(Jul 04, 2020, 18:28 pm)QiikSand Wrote: Racism will never never never be eliminated in your world till your world come to the end.

Who is the 'you' you are talking to? Are you assuming that you live in a different world than the rest of us? And if so, which world do you live in?

To end racism in this world the rest of us live in, all racists would have to throw in the towel and admit they're wrong, and seeing how the vast majority of them are stubborn fucks or thickheaded dimwits or both, I don't see that happening in the near future. But seeing how lots of them are happy to employ violent means in the name of their cause I dont find it unlikely that they'll stir up a bloody fight for their special needs.

(Jul 04, 2020, 18:28 pm)QiikSand Wrote: For starters there are many different races ....hence...the original and core cause for all racism.
And as long as there is more than 1 race in your world...there will always be...RACISM.

Let's look at other interbreeding species and their racial relations.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_breed Wrote:Dogs are the most variable mammal on earth, with artificial selection producing around 450 globally recognized dog breeds.

The highlighted word means the opposite of natural selection - which would result in dogs fucking any other dog regardless of race or breed creating a myriad of un-categorizeable mix breeds , which we know they do if we let them.  Plants do this all the time too. Funny thing though, the word 'race' has become extinct in biology.

(Jul 04, 2020, 18:28 pm)QiikSand Wrote: # 2 ... IT IS IN THE GENES.

Every living thing is made up of genes.  It is all genetics.

Do you see all the idiots you now have in your world?


Do you know what causes retardation and other maladies over few generations: inbreeding

And do you know which method is used in artificial selection?

You don't have to take my word for it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inbreeding

Or take the case case of chicken. Modern chicken have been inbred through artificial selection to lay more and larger eggs than their body can handle which in turn higly lowers their life expectancy compared to the cicken of the 19th century. Of cause it wouldn't be done if it werent profitable, but if I were a chicken I'd say that's bad breeding.

In the case of human beings attempts have been done to create a pure master race through inbreeding. See forexample:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nueva_Germania Wrote:Nueva Germania (New Germania) is a district of San Pedro Department in Paraguay. It was founded as a German settlement on 23 August 1887 by Bernhard Förster, a German nationalist, who was married to Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, sister of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Förster's idea was to create a model community in the New World and to demonstrate the supremacy of German culture and society. Förster committed suicide after the settlement's initial failure.

Actually the founders were both proto NAZIs and outspoken anti-semites. That is to say obvious racists. But alas - today there is no pure arian blood left in Nueva Germania. That's is baecause racism aint natural dude. People fall in love, fuck and have babies regardless of what you call 'race' all the time. That is why most genetic defects and diseases are relatively rare in the human species, whereas they are common in for example purebred dogs:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_breed#Health_issues Wrote:Purebred dogs have more health problems than mongrel dogs, and require more veterinary visits, and tend to have lower longevity. Indeed, studies have reported lifespans that are shorter by between one and almost two years. Notably, dog breeds with flat faces and short noses have breathing difficulties, eye trouble and other health issues.

(Jul 04, 2020, 18:28 pm)QiikSand Wrote: The human gene pool pattern has been bred over the century til it is
scattered.....hence...idiots and crazy people.

As I have shown you above, a gene pool doesn't benefit from 'purity', on the contrary. It benefits from genetic diversity:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_diversity Wrote:Genetic diversity serves as a way for populations to adapt to changing environments. With more variation, it is more likely that some individuals in a population will possess variations of alleles that are suited for the environment. Those individuals are more likely to survive to produce offspring bearing that allele. The population will continue for more generations because of the success of these individuals.

This should all sound fairly logic and simple to anyone, but again, racists tend to be both dense and daft...

(Jul 04, 2020, 18:28 pm)QiikSand Wrote: GET READY TO RIDE THE CRAZY TRAIN.


You are going to witness craziness that your mind will not be able to comprehend or believe.

I doubt any of you reading this will even make it through what is soon to take place in your world.


