Updating Jokes for Modern Sensibilities
(Dec 20, 2021, 23:14 pm)Rifftrax_Official Wrote: I retract the phrase "moral failing" and apologize.

I meant mental illness.

I had wanted to stay out of this but can someone, in a position to, PLEASE get this troll out of here.  This is not a place where we have to put up with this BS moralizing-and-backpedaling-to-call-it-mental-illness. 

Hey, RT_O, if you're so super-duper-yippy-look-at-me popular on here, go ahead and tell us what your other handle is.  I'd imagine a lot of us would love to recognize what your contributions are!  Won't happen.  Please go away, you are not wanted here.

stormium edited Dec 22, 2021 06:03 am this post because:

the topic is: updating jokes for modern sensibilities.

(Dec 21, 2021, 14:05 pm)kkt Wrote:
WangDoodle Wrote:Don't you get cramps in your legs from having to toe the party line all day?

this little gem reveals a lot more about you than it does about your perceived 'opponents'.

RiffTrax_Official Wrote:I'm actually super-duper-popular here. Obviously, this is a throw-away account.

Rolleyes sure. lol. we totally believe you.

it's also amusing you think admitting to cowardice will make you look good somehow. 

you say that you don't even have the courage of your own convictions and hide behind a second account, all while lambasting others for their perceived faults? whether you're lying or not, either way it's just just embarrassing and makes you look bad.

just a really sad display all around.

My convictions are strong, my desire to be beaten up over them is not. I'm not going to take my stand in a den of theives. 
Let's just say I'm in the closet here. You should respect that. I don't care if you recognize my contributions here or not. 

I don't mind looking bad in your eyes. It doesn't affect me much at all. The same should go with you, your value isn't in the opinion other people have of you.

Hey guys, I'm a nice guy. I know you don't think so because I have a different opinion, thus I'm the devil,  but that's cool.

Even though I'm a "troll" - although I've kept it all to this one thread and have simply responded to the comments about me.

I'll not bother any of you again, this will be the last time I log in with this account out of deference to you.

Merry Christmas, folks.

p.s. Here's my personal email: <snip> if you want to say something that needs a reply.

stormium edited Dec 22, 2021 05:53 am this post because:

removed because der.

(Dec 21, 2021, 15:18 pm)RiffTrax_Official Wrote: Wrote: I'll not bother any of you again, this will be the last time I log in with this account out of deference to you.

You knew your anti-LGBTQ comments would not be welcomed and that's why you made up another account. If you really believe in all the stuff you're spewing you should have posted it under your real account instead of making a throwaway account like a coward.

If I was a mod here I would block this person via IP. Then neither of their accounts would be able to post here.

stormium edited Dec 22, 2021 06:04 am this post because:

the topic is: updating jokes for modern sensibilities.

Long post, 1st post, warning given.

I think some forestland is being missed for the trees.

The moment any artist or performer decides that they are dissatisfied - for any reason - with their previous efforts, if they are lucky enough to hold any creative-control or editing-power over that art, their choice to alter it (or not) is up to them, not up to the “crowd” as Umberto Eco would say when I listened to his dissertation on semiotics.  MST3K/Cinematic Titanic/Rifftraxx are all very dependent upon semiotics as the basis for their jokes.  Every “riff-joke” is semiotically-based, by definition of what a “riff” actually is.

Ignoring the intellectual-receipts and precepts of Mr. Umberto Eco, sometimes (or is that “sane times”?), the artist has more say over their work than the audience, or even of any “superfans”.  And although superfans might have enjoyed all the work an artist has created, those fans (for the most part) do not hold the capability to make that art themselves.  Therefore, no fan can ever gainsay an artist on the subject of changing the pre-created work, or even destroying it if the mindset of the artist changes. The fans cannot “be in the head” of the artist and know how/why/wherefore an artist will make these choices.  Twitter has naught to do with it.  FB has naught to do with it.  Tikky Tokky has naught to do with it.  The current misuse of “politics” has naught to do with it, on either “side”.  Blue checkmarks are a “pet rock” valued only by dim-wits and people suffering malignant-narcissistic tendencies as classified in more than one *current* volume of the “DSM”.

The opinions of an atheist or a fundamentalist mean nothing here, equally.  The opinion of Jerry Falwell on the subject of satire is as vapid as his female counterpart and “equal”, Andrea Dworkin.  Both were bucking for the crown of Village Idiot in their salad-days.  Current day Fundamentalist Thickheaded Theism and Rabid Intersectionalist Berkeley Bimbo-ism are each a side of the face of a miserably inept “Janus”.  Neither has ever given a jot about “Art”, only about their cachet.  Thus:

Because the artist made the jokes-in-question, and what the *artist* says goes, regarding their art.  Anyone’s feelings towards the work, as fans whom did not participate in MAKING the work, means less than a tweet from Pauly Shore.  *Bill* made the jokes, which he has the right to delete, or modify, or edit.  Full stop.  Likewise, if he stands by a joke, he has the right to “leave it up”, leave that joke extant, come-what-may.  Unless anyone has worked alongside an artist in the creation of their work, they do not have a right to demand that the artist alter that work, *or* [alternatively] leave it “as is”.  Access to the internet does not grant a tweeter or tiktokker the status of an editor, co-writer, publisher or producer.  “Blue checkmarks” mean nothing.  Reddit status?  Even less.

