The Spirit Realm - The Physical Realm
The Spirit Realm - The Physical Realm

A place in the creation of God with set boundaries
or unset boundaries. As to it's own identity
and self containment.

What is the spirit realm?
Who rules the spirit realm?
What is a spirit?
Where do spirits come from?
Are they created or are they born?
Do they have names?
Can they manifest themselves?
Can they inhabit a form or shape?
Can they move
from dimension to dimension?
Do they have power and authority?
Is the spirit the same thing as a soul?
How do they communicate?
How do they think?

I have read and heard many things
said about the spirit realm from people
and various groups of religions.

Out of all of it I have
never heard or read much on it
that was correct.

This is not taking into consideration
that which is recorded by Jesus and various men
in the books of the bible.

But even at best even that is out of the reach
of most all that read it.

The witches, warlocks, occult's and
Satan worshipers of today even they for the most part
are in ignorance. When it comes to the knowledge
of the spirit realm and it's inner workings.

They are nowhere near the knowledge
and wisdom that was once possessed by the mortals
and immortals of times of old upon the face
of the earth.

The Spirit Realm dictates that which takes
place in the Physical Realm.

That which is done in the Physical realm
is given the power and authority to do so
from the Spirit Realm.

The Spirit realm is a Dimension.
a Kingdom a World all to it's own.

The Physical Realm is a Dimension.
a Kingdom a World all to it's own.

The Spirit realm rules over the Physical realm.
Within the Spirit realm there are many dimensions.
Within the Physical realm there are many dimensions.

Both of these are within
another dimension greater than the two.

The physicist, mathematicians, astronomers
and the ancient astronaut theorists.
Are all looking for the way
to time travel to other dimensions or a wormhole
to travel to other solar systems or universes.
They are all looking in the wrong place.
They will never find it. Because it is not where
they are looking. They are looking outside this dimension.
There is no dimension outside this dimension.
To leave this dimension you have to exit
through this dimension which is inside another dimension
into that dimension. Every dimension is inside
another dimension. Except when there are dimensions
within a dimension. Your house is a dimension.
The only way out of that dimension
is through a door a window, which is
a physical portal. Which is within a greater dimension.
All other rooms in your house are dimensions
within a greater dimension.
And you can enter and exit through a door
which is a physical portal.

This same principal applies to the Spirit realm.
To enter to and from the physical realm
to the spiritual realm you must go through 2 portals.
A physical portal and a Spiritual portal.
And visa versa to go from the spiritual realm
to the physical realm.

When you were born into this dimension
you started out with a clean spirit.
Your heart your mind and your soul
was not polluted and corrupted by the
evil and sin of your world.
You had a clean heart a clean mind
and a clean soul.
Your heart your mind and your soul
was liken unto an unpainted canvas.
Ready for God to form you
into His own image.

But as you became aware
of your own existence and your own will.
Your heart your mind and your soul
begin to take shape and form the image
of that which is unholy.

In the beginning
of your world.
God created and formed the first man
in your world in His own image.
God created and formed Adam and Eve
into the image of God. They were holy.
The image of God is Holiness.
There were no sin or iniquity
at that point in time in your world.
When Adam and Eve left their first estate.
They became out of place and out of time out
of balance with God.
Thus polluting and corrupting their hearts
their mind and their souls by evil.
Losing the image of God
becoming the image of the wicked one.
They became unclean spirits. Unclean hearts
unclean minds and unclean souls.
They transformed from being holy Spirits to evil spirits.
Losing the image of God.
They were never again in perfect balance with God
from that time forth.

What is time?
When did God create time?
Why did God create time?
How did God create time?
How does God measure time?

God does not measure time as a man
by the amount of times the earth
revolves around the sun.
Therefore when man tries to measure
the time of God, by the time of earth
it is always incorrect.

Hence the reason
through the ages none
has rightly translated from
the time of God to the time of man.
The times of the prophecies written
in the Books of the prophets.

Because the majority of the time
the measurement of time is in the form
of the time of God not the time of men.