Why are you repeating yopurself? And what does this crazy future you keep telling us about entail? And how are you able to predict it? So far your aguments are a hodge podge boiler plate mish mash of dated kliches from various puritan idealists.

(Jul 04, 2020, 18:28 pm)QiikSand Wrote: Go get the movie..." The Crazies "

and watch it.

Will be coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

Oh I forgot abolut this, your trumph agrument: a crappy revamp of a 70ties Romero splatter. Rolleyes

I'd reply to the rest of your posts but all you do is repeat yourself, refuse to back up your claims and insist on arguments I've already debunked.

* ill88eagle bows and farts
I agree! To the original poster!
Want to tell us why?
(Jul 04, 2020, 21:29 pm)QiikSand Wrote: Let us talk truth....

A person who is stupid just did not become stupid by being stupid.

A person who is wise did not become wise by being wise.

Something made them stupid and wise.

What is that SOMETHING?

I'll agree to your point that as far as abilities, people have certain gifts. But are you really telling me that with hard work and perseverance, you can't better yourself????

even without "gifts" the acts of intelligence and stupidity can either make someone learn or make someone who knows better be stupid.

Ever hear of Daryl Dawkins? He's a black musician who through just talking, got KKK members to hang up their sheets.

The journey of life is partly learning what you are told is wrong... but that's learned... to the OP, you still haven't proved to me that the thoughts/actsif racism is in the genes...Maybe it's in one of the extra chromosomes YOU have... But newborn black babies don't wanna "kill whitey" and newborn white babies don't have the instinct to hide the $$.. that is TAUGHT
(Jul 05, 2020, 11:15 am)LZA Wrote:
(Jul 04, 2020, 21:29 pm)QiikSand Wrote: What is that SOMETHING?

I'll agree to your point that as far as abilities, people have certain gifts. But are you really telling me that with hard work and perseverance, you can't better yourself????

even without "gifts" the acts of intelligence and stupidity can either make someone learn or make someone who knows better be stupid.

Ever hear of Daryl Dawkins? He's a black musician who through just talking, got KKK members to hang up their sheets.

The journey of life is partly learning what you are told is wrong... but that's learned... to the OP, you still haven't proved to me that the thoughts/actsif racism is in the genes...Maybe it's in one of the extra chromosomes YOU have... But newborn black babies don't wanna "kill whitey" and newborn white babies don't have the instinct to hide the $$.. that is TAUGHT

If one had any knowledge of genetics beyond memetic regurgitations of eugenics textbook examples and pop-science (insert THE CRAZIES here), one wouldn't be touting nonsense in xx large bold all caps
(Jul 05, 2020, 11:43 am)ill88eagle Wrote:
(Jul 05, 2020, 11:15 am)LZA Wrote:
(Jul 04, 2020, 21:29 pm)QiikSand Wrote: What is that SOMETHING?

I'll agree to your point that as far as abilities, people have certain gifts. But are you really telling me that with hard work and perseverance, you can't better yourself????

even without "gifts" the acts of intelligence and stupidity can either make someone learn or make someone who knows better be stupid.

Ever hear of Daryl Dawkins? He's a black musician who through just talking, got KKK members to hang up their sheets.

The journey of life is partly learning what you are told is wrong... but that's learned... to the OP, you still haven't proved to me that the thoughts/actsif racism is in the genes...Maybe it's in one of the extra chromosomes YOU have... But newborn black babies don't wanna "kill whitey" and newborn white babies don't have the instinct to hide the $$.. that is TAUGHT

If one had any knowledge of genetics beyond memetic regurgitations of eugenics textbook examples and pop-science (insert THE CRAZIES here), one wouldn't be touting nonsense in xx large bold all caps

I agree. I want to LEARN!!! But I ask for cited info from other sources, and he gets all retarded with the BB codes and redundancy!

HE can't see that this thread has been a "yes it is, no it isn't" thread... I feel like I can reply "nah-UH" and make an equal point to him.

