Why some people prefers filelockers instead of torrents?
(Feb 11, 2018, 01:39 am)politux Wrote: Have you tried not living in a shithole?

That's not very civilized of you. Back in the days an insult like that would earn your a warning if not a ban + removal of your skull. 

I was born and bred in Denmark, but I fail to see what that has to do with the topic. 

@joew771 we are talking about direct download sites like mega and the like. Also known as cyberlockers.
(Feb 11, 2018, 01:39 am)politux Wrote: Have you tried not living in a shithole?

I see it with humor, but need to say people easily forget...

Some people can't choose where to live and that avoids unbalanced, unsustainable migration but implies an unfair (also unbalanced) headhunting practice: Talents are wanted and can move, leaving the place where they're needed most to go somewhere with already so many and full support to create more. From Timor to Iceland and from Kansas to Washington, a migration has a loosing and a winning end.

Also wait the new charging and control policies... Soon you will realise the world is intertwined and as the last 2000 years of wars and oppression and ruse have shown, first world citizens are slaves as much as anyone. Unless you can have your own country and pass your absolutist law.

If not, your choice is to go revolutionary and probably die or worse, or submit.

But yeah, lol, living here has it's drawbacks. And actually stinks. Please come visit ?
If folks want to pay they should stay clear of “file lockers” or “direct-dl” or which ever. They are all run by russians, euro trash or fatso’s like kim . com. Look into usenet if you are willing to pay, usenetservers are good combined with DrunkenSlug/Bin Search.
(Feb 11, 2018, 10:17 am)dueda Wrote:
(Feb 11, 2018, 01:39 am)politux Wrote: Have you tried not living in a shithole?

I see it with humor, but need to say people easily forget...

Some people can't choose where to live and that avoids unbalanced, unsustainable migration but implies an unfair (also unbalanced) headhunting practice: Talents are wanted and can move, leaving the place where they're needed most to go somewhere with already so many and full support to create more. From Timor to Iceland and from Kansas to Washington, a migration has a loosing and a winning end.

Also wait the new charging and control policies... Soon you will realise the world is intertwined and as the last 2000 years of wars and oppression and ruse have shown, first world citizens are slaves as much as anyone. Unless you can have your own country and pass your absolutist law.

If not, your choice is to go revolutionary and probably die or worse, or submit.

But yeah, lol, living here has it's drawbacks. And actually stinks. Please come visit ?

Uhm I dont know where you are at. I'm in a third world country by choice cause europe is turning into neo fascist paradise complete with police brutality, insane survailance and rules upon rules to make you succumb to the system unless you belong to the elite. Every normal being is a debt slave deeply trapped in mortgages they can never pay. Local govt has set up annonymous rat on your neighbour services, etc etc etc. I lost a lot of priviledges moving here, but I got freedom in return. I got peace. I got love. I got happyness. Some people prefer material luxury over those things. They are stupid if you ask me...

(Feb 11, 2018, 10:36 am)Sr_Soil Wrote: If folks want to pay they should stay clear of “file lockers” or “direct-dl” or which ever. They are all run by russians, euro trash or fatso’s like kim . com. Look into usenet if you are willing to pay, usenetservers are good combined with DrunkenSlug/Bin Search.

Hmm. Im ambivalent towards kim. As a person I find him disgusting. But he was a filesharing pioneer, and carried the fight all the way. Also, agreeing 100% on the usenet advice. When I had proper internets, I paid 10$ a month for unlimited dl with 4 years retention. I was using linux back then (still do). Forgot the name of the usenet client. But it was a gold trove of niche stuff like obscure world music and cinema etc. Not to mention ebooks...
(Feb 11, 2018, 10:36 am)Sr_Soil Wrote: If folks want to pay they should stay clear of “file lockers” or “direct-dl” or which ever. They are all run by russians, euro trash or fatso’s like kim . com. Look into usenet if you are willing to pay, usenetservers are good combined with DrunkenSlug/Bin Search.

Good old usenet, but it was practically locked by the American anti- pedophile initiative. It was easy to find a free entry point to it and NNTP offered an even simpler way to get files per category of interest. Now it is paid and monitored, scaring people away. 

File sites will remain popular, maybe more than torrents... Maybe the RIAA will shut down torrent sites while playing leniency to file sites until they manage to seize the market and that would be another reason...

And what about russians? Euro fatsos? Goldman Sachs was not Putin's. Obesity is global.
(Feb 11, 2018, 12:45 pm)dueda Wrote: Obesity is global.

