stts2's politics thread
Oh what a mess all this is. It dont seem normal to call this a "war". More like both sides practicing shooting guns on a big gun range. Kinda like 3 stooges basic training. I wonder if they had an episode like that. Anyways, what's going on here is a tragic joke compared to what happened in real wars of the past. Israel had their 6 day war. Fierce fighting till Israel blew the Arabs away. That's what war is. He with the biggest guns wins. Same thing in Kuwait war. Sadam miscalculated and USA became Kuwaits guns. Boom. Took 45 days to wipe out Iraqs army. The rest of Iraq and Afghanistan was mostly an occupation war to root out terrorists living in mud holes in a territory the size of Texas. But everywhere there was warring, it was indeed a war in every sense. Both sides making max use of their advantages. So when you look at this Ukraine situation, it's got all the "experts" wondering what is going on. It's like neither side has even seen a war movie from beginning to end. So what the hell happened?

Once upon a time, a hero named Reagan said tear down this wall. To world amazement, a visionary leader named Gorby did just that. And with it, Ukraine and a bunch of other territories became independent countries. But this angered others still in Crazy Tirant school. They been robbed of their shot at raping and pillaging. Thus began a series of coups to grab the power back.

Meanwhile, Ukraine and maybe others, went on a decades long binge of partying in the streets. Not getting much done and selling off defenses to raise more party cash. A few spoke up and warned that the sky might fall, but they were booed and called party poopers. Fast forward to today. All the Russian coups are over, the top lunatic is at the helm, and he is hell bent on what he was trained to do. Raping and pillaging.

Yikes. Poor Ukraine. They get attacked, and they don't even have much food and water stocked up. Khenson, Kviv, Kharkiv, and Mariupol all say they have meer days of food left. I once heard that armies travel on their stomachs. Well, it's pretty clear that whatever army Ukraine has isn't going to get very far. This is the height of liberal stupidity. They knew Russia was a huge threat. They had over 2 decades to prepare. They could have invented new weapons systems. Built up arms stores to rival any Russian aggresion. Built up underground shelters and food stores. There was so much time that they could have built up Ukraine into a mighty fortress that could be defended for years without resupply. Instead, they are nearly out of gas after only weeks of a pathetic Russian invasion display. I'm American and I bet I have more stockpiles of gasoline and water than most Ukranians. And I'm just prepared for heavy storm damage.

As for their attackers, Jeez. If it aint one folly, it's another. Crazy Tyrant school must not be what it used to be. I wonder what kind of grades Putin got. It would seem like Cs and Ds in poison assassination. Yushchenko lived. As did Navalny. But Putin finally got Litvinenko. Seen on World TV. Schriveling up like a prune. Putin must have gotten Bs in gun assassination. He piled up a bunch of bodies in that method. Putin got lots of practice at waring for others. But now that he's trying on his own, its lookin like he failed alot of that class material too. But the facts still remain. Russia is a fighting force never to be taken lightly. And whatever kind of folly thats been going on, its only going to serve to enrage a lunatic. And that can only lead to much more trouble in the works.

So, if the 3 Stooges wage war, Ukraine must be what it would look like. Funny as hell if it weren't for boobies and baby parts flying thru the air.

As for the rest of the world, they trying to figure out how to make a buck out of this twisted mess. Dead babies are the new battle cry for charites. But then again, they been huckstering on starving babies for years. Governments going crazy trying to throw weapons into this. Biden anouncing $800 Million more weaponry. But no viable plan to deliver that kind of weaponry. No sweat. Theres always nooks and cranies to sweep unused war dollars into. Or just pay the war factories anyway, on condition they redonate hugely to the liberal tax milking machine. Those sneeks. So you see, every kind of war has its place. And no war goes to waste.
A few years back, Greenfell apartment tower full of people caught fire. Announcements went out to stay put and wait for help. Then power went down. Those with battery power kept seeing the stay in place order on every channel and every cell call. The media took over and kept that message going to the bitter end. But whose bitter end? Certainly not the media's bitter end. They are immune from culpability. They chased down an official for instructions before the scope of the disaster was known. Their butts were covered. They had no more obligation to seek out further updates, as station after station simply quoted each other, while flames got hopelessly out of hand. 72 people who put their trust in the news they were getting ended up being cremated. And the media moves on.

