Last Active: Oct 03, 2024
Each and every TLD registrar ultimately answers to ICANN, so there is no TLD or registrar out there that is "safe" to use. Regardless of their individual policies, they all answer to a higher authority.
About the only thing you can do is to NOT use the actual domain your tracker operates under in your announce URL. Rather, set up a different domain to use as an announce URL and add a CNAME DNS record pointing to the operational domain. That way if the operational domain gets shut down, you can alter the CNAME record to a new one and your torrents stay alive. As long as you don't publish the announce domain anywhere outside of the torrent file, it should fly under the radar.
Last Active: Oct 03, 2024
You want to have two domains - one that you use publicly for your web site and tracker. Another that you do not publish, but use in your torrents as your announce URL that points to the actual tracker domain. It won't stay a secret, but it will hopefully stay obscure enough that it won't draw unwanted attention. So register something meaningless and hard to remember.