What exactly is time?
There are many dimensions to time.
One rules over the other.
Time measured in the Spirit
will not be the same as time
measured in the flesh.

There is a right time
there is a wrong time.
The right time will always be
in the right place with God.
If you are in time with God
you will be in the right place
with God at all times.
God is always at the right place
at the right time at all times.

When Satan rebelled
he fell out of time with God. Satan
is in the wrong place not in time with God.

Therefore everything that he does
from that time forth will be out of place
with God in the wrong time and come
to no good.

Only good will survive
the test of time.
Evil will perish
in time.

What would it be like
to live in a world without time?
Always being in the right place
for there was no other place
for you to be?
Never being out of place
with God.

This is a dimension
where nothing could be out of place.
Everything was right where God set it.
Doing exactly what God set it doing
nothing more nothing less.

Every movement
every sound every thought
every word every feeling
everything that had life
for there was nothing
that was not life.

Woven together
by the threads of Holiness.
To complete a garment
of praise and worship
without spot or blemish.
To the Holiness
of God.

Evil is not good.
Good is not evil.
That is all there is in life.
Good an evil. Blessings and curses.
Holiness and unholiness.
Either it is a curse or it is a blessing.
Either it is good or it is evil.
Nothing else.

God created good and evil.
Good rules over evil.
Holiness rules over unholiness.
Evil is a curse.
Good is a blessing.
Doing evil is a curse.
If you do evil you are cursed
and have a curse upon your life.

Sin is evil. Evil is unholiness.
To commit sin is to do evil. To be unholy.

To repent from unholiness
is to cease from committing any sin.
Unholiness pollutes your heart
your mind and your soul.
Thus bringing curses to come upon you.

You have a unclean spirit.
When you do evil you open the door
for other evil spirits to come into your heart
your mind and your soul.

They will infuse themselves with
your spirit.

This is known as demon possession
in your world.

If you are addicted to evil.
You are possessed with evil spirits.
If you cannot resist doing evil
you are possessed with evil spirits.
If you are committing the same evil over
and over you are possessed with evil spirits.
If you are thinking evil thoughts
you are possessed with evil spirits.

It you are doing anything
out of the will of God you have
an unclean spirit.

To be possessed by evil spirits does not
always mean that they dwell in you at all times.
it depends upon their power and authority in the
spirit realm they have over you.

It also can mean that they have
gained the power and authority by your unholiness
to rule over you and own you.

By your unholiness
they have became your Lord.
They are Lord of your Life.

Once they have become Lord
of your heart, mind, soul
and your life.
They own you.
You belong to them.

In this dimension
that you are confined in
by the prison of your body
till your spirit is released.
There are only two doors(paths or portals)
that you can exit through
to travel to another dimension.

You are all time travelers in your world.
When you exit your world you will travel time
from one dimension to another.
Time in this dimension that you are from
is measured by the rotations of the earth
and revolutions around the sun in orbit.

Time is not measured this way
except in this dimension.

When you entered this dimension
by birth through the union of a woman and a man
in the creation of God you started to travel in time
through this dimension. You became a living soul.
You entered into this dimension from the union
of two other living souls. Thus starting your journey
through the process of time.

Living Souls?
Does this mean there are dead souls?
The beginning of your soul
is like an unpainted canvas.
There is nothing on it.
This is when you are unaware of even your own existence.
As you become aware your soul is beginning to take
on form and shape.
The spirit is infused into the body
at birth to become a living soul.

When Jesus the Christ
entered into this world He too
became a living soul.
Where the spirit
and the physical are infused.

The spirit is the life of the blood.
The blood is the life of the flesh.
Which infused with each other
makes a living soul.

You cannot travel back in time.
You can only travel forward in time.

There are no time travelers
visiting this dimension,
from the future. And never will.

The future in this dimension
is located within it's own self.
Not in another dimension.

There are only (portals) two doors
that you a living soul born into this dimension
can exit from this dimension.

There is no other way other than
these two doors.

An angel is a being in the creation of God
from another (Kingdom - World) dimension
other than this (Kingdom - World) dimension
you live in.