ANd I Actually GET what he's trying to say (if he's actually trying to say it and not trying to troll), is that genetics to tend to lend people to certain traits. Poverty, crime, racism is an example of excuses or EFFECTS of those traits, but he is seeing the effects as the cause themselves. If we fix the primary issues (whatever they may be), these things will get better. If this wasn't true, no one would be able to better themselves and get a better life...
" Let's look at other interbreeding species and their racial relations. "

It is not the inbreeding that has caused the damage to the genetic makeup
of human beings but the OUT BREEDING.  

Out breeding is where the genes are breed out from within the gene pool instead of inward. 
Hence in breeding you are intensifying the dominant genes breeding in and breeding out 
you intensifying the recessive genes in the gene pool.

This applies to every living thing of flesh and blood.

For example if you take an Asian and a Indian and they mate
that is a cross that is a hybrid that is breeding out of their gene pool

Then if you keep doing this...over the years you will see the recessive undesirable traits 
come to the surface of the mating's...AND BECOME DOMINANT.

This is why way way way back in the history of human beings
the parents always picked the mates for their offspring.
And did not allow them to mate outside their own race.

They had knowledge of this I am teaching you.

Take it or leave it...this is the way it is here in your world.

" To end racism in this world the rest of us live in, all racists would have to throw in the towel and admit they're wrong, and seeing how the vast majority of them are stubborn fucks or thickheaded dimwits or both, I don't see that happening in the near future. But seeing how lots of them are happy to employ violent means in the name of their cause I dont find it unlikely that they'll stir up a bloody fight for their special needs. "

This is crazy talk and this line of reasoning comes from your genetic make up.
This you have said is like saying till all men learn to dunk a basketball
and admit that they are not trying hard enough they will always keep
making excuses for themselves why they can't.


So you must ask yourself...
why is this not taught and made common knowledge in your world 
among the masses?

Anyone who breeds animal knows of it.
Scientist know of it.

So why is this being kept from the masses?


Do you know what causes retardation and other maladies over few generations: inbreeding

Here again you have made another false statement.  Inbreeding does not cause retardation.

A certain set of genes cause retardation. and no matter 
how you breed if those set of genes are made dominant by any way you breed
then you will have retardation.

For example I consider stupidity a form of retardation.

You do not...you consider stupidity just a normal trait of the human being.

In the beginning human beings were not stupid.

So you tell me...how did they become stupid?

You look at the way the majority of the people in your world behave now days.

Is that what you call normal?

I call it retardation.

Now I know why they are behaving in that manner
and long ago I could look down through the future and see it coming 
because I had the knowledge of genetics and breeding species.

So none of this is a surprise to me.  In fact
due to the way humans have been breeding in the past hundred years...



I know your scientist are fully aware of it.

So I am going to watch and see how this thing plays out.


All aboard.............................

[Image: biggrin.png] [Image: biggrin.png] [Image: biggrin.png] [Image: biggrin.png] [Image: biggrin.png] [Image: biggrin.png] [Image: biggrin.png] [Image: biggrin.png] [Image: biggrin.png] [Image: biggrin.png] [Image: biggrin.png]

" As I have shown you above, a gene pool doesn't benefit from 'purity', on the contrary. 
It benefits from genetic diversity: "

Why, yes I am watching everything all over the earth
and seeing the benefits all that genetic diversity you talk of it.

It will not belong till you all destroy the earth and everything upon it.

You morons have even started to pollute 
the outer space around the earth.

Unless there is an intervention...

It is only a matter of time before you
genetic diverse creatures will destroy your own selves.


You are going to witness craziness that your mind will not be able to comprehend or believe.

I doubt any of you reading this will even make it through what is soon to take place in your world.



All aboard.............................

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
(Jul 05, 2020, 13:14 pm)QiikSand Wrote: whatever he said...

NOw you are not arguing your point. How is this related to racism being in the genes. Mixing of races can convolute specific traits. but that is neither here nor there. Stick to yur own topic.

