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Nov 07, 2020, 12:53 pm
(This post was last modified: Nov 07, 2020, 13:07 pm by workerbee. Edited 2 times in total.)
So what's in store now for the world's most despised fascist thug?
Indictments, convictions, imprisonment - and I look forward to every single humiliation along the way.
With luck, he'll follow the lead of his buddy Jeffrey Epstein and save the state some money.
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I imagine he will win again and defeat all his enemies all in one big pop!
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it's already official now? i mean the result of the 2020 election is already released?
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Shouldn't this be in the Void? Don't forget Al Gore and the media declared him President elect until the Supreme Court stepped in and he finally conceded on December 13th. Hell it's still early November, lol.
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This might be all good for all the people who hated Trump and wanted him gone and I'm sure that there's many people out there who are celebrating this now but this isn't good for the UK. The UK might have stood a better chance before but now with this Biden guy in it looks very bleak. I personally don't see much of a trade deal happening with Biden so it looks like the UK is going to suffer even worse. Yes the UK was glad the previous Minister left and we have now another in Boris which is what pretty much the whole country voted for. Sadly due to all the trouble with the EU and europe and wanting to get away from them, now proves that the UK will have a very tough time now. For the coming future in Britain, as far as I see it now, disaster on the horizon. I don't see Biden offering anything much at all to help the UK, I personally know nothing about his business skills and trading ideas. Having a right wing Minister in the UK and a left wing President in the US will be nothing other than difference in opinion. As the UK being one of the closest allies to the West, I fear that bad things are coming now and there's not really a great deal anybody can do to stop it. If you thought it was bad with Trump, let's just watch it get even worse. I'm sure that everybody will enjoy celebrating the whole scenario now he is gone but politically don't see any of that working in my opinion.
a thread discussing reasons why trump might go to jail? let freedom ring.
Last Active: Nov 19, 2024
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The thread was started by a mod.
Remember, they can do no wrong.
stormium edited Nov 12, 2020 06:42 am this post because:
tantrums belong in the void.
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Nov 07, 2020, 21:38 pm
(This post was last modified: Nov 07, 2020, 21:39 pm by RodneyYouPlonker. Edited 1 time in total.)
Oh yeah also just one more thing to mention about Donald Trump's departure. I hear them saying now that due to Biden getting into the White House. I hear that Bitcoin is doomed and I have noticed the value being driven down in recent weeks. Looks like all those people out there who have invested in Bitcoin, they have lost their value and the prices have gone sky high. Something along the lines that people who owned Bitcoin where prices were more about £6000-£7000 mark for 1 coin, now the prices have soared so the value gone down completely. Now more like in the future the price they speculate at about £20,000 for just 1 bitcoin. People who had invested previously will now find their money worthless and literally depreciated in over half of the value from before. If this is infact true I would advise people to sell their Coin ASAP before it gets even worse and try and trade away your money.
Last Active: Nov 19, 2024
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Nov 07, 2020, 21:44 pm
(This post was last modified: Nov 07, 2020, 21:50 pm by RobertX. Edited 2 times in total.)
A lot of Hong Kong citizens were banking for the next leader to help them against the dictatorship of the Mainland Chinese government. Nahh, Black Lives Matter, and they matter more than the Hong Kong people. What kind of idiot would think that a guy like Biden would care about them? No one. Nah, he and his Mainlander friends... well, business is more important, those despicable peaceful bums and a some other Muslim sect being oppressed? Fuck 'em, being the "best" president and securing business deals - more important.
EDIT: I guess peaceful protests don't necessarily win rights.
EDIT: I guess I should learn Mandarin and forsake my Cantonese stripes, for I will be forced to do it sooner or later.