I have destroyed dozens of illustrations, created by my own hand with physical materials which [each] required rather pricey materials to produce, and took days to complete… for good pay, also for good royalties.  The reason for the destruction of the work is this: compared to what I can create now (or ten years ago), the work I destroyed was (by my current standards) naive, juvenile & nigh-primitive.  On a purely aesthetic, skill-based level, the pieces in question were an affront, so they became ash. That was *my* choice, and nobody whom was a fan of my previous work had any say over it, even if they have spent over $50 or more collecting my work or published versions-thereof.  I spent over several days making each of those pieces art, the fans did not. I spent over 10 years training to make that art, at a minimum of 15 hours per week of my academic and free time, and spent significant $$ for the materials required. THEY did not. They have no say if I chuck it in the fireplace.  The same goes for Bill, and a few scant jokes he made which can be easily edited-out of previous rifftrax material (or “kept in”), thanks to layers in audio-editing.  We do not see Bill’s face in rifftrax aside from live-shows, which are rare.  A few jokes which Bill would wish to remove could be easily removed in less than an hour, using iMOVIE, FFS. (iMovie has a “ducking” feature, btw.)

No one here was “in Bill’s head” when he made a joke years ago, or are “in Bill’s head” when he has chosen to re-examine a joke which he made.  Thus no-one “here” can gainsay him on any decision he makes in this regard.  Sometimes it’s not political, or even people pretending to not-be-political, sometimes it’s only “The artist has final say”.  When YOU are the artist, when *you* have made your rent from art alone for over a year, you will have that say.  Until you make the sausage yourselves, for a living, you have no say over changing the recipe of the sausage.  You merely have a choice to pay for future sausages, or choose an alternative food-treat.  And oh yes, indeed, I am visualising the “Hormel” riffed-short there.

Both sides of the twitter-lunacy have let artists & creatives down, and both sides of that “Janus Coin” have let us down since at least the 1930’s, in no less than 5 countries, so no-one whom ever made rent from art should give a wet sloppy Rowsdower whiskey-fart for what any partisan-minded person gets on their high-horse about, on this topic.

In any event, Merry Christmas to any fan of courageous (versus tweety-approved) parody comedy or satire.  If you do not celebrate Christmas, insert “Happy whatever-else”.

"If I was a mod here I would block this person via IP. Then neither of their accounts would be able to post here. "

This indicates that you are not a good candidate for being a mod. A moderator must first investigate a situation which might justify banning someone from their IP versus merely "going twitter". That begins with a private conversation w/the person at risk of being banned and seeing "what's what". Gore Vidal would have been an excellent mod; Paul Lynde would have been a wretched one.

(Dec 20, 2021, 20:51 pm)Miss Martian Wrote:
(Dec 20, 2021, 20:19 pm)CalgonTMA Wrote: uh no.  Biting, sardonic Gen X humor should be taken on its own terms and appreciated in its context.  No need to update anything.

I love the sense of entitlement some people have with what others should do with their art or how others should live their lives.

Careful, MM.  Do not risk being incongruous.  Tweety is basically that in a nutshell.  For several years.
I for one find all rifftrax jokes and forum posts categorically tasteless, and as such they should be either corrected to fit my personal beliefs or entirely eradicated so as to not offend me. I am patiently waiting for that to happen, but that wont stop me from voicing how right I am.
(Dec 21, 2021, 22:16 pm)ill88eagle Wrote: I for one find all rifftrax jokes and forum posts categorically tasteless, and as such they should be either corrected to fit my personal beliefs or entirely eradicated so as to not offend me. I am patiently waiting for that to happen, but that wont stop me from voicing how right I am.

Is your tweety bleu checkmark 'ultramarine", "cerulean" or "pthalo"? *wink*

great parody post, btw
(Dec 21, 2021, 22:28 pm)SuspiriaTrumpsItFollowsCrap Wrote: Is your tweety bleu checkmark 'ultramarine", "cerulean" or "pthalo"? *wink*

The appropriate color is red.

(Dec 21, 2021, 22:28 pm)SuspiriaTrumpsItFollowsCrap Wrote: great parody post, btw

I wasn't parodying
(Dec 21, 2021, 22:40 pm)ill88eagle Wrote:
(Dec 21, 2021, 22:28 pm)SuspiriaTrumpsItFollowsCrap Wrote: Is your tweety bleu checkmark 'ultramarine", "cerulean" or "pthalo"? *wink*

The appropriate color is red.

burgundy, vermilion or scarlet-lake?

(Dec 21, 2021, 22:28 pm)SuspiriaTrumpsItFollowsCrap Wrote: great parody post, btw

I wasn't parodying

I apologize, then, but even if you do something, by accident, which warrants applause, please accept the applause.   Big Grin
(Dec 21, 2021, 22:44 pm)SuspiriaTrumpsItFollowsCrap Wrote:
(Dec 21, 2021, 22:40 pm)ill88eagle Wrote:
(Dec 21, 2021, 22:28 pm)SuspiriaTrumpsItFollowsCrap Wrote: Is your tweety bleu checkmark 'ultramarine", "cerulean" or "pthalo"? *wink*

The appropriate color is red.

burgundy, vermilion or scarlet-lake?

(Dec 21, 2021, 22:28 pm)SuspiriaTrumpsItFollowsCrap Wrote: great parody post, btw

I wasn't parodying

I apologize, then, but even if you do something, by accident, which warrants applause, please accept the applause.   Big Grin

No need to apologize. No need to applaud either. I pick Scarlet as in the letter and Johanson's ti---lted gaze. I have no particular moral qualms with Mary Jo or the rest of them. I just find them entirely tasteless. And this is me trying real hard to be nice about it. I salute you for banging the woodworks just about hard enough to make the worms come out Wink
the topic is: updating jokes for modern sensibilities. /smod

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