What is life in prison like
This all begs the question, what exactly do you call freedom?
In 1979, the year I was born, the new regime of Iran banned music. This very year, Denmark, where I was born, banned burkas. That's the thing the muslim females wear to cover their hair. Most laws are passed to ensure votes / control the masses, not to do anything for the general good of the people.

Most of the heroes we celebrate were "criminals". Jesus included. He whipped the shit out of the sellers outside the temple and incited revolution by telling people how to think for themselves. That was a crime at that time. Still is.

In Ghana, and most of Africa Ghadaffi is a hero. He created an almost classless society with free healthcare, education, housing AND food by seizing the resources of his country. Look what happened to him. Ask yourself why. Today Libya is a fucked up mess of mass killings. Thank you UN and US for enforcing what law again? Dont get me started on Palestine.

According to the late Phillip K Dick, the [roman] empire never ended. We are still trapped inside the black iron prison as he called it. I very much agree with that notion. Accepting status quo is not a sign of maturity. It's a sign of resignation, which arguably comes with age.

Let me go full circle with this brilliant piece of words:

Frank Zappa (1979) Wrote:Desperate nerds in high offices all over the world have been known to enact the most disgusting pieces of legislation in order to win votes (or, in places where they don't get to vote, to control unwanted forms of mass behavior)
Environmental laws were not passed to protect our air and water... they were passed to get votes. Seasonal anti-smut campaigns are not conducted to rid our communities of moral rot...they are conducted to give an aura of saintliness to the office-seekers who demand them. If a few key phrases are thrown into any speech (as the expert advisors explain to these various heads of state) votes will roll in, bucks will roll in, and, most importantly, power will be maintained by the groovy guy (or gal) who gets the most media coverage for his sleaze. Naturally, his friends in various businesses will do okay too
All governments perpetuate themselves through the daily commission of act which a rational person might find to be stupid or dangerous (or both). Naturally, our government is no exception... for instance, if the President (any one of them) went on TV and sat there with the flag in the background (or maybe a rustic scene on a little backdrop, plus the flag) and stared sincerely into the camera and told everybody that all energy problems and all inflationary problems had been traced to and could be solved by the abolition of music, chances are that most people would believe him and think that the illegalization of this obnoxious form of noise pollution would be a small price to pay for the chance to buy gas like the good ol' days. No way? Never happen? Records are made out of oil. All those big rock shows go from town to town in fuel-gobbling 45 foot trucks...and when they get there, they use up enormous amounts of electrical energy with their lights, their amplifiers, their PA systems...their smoke machines. And all those synthesizers...look at all the plastic they got in 'em...and the guitar picks...you name it...
Joe’s Garage is a stupid story about how the government is going to try to do away with music (a prime cause of unwanted mass behavior)! It's sort of like a really cheap kind of high school play...the way it might have been done 20 years ago, with all the sets made out of cardboard boxes and poster paint. It's also like those lectures that local narks used to give (where they show you a display of all the different ways you can get wasted, with the pills leading to the weed leading to the needle, etc., etc.). If the plot of the story seems just a little bit preposterous, and if the idea of The Central Scrutinizer enforcing laws that haven't been passed yet makes you giggle, just be glad you don't live in one of the cheerful little countries where, at this very moment, music is either severely restricted...or, as it is in Iran, totally illegal.

(Jun 29, 2018, 19:49 pm)jerrysmatrix Wrote: This all begs the question, what exactly do you call freedom?

Very good question, for me it's going back to living like those tribes in wild forests.

Of course such big population couldn't live from hunting alone, we would need to breed animals and do farming.
I mean everyone, not only some part of people or big companies like today.
It doesn't solve problem with crime but at least we would live more as nature designed, not like today, morbidly obese people all around with antisocial behavior hidden under fake smiles.

[Image: iWeBvgF.jpg]

People are like zombies nowadays, always with heads in their phones, when home - staring at the computer screen or tv.
Entertainment for our mind but for our bodies it's like sitting for hours in front of a wall, like empty shells.

High-Tech, Low-Life.

I think this topic got out of control, I let it rest  Wink

See you in other topics  Big Grin
(Jun 29, 2018, 23:21 pm)Mr.Masami Wrote: Very good question, for me it's going back to living like those tribes in wild forests.

Of course such big population couldn't live from hunting alone, we would need to breed animals and do farming.
I mean everyone, not only some part of people or big companies like today.
It doesn't solve problem with crime but at least we would live more as nature designed, not like today, morbidly obese people all around with antisocial behavior hidden under fake smiles.