So here we are, with another tragic disaster unfolding in slow motion on world media. Those whose lives hang in the balance are desperate for information that can help them survive. And what do they get? Liberal news from battery devices inventing and parroting all these "hopeful" ovations that show "promise" of a near end to the tragedy. So, people are being enticed to hold out longer and longer. All the while, world cameras are at the ready to record more events of body parts flying through the air. The relentless media drive to keep the bees whipped up for endless sensationalized news. It's a crying shame how our society has allowed the media to evolve into a powerhouse of information utterly polluted by unqualified opinions with no legal accountability. In the face of this manufactured confusion, people are left to fend for themselves. It's daunting to figure out the accurate info, even in the best of circumstances. Made magnitudes worse with the situation in Ukraine.

Given that, you have to rely more on sorted out history, rather than unproven facts, to make life decisions. The established facts are these. Russia is duplicitous in negotiations. They lie endlessly and stall for time to achieve their goals. They are ruthless haters of human rights and have no problems blowing up children. These are facts known to all, even before the invasion started. So, EVERYBODY should be convinced that there are no serious negotiations going on. The invasion has no intention of stopping, and the ruthless killing of Ukrainians won't end until all survivors are brought to their knees to Putins satisfaction.

So. Who wants to stick around and find out what will satisfy Putin? Well, the world media sure wants everyone to stick around. They want to video body parts flying through the air. In no way have they pointed out the hopelessness of winning against a world nuclear power. In fact, the media has bent over backwards, hawking the insane narrative of "Russia is losing". While unarmed citizens continue to explode. Such useless tragedy.

I say if it wasn't for the twisted liberal feel good media, most every woman and child would have been evacuated by now. The Ukrainian president has demanded fighting age men to stay put. Nothing can be done about that. But world media that was based solely on facts would have served the Ukrainian president into acting more rationally. Rather than fomenting hopeless intransigence.

I predict that Putin will kill Zelinski using Russian might. Either through total bombardment, an infilterating hit squad, or both. Then, all the rest of the population will be on their own and surrounded by Russians. No more pep speeches as the last bits of communications are shut down.

The wild card to all this is somebody assassinating Putin. Wow. Boy would that be big news. It's a crazy world. You never know.
So what's next? Endless resupply. The Polish border is the only way in for Ukrainians. And heavy equipment has to be dispersed on heavy roads. Roads at the Polish border. Something not very hard to find. The base near the border has already been blown up. So border convoys don't hang around, and talk to reporters anonymously. They are afraid of Functionaries and Fifth Column types. The names they call Russian sympathizers. They don't want times and GPS locations to be broadcast out to the Russians. Packaged convoys of 12 vehicles travel 20 hours to get to the border. Then, another 12 hours to get to the nearest city at 50 mph. 2 to 3 convoys a day make the trip. And every day, even more of everything is in desperate need. They need tens of thousands of body armor. 400 promised was delayed until the next day. The armor is not what is worn by Western forces. Its canvas and steel plates sewn together. Cumbersome, heavy, and not body shaped. Fuel is being shipped in. That must mean fuel is in short supply. Technicles are being built from all wheel drive vehicles and loaded onto car carriers. Steel plate welded on, shiney surfaces painted green, and mechanics fixed. So you can imagine that 12 vehicle convoys can't haul in very much of this stuff. They say they need missles, generators, and night vision gear really bad. But they say they also need bullets, medical supplies, and steel toe shoes really bad. As is the need for food and winter weight clothing. So you see, it will be a long long process to resupply Ukraine from Poland. And how long before the next border attack starts to pound? In no way can material be stockpiled nearby, plane load style. Not after that base at the border was bombed. No doubt coordinates provided by a Russian spy. All those people look and talk the same. Nobody really knows who is friend or foe.

