Coronavirus COVID-19
i read from some books, virus is easily to mutate/evolute. how if we still research for vaccines but there is already exist another new corona virus? sound scarry?
RNA virii mutate easily as they are inherently unstable. Which also makes it the most adaptable. Coronavirus is similar to the common cold boogers, and there has beeen research into making vaccines against them since Edward Jenner.

The problem is the vaccines. The human immune system is extremely complex, with at least a dozen types of immune system cells (White Bllod Cells) and mechanisms of response. And they will respond to different threats in different ways. As will the vaccines used to program the immune system into reacting to specific threats.

The problem with RNA virii is that they can destabilize the immune system into overreacting, known as the 'cytokine storm'.

But a peculiar thing has been known to occur with vaccines to this class of virus. The vaccines work. And will continuie to afford protection. For months to years. UNTIL THEY DONT.

At this point, exposure to the virus, or anything that looks like it to the immune system initiates an enormous positive feedback loop culminating in a Cytokine Storm - typically lethal, as it systemic and not localized (like the lungs in WuFlu).

The classic gold standard for this type of reaction is the Feline FIPS vaccine.

The spike protein being used in the WuFlu vaccine is problematic. Its an ACE2 receptor binder. And also has binding sites for ubiquitous furan proteins and *others* - it was well engineered.

The problem is that the structure of antibodies is by *fit* and not by actual chemical structure. This means that any cellular surface or unbound protein/substance that even closely resembles the spike protein conformations for cellular receptors, can trigger a notable, and even extreme response. Keeping in mind that the vaccine is essentailly similar to one or more cellular receptors, so is likely to have regions similar in shape to functional bodily 'keys' to those receptors.

A good example of this is rheumatic fever/arthritis. Exposue to dental streptocci (or strep throat) in the blood causes the immune system to generate antibodies against the bacterial cell walls of the strep. Problem is that some human muscle/joint tissues resemble the bacterial proteins closely enough so as to be attacked by the immune cells. The antigens are biologically unrelated, but provide a similar 'fit'.

I believe in vaccines. Certainly no anti-vaxxer. But for this one I would wait a year or two for long term results to come through.

And then I would be looking forward to the Common Cold Vaccine.
good news...

fortunately, in my place, all citizen will get covid-19 vaccine by free of charge (subsidized by the government)

i hope all countries will do the same...
There is recent evidence that the spike protein crosses the blood-brain-barrier. Which would mean that any RNA analogue vaccines would do also.

This also raises concerns for inflammatory/autoimmune responses causing psychiatric conditions.

The good news is that these reactions are likely in only a small percentage of population. Probably less than 10%.
But the probability of subclinical manifestations is higher....

This one reason why RNA vaccines typically take many years in development. They often have unpredictable consequences, due to our incomplete knowledge of the immune system. And with this virus, our understaning of its actions is even less. Drug companies are fixated on the ACE-2 receptor functions, while ignoring the CD-142, MHC, and Furan vulnerabilities associated with this virus.

If given a choice, advise to wait a while, and then go for the DNA version.

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