Any free software that does this is will be using FFMPEG - I guess you could use handbrake. Not sure if it will allow you not to compress what is kept though...
But it's pretty simple:
* Install FFMPEG if it's not on your system already ->
* Identify the order of the audio streams in your video. FFMPEG will identify them as 0:a:0, 0:a:1, 0:a:2, 0:a:4 etc - For this instance let's assume that English is the first audio track and there are 2 other tracks you wish to remove
* Open a text editor to carefully construct your command (for easy restructuring and later use when you get it right) like this:
* * ffmpeg -i original_file.mkv // this tells ffmpeg to open original_file.mkv for processing
* * -map 0 // this tells ffmpeg to include ALL streams
* * -map -0:a:1 // This tells ffmpeg to exclude the second audio stream
* * -map -0:a:2 // This tells ffmpeg to exclude the third audio stream
* * -c copy new_filename.mkv // This tells ffmpeg to dump everything else without compression to your new_filname.mkv
* * Your command should look likes this now: ffmpeg -i original_file.mkv -map 0 -map -0:a:1 -map -0:a:2 -c copy new_filename.mkv
* Open cmd (assuming you are on windows)
* Copy and paste your command into the commandline and hit enter
EDIT: Found a GUI frontend for windozers