Like i've stated before, obesity is an epidemic that spreads in working poor communities. It wasn't a thing before the reagan/thatcher doctrine kicked in. Now it's global because that doctrine has been enforced worldwide over close to 4 decades now. This is all very well documented. Being fat used to be a sign of riches. but today if you wanna show off your resourcefulness you go to gym or run every morning. And thats what those who can afford it / have the time and mental surplus to do it do. And if you don't, the people at your work place will scuff at you. You are marked. These are the biopolitics Foucault talked about.

Anyway, back on topic. As far as I know usenet is still alive and kicking and you can get free subscriptions with low badnwidth/retention + cap on your dls, but still...

And if you're not a hoodlum scuffling for money in a shithole like me, you can get unlimited with 4 years retention for 10$ a month. Which is what? One crappy burger meal?

Protip: If you worry about the color of your skull its a shortcut to consistently providing rare torrent content no one else can find.

(My skull is still green btw. On my end at least. Dunno whats up with SB. It's six months now they make me purple here and demonS assured me it would change at TPB real soon as well. Not that I give a fuck)

Angel Angel Angel
...and with that lets all return to the actual topic: why do some people prefer filelockers to torrents?

If you want to post about anything else, find or create a thread about that.

On topic: I dont care how fat Kim dot com is. Megaupload was awesome and we used it plenty to share files easily here on SB. Headbangers ode to Elin is a good example. DemonS's video for for ill88eagle shut's up and plays the flute is another. And the new mega is awesome. I see nothing wrong with cyberlockers. It's filesharing. One model is as valid is another. Dot com tried real hard to make it possible and still does. And he's getting rich of the add revenue just like the TPB founders did / the ones left are. And there were never any rogue adds in play on that site. Still none at mega. So why the butthurt?

Off topic: Dear mr. SID (The name of my favorite 8bit computer synthesizer chip btw) how is it on topic to tell a poster to not live in a shithole in the middle of a discussion about cyberlockers? I think you will apreciate that the lack of moderation in that case leaves posters to believe theres a laizzes faire slack, which suddenly there is not ???

Sid edited Feb 11, 2018 19:53 pm this post because:

It isn't, which is why I included the word "all" in my modcall.

(Feb 10, 2018, 15:57 pm)ill88eagle Wrote: 10. If youre on a limited/capped connection wasting bandwidth on seeding back while downloading is a bad idea
True, but buy the same tocken, if u'r not seeing, you are taking without offering anything as well.

Two different systems for one.
(Feb 11, 2018, 19:11 pm)Tech Wrote:
(Feb 10, 2018, 15:57 pm)ill88eagle Wrote: 10. If youre on a limited/capped connection wasting bandwidth on seeding back while downloading is a bad idea
True, but buy the same tocken, if u'r not seeing, you are taking without offering anything as well.

Two different systems for one.

You cant compare the two systems. For me to share something with the rest of the world on a slow as fuck connection that cost me $ by the megabyte I use I just cant afford to torrent. I use google drive or mega. If its safe shit I use the former, If its not I use the latter cause it provides end to end encryption. TPB dont provide end to end encryption btw. You enter a torrent swarm and youre completely exposed unless you are using vpn and/seedbox. With mega I upload only once and I can share it infininitely without worrying about keeping my shit alive by spending ,ore bucks on bandwidth. 

Let me tell yall something. Where I come from I had unlimitid internets at 20/20 megabits for 20$ a month. Where I'm at now to get 5/5 megabits with a cap of 300 Gb you pay 100$/month. Thts more than the avarage monthly salary here. This is a good example of how foreign investors rape third world countries but lets stay on topic.

Simple economics. You manage what you have. The idealistic sharing of torrenting is a priviedge you cant aford in a place like Ghana. You might be able to afford downloading sometjhing in as much as you dont seed back. I can pack my phome with 1 Gb data for 2.5$. That will land me one movie provided I get the crappy yiffy one. And provided I dont seed back. Now you can call this place a shithole, but who are the assholes bumping up the prices while its cheap as fuck where they live?

So riddle me this: If I choose to share something on mega or google drive. Or I choose to download something from a cyberlocker rather than torrent. How does that make me a selfish leecher?

The SB logo right now says sharing is caring. Does it really matter if I share via cyberlocker or via torrent?

Is it because we have to boast of our e-peenor that we have to torrent rather than save bucks?

I count my pennies. Otherwise I wouldnt be alive by now.

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