The Trump Government Shutdown -- Part 3
Last night at midnight, the Republican House, Senate, and President of the United States shut down the government.
As a result, some 800,000 federal employees may be sent home without a paycheck. In fact, many may be required to continue their jobs — without getting paid.

And let us not forget that these are workers who have kids to feed, mortgages to pay, and health care expenses.
Meanwhile, all over this country, people who access and need government services are at risk of not being able to get them.
And if you think my Republican colleagues are staying up late at night worrying about these people, you would be mistaken.

Because the truth is, just days ago, Republicans and Democrats had a deal to continue funding the government. In the Senate, we passed something called a “continuing resolution” unanimously - one the president had indicated he would sign.
But, as is often the case with our erratic and impulsive president, he flip-flopped after hearing criticism from Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and other right-wing commentators.

And all of this is over a wasteful, unnecessary and xenophobic border wall that will do more harm than good.
In my view, it is long overdue for Republicans in Congress to stand up to Trump. But if that is ever going to happen, my colleagues need to hear from you. They need to know that their is a price to pay for standing with Trump when they should be standing up to him.

Ours is a country that faces enormous problems today.

The stock market is struggling, interest rates are rising, and the Secretary of Defense is heading for the exits in response to Trump’s make-it-up-as-you-go foreign policy.

The president’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, is heading to jail and the Mueller investigation regarding possible Trump campaign collusion with the Russians is coming to head.

At a deeper level, we remain the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care to all.
Hundreds of thousands of young people cannot afford to go to college, and over 40 million are struggling with outrageous levels of student debt.

Economically, the younger generation will likely have, for the first time in modern history, a lower standard of living than their parents.
And two recent major reports on climate change have told us that we must combat aggressively a growing threat to our planet.
Clearly, this president’s erratic and impulsive behavior is a danger to our country and a major impediment in terms of addressing the crises we face.

His decision to shut down the government is just the latest example of this destructive pattern.
I believe it is time for Republicans in Congress to stand up to him so that we, in a bipartisan way, can fund the government and end this shutdown.

This government shutdown did not have to happen. But hopefully if we all make our voices heard, it will end soon.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
Bernie's such a whiner.
Good, now instead of one imperialist superpower we'll have 50 silly little countries fighting each other while Russia, China, and the EU fight for the rest of the world. I foresee Fallout coming, and first thing to fall will be the former USA's possessions as Filipinas and Puerto Rico, then say Canada goodbye!
Filipinas?  LOL, now you're speaking Portugleash.
(Dec 24, 2018, 07:45 am)dueda Wrote: Good, now instead of one imperialist superpower we'll have 50 silly little countries fighting each other while Russia, China, and the EU fight for the rest of the world. I foresee Fallout coming, and first thing to fall will be the former USA's possessions as Filipinas and Puerto Rico, then say Canada goodbye!

Clearly you don't understand Bernie Sanders.  His foreign policy proposal for decades is to create a coalition of countries in the Middle East, and with U.S. support when needed.   The United States already has the strongest military in the world.  Congress voting to give another $700 billion to the Pentagon last year wasn't necessary and a monumental waste of money.

Neanderthal was right about one thing : Bernie is a whiner, and he has every right to complain to whip the Democratic Party back into shape! It worked with the Dems taking back 40 U.S. House seats and dozens of governships and state legislatures last month.  And that's not bad for an Independent Democratic Socialist who caucuses with them!
(Dec 24, 2018, 08:15 am)neanderthal Wrote: Filipinas?  LOL, now you're speaking Portugleash.

Tremendously sorry. It's the freaking language tool that mix and matches two currently installed dictionaries. I need it due not knowing how to write all words in my grasp. Being the subject the Philippines, a race traditionally involved in sailing and prostitution, it's natural the English speaking colonizers feel a tad insulted. It's (land and people) American property and you care for your slaves possessions.

(Dec 24, 2018, 08:48 am)Executive Wrote: Clearly you don't understand Bernie Sanders.  

No, I do understand you said the USA has no more government and naturally became an "independent states anarchic oligarchy" at North America. Also it means the Constitution is void and the Union dissolved; as the governing body ceased to exist, so did Law.
I don't understand why the people that come here and write all the time about Trump?  Why do you all have to talk about Trump all the time isn't there something else you can talk about instead it all gets a bit boring really.

There's more to life than Trump, I don't mind Trump he's never done me any harm.  I have very little opinion about Trump anyway and have nothing to say on the subject apart from I'm just glad that a Democrat isn't running the USA.  I don't like that of Politics.  I'm just glad that somebody who's a Democrat isn't in power in the White House, I'm just glad that people like that aren't running the country.

I'm not too bothered what Trump does to be honest I'm just glad that it's not somebody else at the moment and I'm just so sick of hearing all about Trump cos it just gets so boring people moaning about him.  He got into the White House, people voted him in and he won and that's that really.  If people hadn't voted him in then he wouldn't be there now but that's not the case.

