Justification of Using Leaked Content

Just when I thought I understood piracy, I just walked into another wall.

Time and time again, I keep asking myself that if I started a company, would I tolerate piracy. After a bit of soul searching and rationalising, I have actually found it within me that I will, to an reasonable extent.

Now, that extent grew shorter. I keep seeing pre-releases, when the same people who would say they won't pay for so-and-so software actually downloading before it was released, yet continue to lampoon, but also use it, it's kind of a little going too far.

I love piracy. I started out knowing nothing about computers as no one is born with the knowledge about anything. Yet, piracy has taught me how to use certain aspects of digital media and save money. I've been poor before, and without a high-speed connection. But if you're going to do something like pirating a work that is not yet released before, what kind of justification do you have for that?

I fully recognise that BS the money argument that the copyright trolls put out that artists are starving is what it sounds like: BS. But if you're going to pirate someting that has not yet been released, let alone cracked clean of all software protections, you're not only making life harder for the originator of the product, you're invading their privacy. Now, I also fully reaslise that leaking of drafts containing law proposals that hinder our rights as world citizens is good, However, I don't have any justification against using leaked content.

Some may call me a hypocrite, or a liar, and maybe I am. As a person who thinks he has the morals, I don't use, or don't need to pirate leaked stuff. I also don't find any justification to use pre-releases.

Well, I am myself and not you, so I won't judge you either. What do you have to say about this issue? Do you agree? Disagree? Say something.
Why do you need to justify it at all? Either you want to download it or you don't. If others want to download an unfinished product, that's their choice.

If a pre-release of something isn't available, the same people would have just downloaded the final release when it came out.

Access to the pre-release doesn't make much difference to the development path of the final product except maybe to the marketing wanks.

Yea, the people complaining about the quality of a pre-release need to STFU, but that's about it.

I don't bother much with them but I'm not going to put much thought into those that do.
Quote:But if you're going to do something like pirating a work that is not yet released before, what kind of justification do you have for that?

Well, if it ain't released yet, then why is there a copy to exploit?
I'll tell you why. Because these rich bitches pass out free copies to each other.
People that CAN afford to get their own copy, mind you,
are getting free previews (in my example anyways) of movies.

We're talking about a class of people who pay fortunes to bus in water from other parts of the world to keep the lawn green at one of their many mansions. Then dare to cry to the world how they're somehow shafted in pay from piracy, while regular people are just trying to make it to the next payday, week after week.

Then these "holier than thou" privileged people keep it in their circle. Heaven forbid we ever see a new face on the screen, spreading the wealth to others. Oh No! Look at Seth Rogan and James Franco. Always making movies with the same friends they already made other movies with. Ben Stiller is another one. How many movies he done with bent nose Owen Wilson? 

THAT's my justification. Pay is totally an imbalanced system.
They live insanely lavishly and act like it ain't enough.

That said, back to the top of my rant, Grrrr......
Any production that belts out free copies to whoever, for whatever reason.
if their shit gets leaked, then that shit is on THEM and no one else.

Perhaps they'll clean their own houses, instead of the maid with the DVD ripping laptop.
Imagine Meryl Streep vacuuming her own red carpet.
Oh no, not REAL work!

Okay, rant really over now. Peace Smile
My usual argument is, if you make something good enough, piracy doesn't matter. Enough nonpirates will buy it and you'll make a decent amount of cash.

South Park takes on the topic with their usual insight. Smile

Well, I'm not just talking about plain-face piracy, I'm talking about hot-off-the-press piracy, like leaked content.

The way I see it is that it's going too far. I don't know if I used leaked content before, but I certainly don't do it now.
The only way a pre-release would be available for piracy is if someone working on it leaked it. Some companies do that on purpose to generate some sort of buzz about it.

If it's only you working on it, it can't be leaked except by you.

99% of all pre-release content leaked is actually on purpose.

Not really sure what you are worried about.

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