Britains biggest downloader jailed

so what software should people use to encrypt their hard drives ? and once encrypted can we still plug them into media players and play films etc or do we need to enter password etc to unlock content on the drive while attached to pc before we plug drive into media player ???
If you're using software to encrypt a drive's content, you can only use it with a device that also runs the same software. Chances are, your media player doesn't.

But all that is besides the point. He wasn't arrested for downloading.

He "was sent to prison yesterday after admitting infringing copyright, money laundering, transferring criminal property and possessing prohibited weapons."

If downloading was his only offense, we wouldn't know he exists. Encrypted drives may have reduced the number of charges piled on him, but that's about it.
"...........He copied and sold movies and songs, Chichester Crown Court was told......."

Fuck him. He didn't get long enough.
(Dec 06, 2013, 00:58 am)zeitgeistman Wrote: what software should people use to encrypt their hard drives ?

thanks @nik ill look into that , just read this do the security concerns worry you ? later down in this wikipedia entry it says Legal aspects

In 2012 the United States 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a John Doe TrueCrypt user could not be compelled to decrypt several of his hard drives.[55] The court's ruling noted that FBI forensic examiners were unable to get past TrueCrypt's encryption (and therefore were unable to access the data) unless Doe either decrypted the drives or gave the FBI the password, and the court then ruled that Doe's Fifth Amendment right to remain silent legally prevented the Government from making him or her do so. , so that does seem to do the job !

its free correct ?

i also found this software which ive heard of before ..what do you think of that ?

thanks for any help : )

(Dec 06, 2013, 04:23 am)NIK Wrote:
(Dec 06, 2013, 00:58 am)zeitgeistman Wrote: what software should people use to encrypt their hard drives ?

If you read those security concerns, none of them are a real damning type. Noone's going to bust into a TrueCrypt protected drive that has a strong password if your password isn't obtained elsewhere (telling someone you password, victim of keylogger). If you use the hidden volume (recommended), you can even plausibly deny having material on your computer.

TrueCrypt is free, not sure if it is open source, but it is definitely free.

(Dec 06, 2013, 01:24 am)kjf Wrote: He "was sent to prison yesterday after admitting infringing copyright, money laundering, transferring criminal property and possessing prohibited weapons."

Dirtbag Tongue
(Dec 06, 2013, 13:30 pm)zeitgeistman Wrote: the court then ruled that Doe's Fifth Amendment right to remain silent legally prevented the Government from making him or her do so.

that's not entirely true.

the argument against being ordered by the court to decrypt a hard disk for the court is dependent on if the government can convince the judge that they already know what is on the drives.

in the case you are citing (involving jeffrey feldman), the government was not able to convince the court that they knew what was on the encrypted drives (despite the obvious child porn related file names) and as such, decrypting the drive would have been self incriminatory which is why he was only arrested on suspicion of possessing child pornography and no formal charges were made.

in a very similar case, the court did in fact order a defendant to decrypt their hard disks in which they refused and were held in contempt. i'm not sure if they have even been released yet.

so, you can try to fuck the government by encrypting your hard drive, but they'll more than likely just fuck you back.

the good news is that the government is probably not going to care about your pirated copies of mlp; it's usually not even worth the expense of pressing charges... but it's probably still a good idea to encrypt your storage devices.
It's free.

It's "source available" rather than strictly "open source" but it's a similar concept and it's less risky imo than any closed source proprietary offering from a major US corporation.

It's not perfect. Does that worry me? Not unduly. No security product is or ever can be perfect. The truth is that if "the authorities" ever take that great an interest in you, they will totally fuck you over no matter what. That's not why you protect yourself. You encrypt your drives so that if they're ever lost or stolen your entire life isn't laid bare to anyone and everyone who plugs them in.

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