To your off-point. here is a LINK (see, source to back up what I'm about to say)

INBREEDING, the opposite of what you say, causes more birth defects and mental issues than anything. The fucking crazy racist terrorists are all inbred (well, not all) are the racist fucks you mention...

Also, if everyone interbreeds, wouldn't everyone be the same and therefore, racism would be canceled?

I'm not saying interbreed.... do it if you want and what makes you happy. But what you are saying makes no sense.

Also, aren't there reports that mutts have less genetic defects than purebred dogs? but to your point: how does ANY of what you are saying prove your point.

And since this is not the void, drop the alien crap and admit you are just someone who doesn't know where he fits into society so he takes solace in pretending you are not part of it.
(Jul 05, 2020, 14:19 pm)LZA Wrote:
(Jul 05, 2020, 13:14 pm)QiikSand Wrote: whatever he said...

NOw you are not arguing your point. How is this related to racism being in the genes. Mixing of races can convolute specific traits. but that is neither here nor there. Stick to yur own topic.

To your off-point. here is a LINK (see, source to back up what I'm about to say)

INBREEDING, the opposite of what you say, causes more birth defects and mental issues than anything. The fucking crazy racist terrorists are all inbred (well, not all) are the racist fucks you mention...

Also, if everyone interbreeds, wouldn't everyone be the same and therefore, racism would be canceled?

I'm not saying interbreed.... do it if you want and what makes you happy. But what you are saying makes no sense.

Also, aren't there reports that mutts have less genetic defects than purebred dogs? but to your point: how does ANY of what you are saying prove your point.

And since this is not the void, drop the alien crap and admit you are just someone who doesn't know where he fits into society so he takes solace in pretending you are not part of it.
Have you ever breed any animal past the 3rd generation?
Yes or no?

Then shut the ...up.
(Jul 05, 2020, 14:22 pm)QiikSand Wrote:
(Jul 05, 2020, 14:19 pm)LZA Wrote:
(Jul 05, 2020, 13:14 pm)QiikSand Wrote: whatever he said...

NOw you are not arguing your point. How is this related to racism being in the genes. Mixing of races can convolute specific traits. but that is neither here nor there. Stick to yur own topic.

To your off-point. here is a LINK (see, source to back up what I'm about to say)

INBREEDING, the opposite of what you say, causes more birth defects and mental issues than anything. The fucking crazy racist terrorists are all inbred (well, not all) are the racist fucks you mention...

Also, if everyone interbreeds, wouldn't everyone be the same and therefore, racism would be canceled?

I'm not saying interbreed.... do it if you want and what makes you happy. But what you are saying makes no sense.

Also, aren't there reports that mutts have less genetic defects than purebred dogs? but to your point: how does ANY of what you are saying prove your point.

And since this is not the void, drop the alien crap and admit you are just someone who doesn't know where he fits into society so he takes solace in pretending you are not part of it.
Have you ever breed any animal past the 3rd generation?
Yes or no?

Then shut the ...up.


I guess We are both wrong to an extent
Quote:Here is what they found: 

1) The incidence of 10 genetic disorders (42%) was significantly greater in purebred dogs.

2) The incidence of 1 disorder (ruptured cranial cruciate ligament; 4%) was greater in mixed breed dogs.

3) For the rest of the disorders examined, they found no difference in incidence between mixed and purebred dogs.

SO purebreds have a greater chance of disease related to their breed. mixed breeds have chances of getting other disorders. That just makes sense

Going by this argument, a new disorder is made from interbreeding, the same old disorders are from straight breeding...

Riddle me this?

  1. if racism is and always was here, wouldn't interbreeding cause a phase-out since it is NOT a disorder of any specific race as it may be with purebreds (or pure races)
  2. let's pretend you are right (AAAAHAHAHAHAH) WHERE IS THE PROOF that racism is a specific disorder given in genetics and not a learned behavior?

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