My user page appears to be empty / only torrents from trusted members are showing up
(Dec 12, 2017, 02:40 am)ComGetMe Wrote: so I guess until then just put up with it

Or don't.

You have free choice.

If TPB is not satisfying you, switch to a site which does.

Of course if TPB IS satisfying you. If, in spite of its flaws and belying your pathetic whining, no other site comes anywhere even close to serving you as well as TPB does then, yes, you will just have to put up with it.

Don't worry, I won't make you admit it, but we both know you're not going anywhere. Even though I would really like it if you did.

(Dec 12, 2017, 02:40 am)ComGetMe Wrote: and if nothing else SID will come along and call you an idiot

Well, yeah.

In all seriousness, if I didn't reply to you nobody else would.

And, again in all seriousness, why the hell should they? TPB asks nothing of you, expects nothing of you and receives nothing from you.

To make things perfectly clear: neither I nor any other members of staff here make anything at all from TPB. We aren't paid to take your shit and you haven't paid for the right to shit here.

I understand that you, and others like you, think that you deserve deference because your moms' told you you're special, but you are nothing to me so I have no hesitation in telling you to take your ignorance and your misjudged sense of entitlement and go fuck yourself in the ass.

(Dec 12, 2017, 02:40 am)ComGetMe Wrote: in the meanwhile don't bother uploading because no one will see it till "Wilson" sobers up apparently.

You believe that bullshit? Hahahahahaha

TPB is under continual and contantly evolving attacks by "legal" parties attempting to close it down or prevent it serving as many people as possible, and by "illegal" parties attempting to use it to make as much money as possible by any means they can.

We NEVER reveal the real reasons when things go pear shaped.

Doing so wouldn't help you in any way, and revealing weaknesses would be literally suicidal.

But we can't stop sheep like you asking the same old questions time after time after time, so we have a bit of fun at your expense.

(Dec 12, 2017, 02:40 am)ComGetMe Wrote: at least I got my rant on lololol

Congratulations: you have succeeded in showing everyone here that you are both entitled AND gullible.  Rolleyes

All you need to know is that we know what is going on. There have been dozens of people all posting the exact same thing so you really can take that as read (even though you've already shown that you are too stupid to do so).

And what you should know, without anyone having to tell you, considering how many HUNDREDS of times it has happened before over nearly fifteen years, is that things usually get fixed sooner or later. And if they don't get fixed, the world doesn't end. TPB is not as important as YOU think it is.

So stop wasting your time, the time of every other up/downloader who has to read your nonsense and our time, and fuck off. For a few days at least--but if you want to leave permanently I won't miss you--and when you come back spend no longer than 20 seconds checking whether non-skull uploads are being displayed. If they are, you're good to go. If they aren't, then just fuck off again for another few days.

No big deal.

Nothing to cry over.

Nothing to waste anyones' time with.
(Dec 12, 2017, 04:56 am)Sid Wrote: go fuck yourself in the ass.

Seriously ? this person is a moderator ? 

I'm a regular user, never had account here but recently got problems finding many of the torrents so I thought I check the forums and see what's going on.

If people like this "help" around here, no wonder nothing works.
Listen @anna or whatever the reason he had said so coz one of the few lousy users dont care to read the same post written by Sid and keep on writing utter rubbish "when its going to fix etc etc bla bla bla" and that same for all the site issues since the day i am watching the forum .. give the site a break for couple of weeks we all work voluntarily none are getting paid and the people for waiting for quick fix sadly it wont be so .. This been happening for years after years there is nothing new to it.
Go to real world have fun come back after few weeks it might be fixed.

Moderators should have more restrain and by starting a sentence with "anna or whatever" you're not better.

Have the feeling that most of you are 13yr old kids or just stayed in mommy home for too long.
People should have more respect for TPB Staff/MODs ect they work very hard every good to keep this site going ..... @ least ppl can still upload they are still showing up in Recent Torrents and least Torrents ... Smile
It's like yelling at a weather man for the storm, calm down people, it's not the end of the world and they are helping us for FREE.
In real life you can only get your ass kicked for free. Just saying.
i agree chill and continue to upload ALL will be good in the end ✌
rage much Sid? but hey I fought in the military for your right to express yourself like that and given the opportunity I would put my life on the line for you again. see someone about those anger issues before you give yourself a stroke.. TPB needs you too much.   God Bless America
Hallo all members, I think all of us should show respect, respect to each others.

and if it is a financial problem, we should support TPB. and TPB can also make a monthly goal to achieve, so we know the status and progress.  (this is my suggestion)

we should calm down and help each other, this is sharing people, and do not forget '' sharing is caring ''

and give the stuff sometime to fix this issue
People, the fact that the search indexer is only bringing up trusted uploaders' torrents at present speaks volumes. TPB is likely experiencing coordinated attacks from different locations, and these attacks most probably involve spamming the torrent database with fake uploads. The most sure-fire way TPB can defend itself would be to limit the indexer to only trusted uploaders until the attacks can be dealt with or mitigated enough to return the search indexer back to normal operation.

It's never easy being a pirate, but the effort brings the reward. Smile

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