So many threads all about Trump might as well just get a whole sub-section to talk about Trump in lol
This happens all the time as opposing parties fight, eventually they approve a budget.
I can't say that I really like the government and what they're all about in my own country.  I'd like to see them get kicked out and get rid of them because they cause so many problems all the time.  They are super annoying really and have made a real mess of things.  I don't know about what Trump and his administration have done for the USA but at least it doesn't sound as bad as the one that we have.  We probably have the worst one of the lot so really to go on and on about Trump has done this and Trump has done that it's all nothing really you should see what the people of my own country have to put up with it's pretty crappy.

I would love to see the people in power where I come from finally to get kicked out after so many years.  When people's lives start being ruined you know it's time for them to go really but they won't go they are stubborn and they enjoy all the money and power and fame too much and they cling onto it and won't let go.  Even if people end up living in the gutter they don't care because these people are highly selfish anyway and don't give a shit about anybody it's all just about what they can get for themselves and take all the best things and leave everybody in a total mess.

It's a sad state of affairs really but if you think that Trump is bad then think again he isn't and he's not making as bad a mess as other countries are.  The mess we put up with on a daily basis is depressing enough.  Okay so we have a crap government and we have to live with that but at least I'm just glad that the USA has got Trump cos at least that's better than having a crappy Democrat government in power like from before.
(Dec 24, 2018, 20:47 pm)RodneyYouPlonker Wrote: I can't say that I really like the government and what they're all about in my own country.  I'd like to see them get kicked out and get rid of them because they cause so many problems all the time.  They are super annoying really and have made a real mess of things.  I don't know about what Trump and his administration have done for the USA but at least it doesn't sound as bad as the one that we have.  We probably have the worst one of the lot so really to go on and on about Trump has done this and Trump has done that it's all nothing really you should see what the people of my own country have to put up with it's pretty crappy.

I would love to see the people in power where I come from finally to get kicked out after so many years.  When people's lives start being ruined you know it's time for them to go really but they won't go they are stubborn and they enjoy all the money and power and fame too much and they cling onto it and won't let go.  Even if people end up living in the gutter they don't care because these people are highly selfish anyway and don't give a shit about anybody it's all just about what they can get for themselves and take all the best things and leave everybody in a total mess.

It's a sad state of affairs really but if you think that Trump is bad then think again he isn't and he's not making as bad a mess as other countries are.  The mess we put up with on a daily basis is depressing enough.  Okay so we have a crap government and we have to live with that but at least I'm just glad that the USA has got Trump cos at least that's better than having a crappy Democrat government in power like from before.

We talk about Trump because he IS that bad. I've given many reasons why that's the case, and don't feel a need to repeat myself this soon.  

Bottom line____ he's broken a number of laws and violated our U.S. Constitution.  The Republicans are more corrupt than the Democrats overall, because they too were bought off by the NRA and the NRA was bought off by the Russian oligarchs.  That's the only reason their party won't impeach this president. The Democrats have a legal obligation to conduct investigations on one hand, and how soon they lead to impeachment remains to be seen.  I believe Donald Trump will resign , and that could happen even before the House is ready to start impeachment proceedings. ( The Dems will also pass laws in the House to attempt to end GOP-election fraud and tackle the issues facing the working class, but those bills will most likely die in the Republican Senate ).

Maybe you find the criminality, corruption, and obvious lies boring, but a lot of us are fascinated by it. The reason is we've never seen anything of this magnitude in our lifetimes. I'm 50 and I was too young to watch the Watergate hearings, but Nixon called it quits. And that's nothing compared to this -- the most corrupt administration since Bush, Jr. ! Nancy Pelosi could have brought impeachment against him if she had more support in 2007. This time with a truly foot-in-mouth president, she definitely has it.

(Dec 24, 2018, 10:59 am)garcy in that regarddueda Wrote: No, I do understand you said the USA has no more government and naturally became an "independent states anarchic oligarchy" at North America. Also it means the Constitution is void and the Union dissolved; as the governing body ceased to exist, so did Law.

I never said that. What I said was that Bernie Sanders -- and for that matter Angus King, are Independent Senators who caucus with the Democrats.

As for the government you misunderstood my point completely.  The USA still has elements of a democracy, but since the tail end of the Carter era when the 1976 Buckley vs. Vilaho SCOTUS case said that political bribery is legal .... it has also become an Oligarchy.   When corporations,  K Street lobbyists, and ALEC are writing our laws and paying off 100% of Republicans and about 75% of Democrats that's all the proof you need!  Want more ?  How about additional Supreme Court cases Citizens' United in 2010 and The USA vs. McKutchen in 2014 ? Those greatly expanded how much money corps can given candidates, permits foreign contributions, and also allows complete anonymity.  

That's also why there's mass Repubican voter suppression that stops a few million people of the wrong race, color, or being Democrats the inability to cast their ballots.

Jimmy Carter himself admitted in recent years that we are now an oligarchy, and he's absolutely right.

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