Last Active: Nov 19, 2024
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Dear friends,
I know banning stuff isn't exactly something file-sharers have in their minds, especially when the stuff they're sharing, or even principles that they fought for in daily life, has been on the wrong side of the banning all the time. Censorship sucks, but if you had to choose something(s) that you want fucked-off from the face of this Earth (don't say it's me!), what would it be?
I would say stupid laws like the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA), counterproductive schemes like SOPA, PIPA, and six strikes, and Digital Restrictions Management (by itself) would be my favourite ban hammer targets.
You see, it's these things like those that make me not want to support retail products. Truth be told, when I got hold of pirated stuff, I, at first, don't want to support retail stuff. But even when I was edified about the fact that money and profit are needed to let the big companies survive, I still don't want to buy retail stuff, or, at least, it makes me think twice about making the purchase.
OK, those are my opinions, and you certainly don't have to agree with me, so you fire away. What do you want to ban? It doesn't have to do with copyright law, how about just life in itself? Or driving laws? Or anything (as I said ![Smile Smile]( )?
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Web Spidering (Bloody hate Arachnids)
Last Active: Sep 21, 2024
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The fashion industry should be abolished, which is not to be confused with the apparel industry. Not until we all
wear the same blue, grey or green one piece jumpsuit will equality amongst all humanity be found and built upon.
(Or a silver jumpsuit if you like science fiction movies, I think I am due for another viewing of "1984.")
Last Active: May 16, 2024
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(Apr 09, 2015, 15:20 pm)RobertX Wrote: Censorship sucks, but if you had to choose something(s) that you want fucked-off from the face of this Earth (don't say it's me!), what would it be?
Last Active: Apr 12, 2024
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I wouldn't ban anything, especially something completely inconsequential in my life like the views and opinions of another, which neither match my own or come close.
As a crew member, I've lost count the number of times someone's asked for another tpb user to be banned for daring to have a different opinion, havng the temerity to express it, or worse, their own view has been challenged on a torrent's comments, resulting in shock, butthurt, and the desire to have that person banned. If you find one person's views so unforgivably offensive that you want them banned, you truly need help, and should either get out more and see the world, or fap the tension out or something.
Look at all the nobheads in the world who want Hitler's Mein Kampf banned. Yeah, let's wipe out an important part of history just because they have a fucking stick up their backsides about a book they've probably not even read, less care to comprehend the content, and can't bear not being in control of another's opinion. Fuck that shit.
RobertX Wrote:but if you had to choose something(s) that you want fucked-off from the face of this Earth (don't say it's me!), what would it be?
Well in that case, and I choose these 3 because I truly believe humanity would be better off without them: the fashion industry/slavery trap, the beauty industry/slavery trap, and television.
My humble opinion is that if you want to walk around in the daytime wearing a onesie, with a face soaked in chemicals, because you're gullible enough to let yourself be influenced into doing so, and you switch on the zombie box because you're too lazy or scared to experience a thought, then you should go live elsewhere in the universe and leave the rest of us to wake up and think for ourselves and maybe progress as a species, instead of being consta-primed for the consume/conform/obey cycle.
Last Active: Jun 10, 2024
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Last Active: Jan 02, 2025
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politicians - as a whole. Not Politics as a topic or way of bringing the ideas, thoughts and wants of the majority to fruition, but as this day and ages unbelievably despotic, nepotist, unqualified, greedy, uncaring and morally bankrupt people who have shaped modern day politics into suits and pant-suits wearing clowns of incomprehensible stupidity and self-serving assholes - and they get paid to be that way.
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(May 08, 2015, 11:39 am)bob5695 Wrote: i'd ban evil.
Agree. I'd also ban sickness and me not having loot!!!!
Wow I agree with all opinions...
Oh, anotherthing, mean people and assholes... no need for them at all...
Last Active: May 25, 2017
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Last Active: Nov 19, 2024
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Would you guys agree that marriage should be banned?
If you absolutely love a person, want to spend time together, have kids, and die together or whatnot, why would you have to pay so much money for a piece of steel to be inserted around the finger of your partner and utter words that an (paedophile) intermediary that is not involved in your marriage dictates to you?
A former friend of mine once said, "marriage is a legal but less sincere form of prostitution." With prostitutes, at least you are guaranteed sex, albeit it might be a little dangerous if the hooker has STD.