Wacky Gag Commentaries
There was a positive response to the Blood Simple commentary I posted and people started requesting more of these silly "character commentaries" so I've assembled what I suppose could be a master post for as many as I could make.

Blood Simple
I've got a DVD of the Coen brothers neo-noir Blood Simple with a rather unusual commentary track. The Coens scripted an entire commentary delivered by British actor Jim Piddick (various Christopher Guest movies) as a fake film historian dryly delivering made-up trivia about the movie, such as the opening scene had to be filmed backwards and upside down to create the right visual effect and this was very tough on the actors. It's not a riff exactly, but it is very funny and I thought it might be of interest here. Anyway, I pulled the commentary from my DVD and attached it to a HD file pulled from a Criterion blu ray. Subs and chapter headings are also included.



This bizarre and surreal dada comedy from Steven Soderbergh has yet to make the leap to blu ray, but I did find a HD copy pulled from Criterion Channel. The original audio is included along with a very silly commentary of Steven Soderbergh interviewing himself and a regular cast and crew commentary. Subs are included.


Bubba Ho-Tep
One of my favorites. Original audio included, along with a commentary track of writer/director Don Coscarelli and Bruce Campbell and a commentary track of Bruce Campbell as "The King." Subs and chapter titles are included.


Cannibal! The Musical
This early effort from Trey Parker and Matt Stone is an amateurish delight, and much sweeter than a musical named Cannibal has any right to be. It has yet to find its way to HD, so I pulled this directly off of the Troma 35th Anniversary Shpadoinkle Edition DVD. Original audio is included along with the infamous sloppy drunk commentary as well as a newer commentary featuring people involved with the production who weren't on the original commentary.


This Is Spinal Tap
No need to explain this one. We all know this movie. I have included the original out of print Criterion commentaries featuring the actors and filmmakers as well as the MGM commentary with the cast in character as the band. Subs and chapter titles included.


Tropic Thunder
You may recall Robert Downey Jr.'s actor character Kirk Lazarus saying that he doesn't break character until after he's recorded the DVD commentary. Sure enough, this version includes a regular commentary with the filmmakers, and an actors' commentary with RDJ as Kirk Lazarus as Lincoln Osiris, although he does occasionally hand the mic off to RDJ. It's a hoot. I pulled this one from my director's cut blu ray.


I realize that most of these are very large files. I apologize to those for whom that is a problem. I just really value picture quality.
Oh man, I love all of these...thanks!!!
it's like the return of Shibby !
Thanks pal
Thanks alansmithee99!
I have all of these commentaries in SD. A couple I have SD without commentary and HD without. Thank you for the upgrades.
Yeah, well, spoke to soon. I wasn't able to download these. Too big for my crappy HP laptop and unreliable net access. Especially wanted that Schizopolis and Ho-Tep, but after trying about five times, time to give up. Thanks anyway.

Edit: I'll just suffer my SD copies. Ah, First World problems...
Oh alansmithee99, I love you! I've finally had some wi-fi luck and got Schizopolis and will watch it until the sun burns out. Oh, Ho-Tep. You're next!
This fucking rules!
(Jul 18, 2021, 23:30 pm)Meat Trademark Wrote: Oh alansmithee99, I love you! I've finally had some wi-fi luck and got Schizopolis and will watch it until the sun burns out. Oh, Ho-Tep. You're next!

Oh good. I'm glad you were able to download it. If you can't download another one for a while, don't worry. I have no plans to take these down any time soon.

(Jul 19, 2021, 19:28 pm)DingusMcGee Wrote: This fucking rules!


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