A demon is the spirit of an angel of God.
Which no longer dwells in it's original body.

A demon is a evil and unholy spirit
which at one time was a good and holy Spirit
that dwell in the body of an angel of God.

Not all evil and unholy spirits are demons.
Only those spirits that originally dwell
in the bodies of angels.

Demons can enter into other bodies
of other beings and dwell. They can enter
into anything that has life that is unholy
and can sustain their disembodied soul.

Satan is an Angel of God. A demon.
The Lord of demons and all evil spirits.

Satan and the other angels of God that followed
him rebelled and broke away from God and took over
your world. Where they sought refuge
and independence from God.

They then bred with the women of your world
and produced their offspring. This why you see so much evil
and chaos in your world today...

The children of the devils.

You are the offspring of devils.

The Physical realm is the manifestation
of the Spirit realm.

There shall be a people
who are coming to earth soon.

They shall walk before God
without sin and blemish or any iniquity.

In the Glory of God to the Glory of God.

They shall worship in Spirit and Truth
and walk in His Light.

They shall obey in Spirit and Truth
and be a witness to the Spirit of Truth.

They shall dwell in all the beauty of Holiness
unto the Holiness of God.

They shall bless and love the Lord
with all they do with all their hearts
with all their minds and with all their souls
with all their strength.

They shall fulfill
the Commandments of Jesus the Christ.

They are sent by God to destroy the works
of the children of the devil.

They shall prevail and overcome the temptations
of the world and slay the children of the devil
with the Righteousness of their lives
and the Spirit of their God.

They shall open the door for the return
of the King of Kings from heaven to earth.

They and they alone shall have the blessing of the Lord.
And the angels of God rejoice to see their day.

They are The Children of The God Most High.
I'll bite.

Which god?
(Jul 10, 2020, 16:50 pm)waregim Wrote: OK.
I'll bite.

Which god?
Have you noticed your post to me are getting more and more stupid?
No, you haven't but I have...

Now that is funny...a friend of mine told me to ask you how many gods do you know?




Like you would know any gods or even a God.

" Which god? "

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Well, tell us which god???????

My spiritual thoughts are somewhere. Go offthat and tell me how I must be wrong.
(Jul 10, 2020, 17:22 pm)LZA Wrote: Well, tell us which god???????

My spiritual thoughts are somewhere. Go offthat and tell me how I must be wrong.
When did I become your teacher?  

I will give you a have never been right.

Now I have given you a starting point in the right direction.

The rest is up to you.
This is your thread not mine. It is Your job To clarify your opinion.

Without it, I'll say that I'm right and you are wrong.

Not about teaching it's a sharing opinions. Whit what you posted my official response is I disagree
(Jul 10, 2020, 18:26 pm)LZA Wrote: This is your thread not mine. It is Your job To clarify your opinion.

Without it, I'll say that I'm right and you are wrong.

Not about teaching it's a sharing opinions. Whit what you posted my official response is I disagree
This thread was not posted for you.

So I am not beholden to you for anything concerning it.
Well .. at least you have done us a service by letting us in on your religious perspective.

We know where you are coming from, and why somehow you think you are not of this world (without the requirment to be *outright* mad).

I am a firm advocate of believing six impossible things before breakfast. We might as well amuse ourselves if we have been tossed down the rabbit hole.

Being christian, you have three gods.
Of which are you referring to.

If you are unsure, its not cheating if you were to go ask Alice.
I've found that "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" usually takes care of whatever religious / cultural program one has running in one's mind.
(Jul 11, 2020, 01:31 am)waregim Wrote: Well .. at least you have done us a service by letting us in on your religious perspective.

We know where you are coming from, and why somehow you think you are not of this world (without the requirment to be *outright* mad).

I am a firm advocate of believing six impossible things before breakfast. We might as well amuse ourselves if we have been tossed down the rabbit hole.

Being christian, you have three gods.
Of which are you referring to.

If you are unsure, its not cheating if you were to go ask Alice.
I am not a Christian ...I am not anything of your world.

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