Apr 20, 2021, 17:15 pm
I need some advice on the technical side of things. After having trouble with a torrent I was able to find another similar torrent online and something remarkable happened once I started downloading it. The two torrents "synced" for lack of a better term (I think they used the term "swarm" but I am NOT an expert in the technical side. I just barely know enough to get the function to work. And not only was I able to completely download the new torrent but I was also able to get the old one MOSTELY complete, emphasis on MOSTLEY. I would not only like to fully complete them but try to get the old version of the torrent to a 1.0 share ratio if possible as I understad that is preferred etiquette. But I don't know why the synched downloading stopped once the new torrent finished downloading and transitioned into seeding. If there is any further information I can give including screenshots of my torrent program please let me know.