Steamboat Willie
With the landmark cartoon Steamboat Willie, Walt Disney showed his genius by setting up two core elements of the Mickey Mouse character that have lasted to this day: he’s always on a steamboat, and his name is Willie. Such vision!
With its recent entry into the public domain, Steamboat Willie also enters the RiffTrax catalog, and, uh, our hearts? It was one of the first animated films with synchronized sound, so we’ve synchronized some of our own sounds to it. Thrill as Mickey bobs up and down! Gasp as his vaguely cat-like antagonist spits tobacco! Wonder “how much longer could they possibly play Turkey in the Straw?” as they continue to play Turkey in the Straw!   
It’s got Mickey, it’s got Minnie, it’s got a range of barnyard animals Mickey torments for his own perverse musical purposes. It’s the steamer that launched an empire, hop aboard with Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Steamboat Willie!  
Written by Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, Conor Lastowka, and Sean Thomason (High TV)
(Jan 17, 2024, 15:04 pm)famicomzombie Wrote: With the landmark cartoon Steamboat Willie, Walt Disney showed his genius by setting up two core elements of the Mickey Mouse character that have lasted to this day: he’s always on a steamboat, and his name is Willie. Such vision!
With its recent entry into the public domain, Steamboat Willie also enters the RiffTrax catalog, and, uh, our hearts? It was one of the first animated films with synchronized sound, so we’ve synchronized some of our own sounds to it. Thrill as Mickey bobs up and down! Gasp as his vaguely cat-like antagonist spits tobacco! Wonder “how much longer could they possibly play Turkey in the Straw?” as they continue to play Turkey in the Straw!   
It’s got Mickey, it’s got Minnie, it’s got a range of barnyard animals Mickey torments for his own perverse musical purposes. It’s the steamer that launched an empire, hop aboard with Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Steamboat Willie!  
Written by Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, Conor Lastowka, and Sean Thomason (High TV)

Well, this is no surprise. Thanks to public domain, almost everyone wants a piece of that short to use whatever they like.
(Jan 17, 2024, 15:04 pm)famicomzombie Wrote: With the landmark cartoon Steamboat Willie, Walt Disney showed his genius by setting up two core elements of the Mickey Mouse character that have lasted to this day: he’s always on a steamboat, and his name is Willie. Such vision!
With its recent entry into the public domain, Steamboat Willie also enters the RiffTrax catalog, and, uh, our hearts? It was one of the first animated films with synchronized sound, so we’ve synchronized some of our own sounds to it. Thrill as Mickey bobs up and down! Gasp as his vaguely cat-like antagonist spits tobacco! Wonder “how much longer could they possibly play Turkey in the Straw?” as they continue to play Turkey in the Straw!   
It’s got Mickey, it’s got Minnie, it’s got a range of barnyard animals Mickey torments for his own perverse musical purposes. It’s the steamer that launched an empire, hop aboard with Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Steamboat Willie!  
Written by Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, Conor Lastowka, and Sean Thomason (High TV)

Here is the Closed Captions as well!
Oh nice thanks for the shares of the file and captions. I was able to whip up a blu-ray upgrade in record time!
Thanks famicomzombie.

Every time I watch this, it's like I'm watching it for the first time. My brain resets, and I forget how weird it is.

Also, it's somehow both much longer and much shorter than I expect.
Thanks! Watching this makes me realize that I had never seen Steamboat Willie in full before. Mickey is a total jerk here.
(Jan 17, 2024, 21:43 pm)billythefist Wrote: Oh nice thanks for the shares of the file and captions. I was able to whip up a blu-ray upgrade in record time!

Gonna just tease us like that? :-)
With the landmark cartoon Steamboat Willie, Walt Disney showed his genius by setting up two core elements of the Mickey Mouse character that have lasted to this day: he’s always on a steamboat, and his name is Willie. Such vision! [With this landmark cartoon, visionary genius Walt Disney creates two enduring core elements of his most recognizable and beloved character, Mickey Mouse: he's always on a steamboat, and his name is Willie. Wrote:pid='390117' dateline='1705518251']

 Thanks for the upload!
Awesome! thank you

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