UN Says Mass Surveillance Violates Human Rights
Over the summer, the United Nations commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay, had said that mass surveillance likely violates human rights. At the time, she said:
Quote: ‟International human rights law provides a clear and universal framework for the promotion and protection of the right to privacy, including in the context of domestic and extraterritorial surveillance, the interception of digital communications and the collection of personal data. Practices in many [s]tates have, however, revealed a lack of adequate national legislation and/or enforcement, weak procedural safeguards, and ineffective oversight. All of these have contributed to a lack of accountability for arbitrary or unlawful interference in the right to privacy.”
Now a new report from a different UN official, issued to the UN General Assembly, backs that up and appears to go further:
Quote: International human rights law requires States to provide an articulable and evidence-based justification for any interference with the right to privacy, whether on an individual or mass scale. It is a central axiom of proportionality that the greater the interference with protected human rights, the more compelling the justification must be if it is to meet the requirements of the Covenant. The hard truth is that the use of mass surveillance technology effectively does away with the right to privacy of communications on the Internet altogether. By permitting bulk access to all digital communications traffic, this technology eradicates the possibility of any individualized proportionality analysis. It permits intrusion on private communications without independent (or any) prior authorization based on suspicion directed at a particular individual or organization.
The report is clear that it's not talking about just any surveillance -- but mass surveillance. It notes that preventing terrorism is a legitimate reason for targeted surveillance, but that since there's no proof that mass surveillance actually helps stop terrorism, it's in violation:
Quote: Article 17 of the Covenant provides that any interference with private communications must be prescribed by law, and must be a necessary and proportionate means of achieving a legitimate public policy objective. The prevention of terrorism is plainly a legitimate aim for this purpose, but the activities of intelligence and law enforcement agencies in this field must still comply with international human rights law. Merely to assert — without particularization — that mass surveillance technology can contribute to the suppression and prosecution of acts of terrorism does not provide an adequate human rights law justification for its use. The fact that something is technically feasible, and that it may sometimes yield useful intelligence, does not by itself mean that it is either reasonable or lawful (in terms of international or domestic law)
The report also takes on the whole "but it's the internet, you have no privacy anyway" argument pretty clearly:
Quote: Some argue that users of the Internet have no reasonable expectation of privacy in the first place, and must assume that their communications are available to be monitored by corporate and State entities alike. The classic analogy drawn by those who support this view is between sending an unencrypted email and sending a postcard. Whatever the merits of this comparison, it does not answer the key questions of legality, necessity and proportionality. The very purpose of the Covenant’s requirement for explicit and publicly accessible legislation governing State interference with communications is to enable individuals to know the extent of the privacy rights they actually enjoy and to foresee the circumstances in which their communications may be subjected to surveillance. Yet the value of this technology as a counter-terrorism and law enforcement tool rests in the fact that users of the Internet assume their communications to be confidential (otherwise there would be no purpose in intruding upon them). This is reflected in the assertions made by members of the intelligence communities of the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland following the disclosure of mass surveillance programmes operated by these two States, in which the disclosures were said to have damaged national security by alerting potential terrorists to the fact that their communications were under surveillance.

[....] The suggestion that users have voluntarily forfeited their right to privacy is plainly unwarranted. It is a general principle of international human rights law that individuals can be regarded as having given up a protected human right only through an express and unequivocal waiver, voluntarily given on an informed basis. In the modern digital world, merely using the Internet as a means of private communication cannot conceivably constitute an informed waiver of the right to privacy under article 17 of the Covenant.

The Internet is not a purely public space. It is composed of many layers of private as well as social and public realms. Those making informed use of social media platforms in which messages are posted in full public view obviously have no reasonable expectation of privacy. The postcard analogy is entirely apposite for the dissemination of information through the public dimensions of Twitter and Facebook, for example, or postings on public websites. But reading a postcard is not an apposite analogy for intercepting private messages sent by e-mail, whether they are encrypted or unencrypted.
From there, the report notes that if states wish to impede on this privacy in the name of preventing terrorism, they must show tangible benefits from such surveillance -- and, so far, no government has done so. Furthermore, the report warns of:
Quote: ...an ever present danger of “purpose creep”, by which measures justified on counter-terrorism grounds are made available for use by public authorities for much less weighty public interest purposes.
It's good to see such a clear condemnation of the problems of bulk/mass surveillance efforts -- almost always conducted with no evidence of benefit. Of course, the reality is that this report is unlikely to lead the intelligence community to change its stance on these programs, but it further highlights just how out of step with basic human rights these programs remain.

Originally Published: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 07:49:26 GMT
And who cares what the UN says?
not governments that a fact...

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