On the other side. Russia has ships waiting at the southern ports. Loaded with all the war materials a conqueror could ever want. Just waiting for ground troops to finish siezing the port cities and beaches. Then, these ships will unload, and the fresh, fully equipped new army will head to the border. Cutting off Ukraines only means of resupply. So there's not alot of hope that much of Bidens' weapons aid actually makes it to Ukrainian hands. It will soon be stuck in Poland and Lithuania. Putin, on the other hand, is showing off hitech soldier armor gear that is a powered exoskeleton. Not much sign its ready for action, but he's got plenty of hitech weaponry he has yet to deploy. Like his new Kinzhal hypersonic missles. Putin said he used these for the first time to destroy the base at the Polish border. Nobody knows for sure, but something was fired with great accuracy at that base.

As for the latest headlines, Mariupol kids bombed in a theater shelter. Miraculously, there are lots of survivors. And lots of tales told of the horrors of kids being bombed. And now pictures are showing long lines of cars heading out of Mariupol. It would seem that residents have had enough of the fairy tales from the media and the delusions from their president. People are getting the puck out. Well, they better hope the Russians let them go. They stand no chance if artillery already there, opens up on them.

Whats more possibilities? Russian chemical weapons? Why not? Russians been blowing up babies. Putin is yapping about chemical weapons being built in Ukraine. Sounds like the perfect excuse to drop a chem bomb, wipe out thousands of people, and claim they bombed a chemical dump. Remember WW2 Japan? Drop 2 nukes and the rest lined up in surrender. Same thing here. Russians become the clean-up crew. Burn all the evidence and annex all the country. And there's not a damn thing the world can do about it. The only thing that could hold him back is his own peoples reaction. Gassing fellow Russians. It's possible that's just too much. Even if they are viewed as traitors. Or maybe not. Sadam gassed the Kurds, and pictures came out. But he still got away with it. God forbid if that plays out. But then again, what's the difference? Death by gas, bullets, fire, explosive, or building collapse. It's still the same. Everybody dead. Nobody coming back to life. So don't be shocked if the day comes when Ukrainians get gassed to death. It dont take a squimish Russian army. Just a few cold hearted loyal KGB pilots...

And hows this for a big surprise. Saudis are meeting with China to talk about pricing oil they buy in Yuan instead of the Dollar. Jeepers. I had just mentioned a few posts ago about China tangled up in the Dollar. Getting the Saudis to accept the Yuan would vastly bolster is holding value, given the amount of energy China buys. Biden already threw the Saudi Prince under the buss for having Khashoggi killed. Its hard to get favors from Saudis when you flip the bird to their future king. He may be a killer, but he's nearly the king. And China has now responded to Biden, flatly refusing to follow American demands requarding Russia and Taiwan. Biden has really been racking up the failures this week.
Japan reported that they saw 4 Russian ships packed full of tanks and trucks on the open seas. No surprise there. It's normal Russian behavior when you're in the middle of invading another country. Other reports say Russian ships in the Ukrainian port have started firing their own big guns on the port cities. Mariupol has been utterly torn to pieces in the continuing Russian attacks. Odessa also rendered a complete mess from bombardment. And it won't stop till Russians own those beach heads. Then they can land all that new war equipment and start a new invasion going north. Despite all the fake negotiations, the Russians press on.

Zelinski on CNN whining that if they were in NATO, then there would be no war. Like it's the worlds fault that they are being torn apart. Typical liberal entitlement complex. They had decades to secure the freedom they were actually GIVEN. And they squandered their opportunities. So the world owes the Ukrainians nothing. The only reason they are getting some free help now is because the West really hates Putin. But, those nukes severely limit what can be done. A rock and a hard place. That's what Ukrainian liberals stuck the rest of the world with. It's such a shame. It just goes to show that no good can come from an irresponsible way of life.

There is no reason for Russians to stop. The world already labeled them war criminals. The world won't just take it back. What's done is done. But the world can't touch Russia armed with nukes. So, the outrage is hollow and toothless. Russia makes food. Russia makes fuel. So they can't be starved out. Russian Iphones may be shut off, but Russia makes their own phones that work good enough. All Western comforts are being traded for a new country with rich resources. And the Russian people will flock in to claim rich lands. Any bodies they encounter will be covered over with shovels and forgotten. Such is the Russian way. Such is the way of all past invaders. The USA was built by invaders. I'm not saying it's right, but that doesn't change anything. Big guns always win. Run run run away. Live to fight another day. When odds are not so hopeless. Because you only live once.

