Wiki also also a platoon of psyops editors.
The wufli is clearly an *engineered* virus, with *very* strong evidence it was created in Canada, and brought into Wuhan. Evidence also shows that IN Wuhan the Candiians as well as DARPA (military CIA) were all working together end exchanging info with each other and the Chinese. Initial reports, since silenced showed a CRISPR gene engineering tag on the virus, as well as the fact that it had been modified to dock with ACE-2 receptors (the so-called HIV gene additions).
ACE2 is more heavily expressed in asians, smokers, and air pollution regions. Wuhan was the perfect ground zero for this virus.
Speculation is that since the AMERICAN military was in Wuhan in October the virus was released, and an early fall transmission was unnoticed, as it would have appeared as a mild cold/flu. But that since the ACE2 has similarities with beta cell receptors similar to HIV, it infected the immune system, and was not weaponized until a *second* illness caused the deadly reaction known as the *Cytokine Storm*. This would explain healthy people dropping dead in streets. The virus appears able in this latter form to affect all organ systems, including the brain.
Keep in mind that in short order the Chinese were attacked by the swine flu, a trade war, persistant HK disorder, and now the wuflu, and also a plague of locusts. Coincidence?
Iran is also being attacked, hitting hard at its government personell, after its second most important leader was murdered by the chump, and is under embargo.
So is iItaly which was in the process of ignoring chump's wailings and trading with Iran/China.
Coincidence indeed.
If the Second Wave theory is true, expect the Virus to hit the West with minimal effects, and then in a few monthas a miraculous 'vaccine' will appear to protect against the cytokine storm effect.
The elites have a perfect scenario with this bug.
Kill off the useless eaters.
Return China to the rice paddies. And the Iranians to their goats.
Short the stock market, crash it into the dust, buy everything up at pennies on the dollar. They are doing this now with yoyo pump-n-dump.
Sell the vaccines at outrageous profits. Go long on THOSE companies.
Establish the final Feudal Oligarchy.
Putin will be sent to a parsnip farm. With a shovel.
Actually old news, but now its 'official':