Is Trump REALLY that bad? (dun read if u sensitive k)
Wasn't complaining about the government's weapons. I was pointing out the "armed rebellion will save us" delusion is a red herring to get more dead kids from the ammosexuals.
(Mar 13, 2018, 15:15 pm)politux Wrote: Wasn't complaining about the government's weapons. I was pointing out the "armed rebellion will save us" delusion is a red herring to get more dead kids from the ammosexuals.

Oh ya... The 2nd amendment is really a blue law,back when all weapons were pretty much equal... No way that stuff makes sense now... I think people can be more pissed that a freedom is being taken away than the actual guns being used to combat the military... Anyone who thinks they can stave off the government from doing whatever it wants is delusional... If they want us to not have guns for whatever reason, that's a seperate issue. I can pretty much assure you they are not scared that we would win a revolt with them...
(Mar 13, 2018, 15:15 pm)politux Wrote: Wasn't complaining about the government's weapons. I was pointing out the "armed rebellion will save us" delusion is a red herring to get more dead kids from the ammosexuals.

Yes, I understood it clearly. Yet my answer was: I believe "organized militia" can defeat full-scale military forces.
Maybe I'm dellusional, too theoretical, or just an optimistic hoper. Shy

(Mar 13, 2018, 15:51 pm)LZA Wrote: Oh ya... The 2nd amendment is really a blue law,back when all weapons were pretty much equal... No way that stuff makes sense now... I think people can be more pissed that a freedom is being taken away than the actual guns being used to combat the military... Anyone who thinks they can stave off the government from doing whatever it wants is delusional... If they want us to not have guns for whatever reason, that's a seperate issue. I can pretty much assure you they are not scared that we would win a revolt with them...

Guess I'm a defeated vote; if most people don't think it is possible, very well may it be not.
This leaves us into the acceptance of our captivity. We already understand from previous posts that:

- governments are elected by a manipulated system;
- they do what they want and don't do what they're expected to;
- they are pratically unnacountable;
- there's little to no chance to fix it;

Conclusion: We are property, even with denial?

So, I still think Trump is NOT that bad. He looks like a fool, but the oligarchy seems to be sactisfied, it's a better perspective.
Bush Jr was worse when seem from here.
(Mar 13, 2018, 15:15 pm)politux Wrote: Wasn't complaining about the government's weapons. I was pointing out the "armed rebellion will save us" delusion is a red herring to get more dead kids from the ammosexuals.

It's very simple. A better armed civilian populace will prevent the government from using a military/police state to control the country. Some people may die because of that, but the country won't turn into nazi Germany. That's  a fair trade.

Again, nothing to do with Trump.
(Mar 17, 2018, 01:42 am)joew771 Wrote: It's very simple... Some people may die because of that, but the country won't turn into nazi Germany. That's  a fair trade.
Again, nothing to do with Trump.

Basically yes, that's my point. It sounds awful (and it is) but it is morally awful to be complacent with such system. So "we are that bad and more than worse".
“The government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich.” By replacing the term “people” in Abraham Lincoln's well-known phrase with those who have real power in the United States, we gain a more exact idea of how U.S. politics and society work.
Progressive thinkers have been warning for decades that it is money that pulls the strings in Washington; while the democratic system, since the country's founding until today, is a mask to conceal the interests of the rich minority.
The striking thing is that this idea has now spread to sectors of the U.S. intelligentsia that in no way could be labeled as leftist.
Interest in this issue has grown since the arrival of New York billionaire Donald Trump to the White House, and the implementation of his tax reform plan that benefits the mega-rich to the detriment of many low-income voters, who contradictorily put him in the Oval Office.
But the data has been in existence for some time. A study carried out in 2014 by Martin Gilens, of Princeton University, and Benjamin I. Page, of Northwestern University, demonstrated that elites always fare better than the middle class in political decision-making.
After checking thousands of legislative bills and public opinion surveys of recent decades, Gilens and Page found that any policy change with little support from the upper class has about a one in five chance of becoming law, while those backed by the elites triumph in about half of occasions, even when they go against majority opinion.
The academics noted, “When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites or with organized interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the U.S. political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favor policy change, they generally do not get it.”
This reality explains the difficulties the movement of young people in favor of gun control currently faces to obtain the support of legislators, who receive millions of dollars from the National Rifle Association and other conservative groups that consider carrying a rifle a symbol of the American way of life.
And the differences that are demonstrated in politics are getting bigger in the economic sphere.
The conservative Hudson Institute, reported in 2017 that the wealthiest 5% of U.S. households held 62.5% of all assets in the country in 2013, compared to the 54.1% they had three decades before. That is to say, the richest families are becoming even richer.
But even more noteworthy was the finding of academics Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman, who in their research on inequality found that the wealthiest 0.01% controlled 22% of all wealth in 2012, when in 1979 the figure was just 7%, according to a recent BBC report.
Such data shatters the myth of U.S. democracy, in which decisions must be made based on the view of the majority.
It's not simply that Trump is bad... we know he is because he's a lifelong privileged, self-absorbed asshole. I only had to watch an episode of The Apprentice years ago to know that! But as a multiple failed businessman ( not everyday that one casino goes bankrupt let alone 4 ), he's been a total disaster as president and he continues to brand his name -- itself a major violation of the presidency. Anyone who thought he would change after taking office was deluding themselves. I discussed some of the reasons why Donald Trump must by law be impeached in another topic thread. Aside from that he is the least qualified person to ever hold public office in this country! He also hasn't learned from the many mistakes that's already made in these first 2 years.
Don't worry guys, you'll have another chance (to elect him, or not) soon.
(Sep 03, 2018, 20:54 pm)dueda Wrote: Don't worry guys, you'll have another chance (to elect him, or not) soon.

No worries here, because I make money online and live in a state with our own Net Neutrality. So not relying on government.

But for the sake of those who do, the majority of Americans are sick of Donald Trump.  We also realize he won't make it to 2020.  But if he somehow does there's no way in hell the Democrats are going to let him steal a second election.  They've learned from their mistake of making Hillary Clinton their front-runner.  More importantly they're talking about the real issues, which just isn't happening on the corporate-friendly, racist-loving Republican side.  That's why Dems have won so many special elections between 2017 and this year. They're also traveling to red states -- something Clinton didn't do. Never take your voters for granted!
(Sep 04, 2018, 04:41 am)Executive Wrote: No worries here, because I make money online and live in a state with our own Net Neutrality. So not relying on government.

A pragmatic approach, but there's more to life than making money and keeping under the radar, and time makes changes. Let's hope it's for better.
On the other side, what could be worse than Trump Reloaded? Guess anyone, if the Congress trends remain. Ask Obahma.

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