Image: https://i.imgur.com/iWeBvgF.jpg

People are like zombies nowadays, always with heads in their phones, when home - staring at the computer screen or tv.
Entertainment for our mind but for our bodies it's like sitting for hours in front of a wall, like empty shells.

High-Tech, Low-Life.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOovtZXYqj4

I think this topic got out of control, I let it rest  Wink

See you in other topics  Big Grin

Well, symbolically, we are slaves to our own addictions, and there does seem to be a lot of mental illness (that isn't officially classified as mental illness) going around. You have no arguments from me there.
(sorry for taking a break from such interisting discussion,) I come back.

I'm a bit of an anarcho-fascist so to speak. Social democratics like in Switzerland are a starting point, but nothing is black and white, in broad terms people need someone's control. Just I don't like that idea as 99% of time that person do wrongs, and there's no means to control the controller.

Jerry's right, I agree people are dumb. Even intelligent people aren't logical enough to do the right thing. We do mistakes, bad decisions, but when we are methodically, systematically selfish or cruel that's another story. It's crime or worse, corruption.

We have a theory for corrections, but that is not all black and white, especially here. Enough saying criminals issue law changes to be carried by the government.
But that's here. And those are extreme conditions.

Under normal conditions, still people should have the common sense and corrections shouldn't be so needed. But they don't, and the more people on the planet, the more work hours in our lives, the worse. Also note crime is a social fact, created by the existence of laws - Some obviously good, others subtly bad. But more often, the system as a whole is made to control the mass under abuse, and protect the abusers, and protect itself by blocking changes.

I believe more like "psychological welfare" should be offered by the authorities; just putting someone in a jailhouse isn't much good. If the convict will learn from criminals or be in danger inside jail, that is counter-productive. So, imo, penitentiaries are just making problems worse; authorities don't care, unless in Norway and some others.

By this logic I understand I'm correct, even if not black and white, and obviously not on every aspect.
You're also correct about the phone-whilst-driving example, but consider the legislature was obnoxious, there's no point in mentioning -one- particular means to interfere in the driving safety; here it's forbidden to "use any electronic device, or do any kind of activity that can distract or reduce the driver's abilities". No matter if you are using a phone, cigarrete, yo-yo, or a notepad, it's covered. Your congresspeople were dumb enough to pass a poorly-written law. Ours learned from that and closed the holes. Just that was a rare case, usually our legislators are tremendously incompetent.

As people lack common sense, companies lack morals; now cars come with multimedia infotainment as part of the vehicle itself. Our law shouldn't consider it right to play Fruit Ninja or watch football games on the car's touch screen just because it's factory loaded and part of the dashboard, but there's lobby on it.

So, I'm still about screwing to institutions. Even because a high (level 5) crime organization can only exist if one owns a country.
(Jun 30, 2018, 23:50 pm)dueda Wrote: anarcho-fascist
That's an oxymoron at best. No govt but with authoritarian govt? 
I cant think of a system that would accomodate that ideal.
(Jul 02, 2018, 18:34 pm)ill88eagle Wrote:
(Jun 30, 2018, 23:50 pm)dueda Wrote: anarcho-fascist
That's an oxymoron at best. No govt but with authoritarian govt? 
I cant think of a system that would accomodate that ideal.

Indeed. The more I think about it, the more I come to the conclusion we can't take care of ourselves, but also can't rule over others.
Maybe paradox is more like it. We need a deep and broad change, maybe the only way to get to a truly democratic system, as anarchy, is by temporary fascism.
Can anarchy be imposed and regulated? To break with the current models? No idea, very probably not; but as we stand, we're doomed.
(Jul 02, 2018, 20:25 pm)dueda Wrote: Can anarchy be imposed and regulated?

Regulated anarchy sounds like another oxymoron... I guess if "anarchy" is used strategically as a tool to impose change, is it really anarchy? Could just be a campaign for change...War is not anarchy in it's application for a desired result IMO. The actually act and violence can be, but the reason for war is not. I heard a saying that war is only the continuance of politics through other means.

After WWII, when the Russians started raping woman, and unnecessary atrocities were done after the war was won and the point was made, THAT was anarchy as it served no purpose other that to be inhuman (or revenge, whatever they saw it as).

I don't see anarchy or anything else radical that'll change anything in the near future though..
Third stage communism is basically anarchy, but since noone ever will let go of power they obtained voluntarily, no communist regime ever reached that state. Myself, I am an anarcho anything. Heavily left leaning, but with a deep hatred for any kind of authority. Theres a nice meme about Marx and Bakunin:

[Image: c5a.jpg]
As Pink Floyd said: ...another brick in the wall.

I'm feeling sick of this fake freedom,
within the barbaric civilization we're born;
such hegemony of ignorance and hipocrisy.

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