I need a program that change audio from multiple languages to just English in some video files does anybody know any program for Windows 10 that would will do this for free
That doesn’t look like that is very hard to do is there easier and simpler way to do this
Any free software that does this is will be using FFMPEG - I guess you could use handbrake. Not sure if it will allow you not to compress what is kept though...
But it's pretty simple:
* Install FFMPEG if it's not on your system already ->
* Identify the order of the audio streams in your video. FFMPEG will identify them as 0:a:0, 0:a:1, 0:a:2, 0:a:4 etc - For this instance let's assume that English is the first audio track and there are 2 other tracks you wish to remove
* Open a text editor to carefully construct your command (for easy restructuring and later use when you get it right) like this:
* * ffmpeg -i original_file.mkv // this tells ffmpeg to open original_file.mkv for processing
* * -map 0 // this tells ffmpeg to include ALL streams
* * -map -0:a:1 // This tells ffmpeg to exclude the second audio stream
* * -map -0:a:2 // This tells ffmpeg to exclude the third audio stream
* * -c copy new_filename.mkv // This tells ffmpeg to dump everything else without compression to your new_filname.mkv
* * Your command should look likes this now: ffmpeg -i original_file.mkv -map 0 -map -0:a:1 -map -0:a:2 -c copy new_filename.mkv
* Open cmd (assuming you are on windows)
* Copy and paste your command into the commandline and hit enter
EDIT: Found a GUI frontend for windozers
That’s too complicated for me and I am in HandBrake and it shows the audio track it shows Spanish is audio track 1 and English is audio track 2 how do I remove audio track 1 using HandBrake
I googled "handbrake remove audio tracks" and this was the first result:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gqXOeoD-HM (I know video, right, so annoying or?)
Second result:
TL;DR: MKVtool / MKVtoolnix is probably what you are looking for
Unless you feel like learning how to use the all types of media files swiss army knife that is ffmpeg... (check out the windows gui I linked to previously)
IF you have FFMPEG installed AND this is true:
"Spanish is audio track 1 and English is audio track 2",
Here is the ffmpeg command that will work for you:
ffmpeg -i original_file.mkv -map 0 -map -0:a:0 -c copy new_filename.mkv
Be sure to change "original_file.mkv" to the actual filename and "new_filename.mkv" to what you want your fixed copy to be called
Well I watched that video and it doesn’t do want to do because that removes all audio I don’t want to do that.
That FFMPEG is too complicated for me I don’t understand how to do that