2010 - How to create and upload a torrent using uTorrent
This thread was very helpful for me whenever I first started creating torrents, so since it was lost with the previous forum,
I'm going to attempt to help others out as well and remake it from scratch. All props to "godcanjudgeme" for the original that taught me and many others how to share.

Step 1) Create the directory folders
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Step 2) Create the torrent
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Step 3) Upload the torrent
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Step 4) Extras
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Spud17 edited Sep 30, 2023 13:57 pm this post because:

Please note that the character limit for torrent titles was recently increased to 80.

Great job and great pictures. I would only emphasize the proper directory naming conventions that you used. Since the directory will be created on the downloader's machine, they are much more likely to leave a directory named "FREE THROW BANQUET - Contact Lens [2013]" and help seed than if the directory is named "MyFirstUpload". I always hate going through my DL directory and finding directories that mean absolutely nothing to me. If the directory naming is not descriptive of the contents, we are all much more likely to rename it to something else and not seed it forever. Thanks again, great job!
Followed the steps, uTorrent program says torrent is seeding (green), but PirateBay site shows 0 seeds. Why?
It takes a while for the stats on the website to update. [And they're never particularly accurate.]
(Dec 10, 2013, 19:36 pm)lastchance Wrote: Followed the steps, uTorrent program says torrent is seeding (green), but PirateBay site shows 0 seeds. Why?

You'll need to give it time. Highlight your torrent in uTorrent and click on the peers TAB. When a downloader decides to grab your torrent then your a seeder.
Thanks for the info. But im trying to upload the .torrent and get Error - Filename Error or Wrong Code. Any idea of whats going on?
(Jan 16, 2014, 23:24 pm)arson_ar Wrote: Thanks for the info. But im trying to upload the .torrent and get Error - Filename Error or Wrong Code. Any idea of whats going on?

Search is your friend.

Both questions are "Important Threads" found here:

No need for trackers to be entered? I'm using an old (very old - 1.8.1) version of utorrent and it has a list of trackers filled in by default. All are invalid by now, and I can't seem to be able to upload to TPB either.
Correct. TPB adds a set of current trackers to the torrent file when you upload it. You can seed the torrent you create (which should still work via DHT) or you could download a copy of the .torrent file from TPB and it will have the new trackers in place.
In earlier posts you indicated that trackers are outdated and aren't needed at all. Why does TPB add them to uploaded torrents?

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