Does anyone watch CamRips anymore??
Do people still watch those shitty quality copies of people in the back of the cinema filming the movie??.
I only watch CamRips when its the only format available for a newly released movie. Other than that, I usually don't watch them.
when choosing between watching camrips and setting my eyes on fire, i always end up going with the latter.
(Sep 11, 2015, 20:16 pm)bob5695 Wrote: when choosing between watching camrips and setting my eyes on fire, i always end up going with the latter.

LOL I know what you mean.
Never. I'd rather watch the stuff, in the theatre, in person, no less.

But now, I don't have that kind of money to spend, so I usually wait for it in the library in standard definition [Coughs] DVD.

Well, at least I'll be able to watch it for free.
I never do, unless I can absolutely not help it...

The movies out now may be good, but not good enough where I have to see it.

I bet when Superman and Batmman comes out in 2016, I'm 100% sure I'll try to watch it through a camrip...

IMHO, its not the quality of the rip, it's more so the quality of the movie your trying to watch... If the quality is so poor that I can't take watching S v B, I'll probably struggle through, or just erase it and walk to the movies...
(Sep 12, 2015, 14:24 pm)LZA Wrote: I never do, unless I can absolutely not help it...

The movies out now may be good, but not good enough where I have to see it.

I bet when Superman and Batmman comes out in 2016, I'm 100% sure I'll try to watch it through a camrip...

IMHO, its not the quality of the rip, it's more so the quality of the movie your trying to watch... If the quality is so poor that I can't take watching S v B, I'll probably struggle through, or just erase it and walk to the movies...

Yeah i know what you mean.
Are camrip bootleg sales on the decline?

I would think that it would be with guards posted inside and outside the theatre and laser signals that would render the recording useless.

Anyhow, I think that if you want something to go, get it; otherwise, wait for a copy with a proper quality.

Hope this post helps someone.
I never watch a cam.. just cant stand it.
If i really have to see a movie ill go to the cinema.
Cams are unbearable to me. My biggest issue with them ultimately comes down to the sound quality. Some may have a decent picture from time to time, but almost none have reasonable audio, especially to suit a 5.1 surround sound setup.

The closet thing to cams that I have downloaded on occasion are the screeners that are released around Academy Award season. That's only because it's usually 3 months down the road until the actual Blu-ray copy becomes available.

Other than that I just wait. Watching a movie for the first time in "cam" quality ruins the experience in my opinion.

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