In other not surprising news, the assistant Mayor of Mariupol says over 4000 people were hauled away to Russia. The assistant, Andryuschenko, says they may never be heard from again. Russia admits a few hundred were bussed away only because they wanted to flee to Russia. So there you go. Russians the saviors or Russians the conquerors. No pictures now, and soon, no witnesses either. We no longer see what happens in Taliban town. And nobody cares either. Certainly, the decade will come when satellites discover the mass graves of populations that vanish. But I doubt the dead bodies will show much appreciation.

I find it a head scratcher that western media endlessly crows about how bad Russia is losing. Yet not a single bullet is documented to have been fired into Russia. So pay attention mostly to the pictures. They are hard to fake. Then you can pretty easily see who is doing all the losing.
the forum team here at suprbay will not be censoring any on-topic posts regardless of your personal and, or political motivations… cuz like: freedom of speech, don’t cha you know? /smod
(Mar 22, 2022, 22:17 pm)stormium Wrote: the forum team here at suprbay will not be censoring any on-topic posts regardless of your personal and, or political motivations… cuz like: freedom of speech, don’t cha you know? /smod

Oh dear.  It sounds like Our Resident Pooty-bot had to be informed that it doesn't work the same way here as it does in Mother Russia.  Sad!
(Mar 07, 2022, 19:57 pm)RobertX Wrote: I see Void in this thread's future.

I happen to agree with Robert's earlier comment, this thread is infact heading straight for the Void at some stage.  It might not be just yet but it seems the battle that is happening in Ukraine is also happening here right now as we speak.  I choose to not get involved in this as I just feel it also just adds further to the arguments.  Really we should be concentrating in file sharing as this is what the forum is based on, not on who has the biggest Penis to wave around with.
Well, I just read an article on Yahoo of the growing Splinternet. But, there is a political category here. And my speedy connection is still hard at work pounding terabytes. So its banter on the side. With the concentration still focused on sharing --- At a time when war is being provoked. Business as usual seems inappropriate. But if we at least give it some due attention, then normal living doesn't appear so unseemly. Imagine a Hollywood red carpet starlet with a camera in her face saying, "Don't talk to me about them, this is my time". Yikes.
(Mar 23, 2022, 14:02 pm)RodneyYouPlonker Wrote:
(Mar 07, 2022, 19:57 pm)RobertX Wrote: I see Void in this thread's future.

I happen to agree with Robert's earlier comment, this thread is infact heading straight for the Void at some stage.  It might not be just yet but it seems the battle that is happening in Ukraine is also happening here right now as we speak.  I choose to not get involved in this as I just feel it also just adds further to the arguments.  Really we should be concentrating in file sharing as this is what the forum is based on, not on who has the biggest Penis to wave around with.

I agree with this--mostly.  I believe that the original intention of the OP here was simply to call out pro-Putin propaganda for what it is (if I'm wrong about that, I'm sure they will correct me).  I have no problem with people discussing The Ukraine War here, even if their views strongly differ from mine.  However, bought-and-paid-for political propaganda is another case and should always be called out.

I joined this forum not long after it started in 2007,* and have noticed all along that there are a few who come here thinking that this is an excellent platform for spreading their spam or propaganda.  However, the members here have always called this out because we are not here for that shit.  File sharing is the reason this place exists and is why we are here.  In the end, the spammers and propagandists have failed to take us over, and I'm not looking for that to ever change.  For one thing, they tend to be all too obvious, which greatly simplifies identifying them.

If in the end this thread and a few (or many) dozen others must disappear into The Void, so be it (personally, I suspect that will not be the case, but we will see).

* This is my third account here.  The first two were lost because of technical issues.
Here here. Flush those nasty bought-and-paid-for-propogadists. Us patriots from way back before 2016 when my first account died with conservative few posts can be so easily buried in the big dump of garbage. Actually, I've posted lots more, but it's mostly torrent specific in the torrent comments. Anyways, it appears only 5000 people have looked at this thread, or maybe 100 people 50 times, hah. So sadly, it's not really changing the world. But I'm doing what I can, and every little bit helps.

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