Does anyone else think that Rifftrax are past their sell by date?
I remember watching the live version of The Room, and since I had seen their studio version quite a few times, I was familiar with the riffs. When they got to the "Britney Spears bloated corpse joke" (I thought it was funny as HELL in the studio version) I winced when it was coming, and glad they didnt do it live.

Why? At the beginning of the live version they state that the stars of The Room were watching tonight, and honestly, its a really mean joke. You can joke about her acting, or her lines, but that was a direct attack on the looks of a woman that really didnt need repeated since we want new jokes.
Just finished my umpteenth viewing of The Room, & yeah, that "bloated corpse" line is needlessly brutal & cringy. The riffs that really work in that area however are the ones highlighting just how everyone fawns over her putative ineffable beauty. It places the joke squarely on Wiseau's bizarre shoulders. One riff from this that I've used with my BFF? "Tell it to the muffin-top, Mom!" ; )
(Oct 16, 2019, 23:31 pm)hazzychan Wrote:
(Oct 15, 2019, 16:40 pm)Rifftraxlover Wrote: Not sure I'd call those transphobic jokes, those seem more like calling woman manly, which could be considered sexist I guess. Back in the MST3K days transgender wasn't really a well known thing.

They are transphobic, the "joke" is that the woman must be a man because masculine traits, it's the same joke as calling an effeminate man a woman. If that is the punchline itself, the "joke" is just transphobia presented as a joke.

It's also a safe bet because they've done it before. Matrix Reloaded "Larry Wachowski and ITS date arrive at the premiere." One of my favorite riffs of theirs, but that line is in it and stains it.

Believe me, I'm all about comedy that pushes boundaries and shit. But there has to be a bigger joke than "Trans people. AMIRITE?!" or it's just bad writing.

As for the original topic itself, yes and no. Rifftrax has definitely stopped being A+ releases every single time, but by no means do I not enjoy them anymore. Some of the bad movies they choose to do are too bad, following the movie itself just isn't worth it sometimes, they're so incoherent.

But the comedy is still there, and hopefully their slowing down increases the number of other riffing groups releasing stuff, because that kind of variety would probably help Rifftrax in the long run, make them only release their A+ material so as not to look like dogshit at your own art form.
Its way less cringeworthy than the constant "Tentacle Porn" references that pop up whenever they do a Japanese film. It wasn't even funny when they used it the first time during the P.O.S. riff back in MST3K days. I still love that riff, and I have it saved, along with Invasion of the Neptunemen. There are millions of Japanese people, and maybe thousands of Trans people. No offense intended, but Gender Disphoric people need to get thicker skin.
1) A trans person is not "gender disphoric". 2) Let's not forget about intersex people. Do you know that there are as many people born intersex as their are natural redheads? Think about all the natural redheads you've met in your life. That's about how many intersex people you've met. 3) But really, this isn't a competition for largest group of people crapped upon by rifftrax. The lazy racist stereotype you mentioned is EQUALLY shite, and I thank you for pointing out this further evidence.
"...maybe thousands of Trans people. No offense intended, but Gender Disphoric people need to get thicker skin." -Phantom: Dictator Of Krankor

My understanding is transgender people are 0.7% of the population; that's the conservative estimate, anyway. No one's really sure as so many of us (like myself) keep coming out! Presently, the Earth's population is 7.7 Billion. So, 0.7% of that means: 53,900,000 people are Transgender. A touch more than "thousands".

The "No offense intended..". Freud called this type of thing a "denegation". E.g. "I'm a not a racist? But I think these______  people are just inferior. Y'know?" Thus, to denegate, you FIRST concede your guilt, THEN deny it in the next phrase.

Lastly, the term is Gender Dysphoric. With a "y", Mr. Phantom. I think I have a thick skin, & a backbone of iron as well. And doubtless you're allowed to not be offended, just as I'm allowed to be so. But, I confess, nothing triggers me faster than the demonstrable statistical & grammatical errors & deep psychological conflicts you've shamelessly put on display....You, you.....Big Nose!!!
"I knew a transsexual guy whose only ambition is to eat, drink, and be Mary." -George Carlin.

This is actually a quote used by a Admin at a transgender forum I go to. : )
I am a white guy, and Kevin, Mike and Bill CONSTANTLY make fun of white people for being ''too plain'' or ''not cool enough'', so on and so forth. Does it bother me? Not the slightest. Even if they were not white, I'd still get a laugh out of it because they pick on everyone and everything equally.

There is no such thing as a victimless joke. Are they past their sell date? Absolutely not, as long as people have a sense of humor and don't drag social justice into EVERYTHING and can learn not to be perpetually offended by every single thing.
(Oct 25, 2019, 18:33 pm)napsterslawyer Wrote: I am a white guy, and Kevin, Mike and Bill CONSTANTLY make fun of white people for being ''too plain'' or ''not cool enough'', so on and so forth. Does it bother me? Not the slightest. Even if they were not white, I'd still get a laugh out of it because they pick on everyone and everything equally.

There is no such thing as a victimless joke. Are they past their sell date? Absolutely not, as long as people have a sense of humor and don't drag social justice into EVERYTHING and can learn not to be perpetually offended by every single thing.
Hear, Hear
They don't pick on everyone equally. And they shouldn't."Picking on" people who are in power (and groups that have traditionally held power and used it to oppress others) deserved to get picked on MORE than someone who's dying of cancer, or someone disadvantaged by a society that doesn't value them, or someone that isn't currently having to fight for their rights (in the supreme court!) not be discriminated against. I shouldn't even have to say this. When did decency and compassion become frowned upon? Picking on people that are struggling, about the ways in which they are or have been struggling, has NEVER been funny. Except to those who are unaffected by it and lack empathy. I would like to think you might be inclined to strive to be a better person than that.
Is it just me or is it getting crazier out there

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