Which TV series from today will stand the test of time?
I am going to jump in and say Games of Thrones -- because....

it is one of those shows that doesn't use Hollywood to save the good guy. i was surprised all through the 4 seasons that it has been on. most hows are designed around the idea of the good guys always getting out of a bad situations and this one is NOT like that at all. The acting is quite on the mark as to how blood thirsty and power hungry people can really be.

but what gets me the most -- out of all the shows i d/l -- game of thrones is always in the 100,000's for seeders. thats pretty strong.
Good point.

GoT also won't "date" in the way a series like Grey's Anatomy will--as medical advances will make it look like we are [were] giving people a bottle of brandy to swig from while we sawed their legs off.

And no doubt special effects technologies will improve, but the dragons in GoT are credible, and the rest of it is fairly low tech so that will still look OK.
I don't think any show can stand the test of time as what inspires a generation will change from generation to generation..

star wars worked because the story was far ahead of its time and the folks who loved it then, love it now and more importantly actively promote it which leads to folks from the later generation, like me, to watch the show and see for themselves what the fuss is all about

personally i found it ok..

folks of the current generation likes Game of thrones as they are saturated with stuff like batman, spiderman etc where everything was black and white and now GOT offers them something that's GREY.. and yes im sure as a fan of GOT i will actively promote for the rest of my life

i dunno what folks from the next generation will like.. may be they will develop reality tv to the point where it actually becomes interesting.. who knows
Apart from the GOT fans, I think the reason it's difficult to come up with current tv shows that will still be watched in 50 years time, is that they will all eventually be replaced with a similar.

I like violent action dramas and when OZ finished, I followed The Sopranos, The Shield, then Sons of Anarchy. In 10 years time (nevermind 50), I know those shows will be largely forgotten because something newer and more exciting will have come along to fill the void, and soon enough they'll be replaced with another. For something to defy that entertainment conveyor belt, it needs to be ahead of its time, so sci-fi shows will always dominate in that respect.
(May 13, 2014, 07:32 am)cakemafia Wrote: I don't think any show can stand the test of time...

star wars worked...

Have you not just contradicted yourself? [OK, Star Wars was a movie series but people now watch it on TV.]

(May 13, 2014, 12:43 pm)Spud17 Wrote: Apart from the GOT fans, I think the reason it's difficult to come up with current tv shows that will still be watched in 50 years time, is that they will all eventually be replaced with a similar.

Hmmm, could be something in that. Particularly in our increasingly sequel/remake/rebook driven world of entertainment.

But then you could argue that a big part of the reason the original Star Trek is still being watched is precisely because it has been replaced with spin-offs (ie. very similar). The current generation gets hooked on something contemporary then wants to see the "real thing".
In the future, The Big Bang Theory will be watched for its nostalgia; just like That '70s Show is today.
Having thought about this a bit more, I watched Star Trek when I was a kid, probably several times, and I loved it and I remember it...but I haven't actually seen it or even heard of it being shown for many many years. That's similar to the Twilight Zone, though it wasn't the original I saw but the remake, and I only recall seeing it once.

So perhaps the original premise of this thread is somewhat faulty. You might watch shows when you're a kid and then show them to your kids 20 or even 30 years later but perhaps nothing has ever lasted longer than that.

I know there are channels dedicated to re-runs of old shows, but from what I've seen (which I admit is very little) they tend to go back only to the 80's.
(May 13, 2014, 16:59 pm)NIK Wrote: But then you could argue that a big part of the reason the original Star Trek is still being watched is precisely because it has been replaced with spin-offs (ie. very similar). The current generation gets hooked on something contemporary then wants to see the "real thing".

I agree. Star Trek was popular because of its longevity, even when each spin-off was different from the last. If they made a few more spin-offs I'm sure it will be watched 70 years from now, but they'll have to keep it going. Apart from Dr Who, I can't think of any other current sci-fi show that could have that kind of cross-generation following, its sucess is due partly to its durability.

(May 13, 2014, 23:06 pm)NIK Wrote: So perhaps the original premise of this thread is somewhat faulty. You might watch shows when you're a kid and then show them to your kids 20 or even 30 years later but perhaps nothing has ever lasted longer than that.

I don't think the premise is faulty, it's just that with tv and mass produced visual entertainment being fairly recent creations, there isn't a great deal to compare to. Maybe in 10 years from now, we could ask the same question, and if there are no more Star Trek spin-offs, and no more Dr Who seasons, I'm sure they will seem dated and forgotten by newer generations.

Another factor that might affect the answers to the original question are the viewing opportunities of the future. If future generations watch the majority of their tv on their own, on hand held devices and PCs, they're likely to follow something that is new and appeals to their age group, whereas kids in a household with just a tv, are more likely to watch what the majority of their family wants to watch, and that means whatever's on prime-time tv, and probably the main reason why long-established soap-operas will never die.

The british soap-opera Coronation Street (which I personally hate and wish it would defy gravity and fall off the earth, along with all the others), began in 1960 and is still watched by millions of people today, and I'd wager that because it will still be around 50 years from now, it will be one of the two most sucessful tv shows in history. The other one will be Dr Who, and it's down to viewer popularity and fits nicely into the UK ratings war. The BBC would never stop making Dr Who, besides, it's been going as long as ITV's Coronation Street, they're like their televisual heavy artillery.

If you look at the top 20 shows of the 1960s, you'll see Dr Who and Coronation Street in there, which are both still current today. The same 2 shows are listed in the top 20 1970s shows, and none of the other shows in both lists, except for Star Trek (sorta), are around today.

When you get to the 1980s, you see the start of the bumper series, where shows run for 10 seasons on average (but not always) and are hugely popular. The Simpsons is still going, whereas Seinfeld is not, and in the 1990's you have bumper series like The Sopranos, Friends, and Frasier, which are no longer current, alongside Family Guy, which is. Bumper series shows tend to be repeated to death on all channels, examples include those I've just mentioned, and others like The Big Bang Theory, South Park, and others, but my point is they're on all the time and will gain new fans years and years after they've ended. These are the kinds of shows that stand some chance of being watched 50 years from now, if the endless repeats continue.
I think Nashville
star trek and doctor who ?

they allready tested by time
by a long long time
they live and sound
and will keep hanging around

well, maybe The Twilight Saga, who knows

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