Wikipedia English Full and More

I am a Wikipedian and seeder. I'd like to get our torrents up to date on thepiratebay because a lot of us are seeding, and not many are leeching! There are outdated catalogs of the entire English Wikipedia on the site which can easily be replaced with fresh strong torrents. If possible, please add the 20220101 edition of the English Wikipedia to your search. Here is where the torrents are: Data dump torrents - Meta (

Do you know of Kiwix doing full Wikipedia in an easy downloadable form that can be very simply deployed or used? This is more up-to-date.
I am importing the database into Xowa now, information on applications which can launch the 20gb file can be found here: WikipediaBig Grinatabase download - Wikipedia

Please add the torrent to the website, it is heavily seeded. 

Unless one is a graduate student in psychology that is working on a psychopathology online project, I would very strongly recommend against having anything to do with this.  I am a former contributor to Wikipedia and have some knowledge of where the rabbit hole goes.

( . . . and NO, I was never "blocked" or "banned" from Wikipedia;  I simply took the red pill when it was offered)
Having a backup of Wikipedia is essential to some survivalists. What happens if the whole world burns? What kind of access to knowledge will you have? Sharing offline versions with the world is also rewarding. In some places, they have computers but little access to internet and educational materials. Cuba uses an offline version of Wikipedia, and a Jail in Wyoming does also. It is a good project, the sum of the world's knowledge in one place, constantly updating with new information and articles which link to others. There are also news reports of balloons with copies of Wikipedia being flown in from South Korea into North Korea. I'd appreciate if thepiratebay helped by adding this torrent.
I'd help right away if I can!

The E-book site is pretty weak though. I expected better than a site that prices its articles that are otherwise available for free.

I'm hoping this project gets off the ground.

I'm taken a headache pill.
(Sep 04, 2022, 14:18 pm)WikipedianSeeder Wrote: Having a backup of Wikipedia is essential to some survivalists. What happens if the whole world burns? What kind of access to knowledge will you have? Sharing offline versions with the world is also rewarding. In some places, they have computers but little access to internet and educational materials. Cuba uses an offline version of Wikipedia, and a Jail in Wyoming does also. It is a good project, the sum of the world's knowledge in one place, constantly updating with new information and articles which link to others. There are also news reports of balloons with copies of Wikipedia being flown in from South Korea into North Korea. I'd appreciate if thepiratebay helped by adding this torrent.

Wow.  Just . . . wow.  You got it bad.

For the record, I'm not one of those Wikipedia/Wikimedia critics who insist that Wikipedia is cult.  From my perspective, Wikipedia has many cult aspects, but not quite enough to make it an actual cult.  However, when I see brain droppings like this it serves as a strong reminder of why so many critics insist it is a cult.
(Sep 04, 2022, 12:29 pm)CaptButler Wrote: I am a former contributor to Wikipedia and have some knowledge of where the rabbit hole goes.
Yes, indeed. The few people, who I know actually worked on it, never have said anything good on. In short it's a mess that shall be touched with a borkiilion kilomtre-wide stick. It has issues, one can say "too many." The editions in local languages are worse.

I don't lower its value, it can be of some light use. I just acknowledge the problem.

To WikipedianSeeder
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