning to order this HP Omen 40L Gaming Desktop for $1,300. What do you think?
Make sure it has a warranty so if you can't fix it, they can take over.
I hoped it would be resolved by now.

On the PC, I personally think pre-built are less interesting than custom. This is a 6 core PC, modern upcoming game titles like "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2" regard this is the minimum requirement.

Buying a PC is no small task and to buy a soon-outdated hardware is not too nice, let say. Look the upcoming games, will see yourself. The RAM, 16 GB, could be doubled too to be alright; 3,2000 MHz doesn't sound too good, this is the same as if going my own DDR4 ECC RAM that provides guarantees of no bad bit flips unlike this one (Non-enterprise-grade RAM can rarely have an uncorrected bit flipped somewhere because physics). The PC uses 600 watt, that will be a problem if a GPU upgrade to a better one, GPUs might be hungry beasts; 12GB of VRAM is okayish, as the model itself, but not top. 1TB NVMe, fine, though I want to know what the model. Despite my text, the PC maybe OK, depends on what is going to do with it. So don't mind the paragraph too hard.

In the end, the choice, and money, are yours.
Before I have about 2 GB of Pagefile set up for my Windows C: drive, now I just turn OFF the Pagefile so maybe the computer stop using the SSD to write Virtual Memory and maybe that cause the crashes.

I see the computer still use 245 MB of Paged file. ??

The pagefile is like ram but on a drive, usually just has programs in it that are asleep or infrequently used, that way there is more RAM available for active programs.

Have you tried updating the firmware ports on your graphics card?
On my 1080Ti I had to update my ports firmware because I bought a new monitor.
Maybe that could cause your monitor to not wake up?
Once in a while my new monitor won't wake up, but my two older ones will. Requires a restart of the PC. I don't know why it happens, but it does infrequently.

Also I do recommend getting HwInfo64, it will help you see the health of your different drives.

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