New MST-HD Remaster project
amazing work, thank you
I vote green, wizard of oz vibe in addition to being more pleasant visually
I like the red for the old school vibe. It's what I'm used to seeing and feels more official, I guess. Like the stanchions inside movie theaters.

I do agree that green is less distracting, maybe, but I don't mind comforting distractions. Especially one covering something even more distracting like dematerialization! I don't want to have to keep worrying that Joike and the 'Bots got killed so I'm glad for the curtains!
The whole thing is just brilliant. The curtain idea to cover the aspect ratio difference is just inspired. I don't think you should get bogged down in the minutiae of the curtains. Honestly, colors are subjective and you could just swap them every episode or season. Again, GREAT JOB and I look fwd to seeing some of these finished. Big Grin
I personally prefer how Riffling did it, adding a retractable tube the host and the Bots could walk in and out through. But the curtains do look pretty good and I'm not partial to any particular color.
I personally think the red curtains are ideal, and are very similar to what they have in the Gizmoplex this season. But the doorway sequence looks great too.
Applause, applause!
If we're still taking votes, I vote for red.
So is this project years and years from completion?
Decades even

I've been in touch with Riffling who has set me up with deinterlaced, upressed footage of the silhouettes and host segments. This means the project is getting a major facelift in terms of quality. It also means going in and replacing all those elements with what Riffling sent me. Just re-compositing the final countdown door took me 3 days (in my spare time).

All that is nearly done, though. I'm close to having a rough cut with Riffling's elements included. Of course with every change I make, it opens up the possibility for new mistakes/glitches, so I'll need to watch the whole thing and likely make numerous fixes before I can consider it complete.

So it's getting close. I'm also working full time, packing up to move, and I've applied and interviewed for a new job during all this.

I appreciate all the enthusiasm I've seen on here. It does keep me from letting the project slip. The footage looked good before, and it looks GREAT now (thank you Riffling!).
So please just hold out a little longer and I think you'll be quite happy with the results.
This will be really awesome. Good luck with everything.

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