stts2's politics thread
Breaking News...OMG Ya Ya Sin War is Dead. Woohooooooo.

Ya Ya Sin War was found and killed in a fire fight. One of the many monsters of this world is dead. And it does not appear that any hostages were with him at the time. He must have been tore up pretty good as they were not sure at first. They looked at his dental profile and it kinda looks like him. So they must have had to piece his jaw back together to kinda figure. They got fingers, so they will do finger prints and DNA. Maybe they shot a rocket at him or something. But 3 terrorist were killed in the fight, and so no hostages died. He has brothers though, so it's unknown how many are still alive to order vengeance. So they found Sin War in a building and a strike was ordered on the building. It then collapsed, and Israeli soldiers went in and fished out bodies. Israeli soldiers had no idea Sin War was there and simply attacked armed combatants. So this was the surprise of the war. A war that is now nearly over. Dead Sin War means the left overs will be surrendering in large numbers. And just maybe there will be live hostage releases. OMG, Iran is going to shit. And the pounding in Lebanon will only escalate until Lebanon surrenders. Of course Biden and Camel Head will try to take all the credit.

Israel says Hamas leader and Oct. 7 mastermind Yahya Sinwar killed by troops in Gaza

Ok, lets get on with it...

Elon Musk. Good God man, what is this dude doing? Absolutely everything...

Elon Musk is the 'most consequential figure in free speech of our generation': Jonathan Turley

Elon Musk Helps People. Let's Recognize His Public Service | Opinion

Yup, it's undeniable. Even the haters simply can't lie about Musk without being laughed at. But haters with power still drop the hammer on Musk. Just like insane preachers who murder their own flocks to "save" them. Remember Jim Jones? Remember coolaid? We got drinkin the coolaid exclusively because of Jim Jones. Just like Democraps, Jones people thought they would get a better life because of Jones. But all they ended up getting was poison coolaid. And now Democraps are trying to poison Elon Musk.

Why the Left Hates Elon Musk

Yup, and don't forget that I already posted links of how Democraps were denying Musk launch licences that he needs to run his rockets in America.

Musk's SpaceX sues California panel, alleges political bias over rocket launches

So this is the America that Democraps have in store for us. The kind of America that demands ass kissin, Union, and DEI, all at the same time. California idiots are holding up the progress of SpaceX as much as they possibly can. Costing Musk huge bank in the process. Musk needs to keep the innovation pace at full steam so he don't run out of money before he is profitable. The DOD is stepping in because Musk is in competition with China and we can't afford to have China beat America in space. But California doesn't give a rats ass. They are Democraps. They don't see much of a problem with China. Even though they are now partners with Russia.

You can bet that Musk moved out of California to the very bottom edge of Texas in case it became necessary to buy that territory and seceded from the Union of Democrap hijacked states. This guy Musk is about as smart as they get. And he is using his smarts to help people fight for their freedoms. Libtards were hijacking Twitter, so Musk bought it out and fired all the hijackers. Now we got free speech X. Musk sent his Starlink to the hurricane zones when the Biden team was denying access. Speeding up the process of getting elections in the disaster areas restored. To put it simply, Musk is about the freedom to lawfully do what we want. You got to have lawfully in there because killers would love to sue for the right to be killers. And you know what bank robbers would do.

Musk gave $75 million to pro-Trump group, becoming a Republican mega donor

Ok, awhile back George Soros donated $60 million into a Democrapic PAC to turn Texas Blue. That's what Ted Cruz has been battling. Now we got Musk countering with $75 million to the Republican side. You can bet that Soros will now be pouring in more all over the place. Musk is a Democrat and yet he is helping Trump in particular.  And that's because Musk is too smart to fall for all the Democrap going on. I can't say that Soros is dumb, but he is filthy rich. But he's also a very old man. So it would seem that Soros has a plan in the works as to why he backs all this Democrap that would lead to socialism. It could be that Soros is paving the road for his kids to be rulers of the free world. Socialism usually sparks the rise of dictator states.

It's Camel Heads fault...

Charlamagne presses Harris on whether she deserves a lot of the blame for the border crisis: 'You all did get a lot of things wrong'

I posted before that in this final stretch, the time had come for people to see how things are and decide who they think is at fault. And it looks like what I posted is actually starting to happen. We already know all the bad things about Trump. And we have known them all for along time. The Fake News never could find anything more on Trump than all the Fake stuff that people are tired of hearing about. While the Biden team went and wrecked our economy, our national security, and our Constitutional rights. It's now time to vote to continue to let our economy degenerate, or head back to the Trump path of prosperity. Early voting has already started and I might end up early voting. That way if my crook goes bonkers and kills me for suing him, then my vote will already be in the system. You never know...


'So evil' and 'dangerous': Trump doubles down on calling Democrats 'enemies from within'

So what do you call a people that spend $100 million dollars trying to lock you up for 900 years? Trump calls them evil and dangerous. And I say Trump left out a word. They are also insane. Especially when they say their next move is to take over the Supreme Court, the only court that stopped this insane lawfare. So there aint no doubt that Democraps are evil and dangerous. And something needs to be done to stop that evil and danger of these insane people.

Trump Escalates Threats to Political Opponents He Deems the ‘Enemy’

Attaboy Trump. Fight these insane people so they can never do this to anybody else again. Joe The Plumber might still be here if it wasn't for the stress of the lawfare he was slapped with.

Donald Trump’s Dancing Shows Just How Crazy He’s Become

Democraps must be so desperate that Trump can't even dance to music without being called crazy. And yet the election is still a firm battle between "free money" and "I aint payin for it". And only that sliver in between that thinks that Camel Head really won't give out much free money will hold the keys to Trumps victory.

Camel Head just said that she is "open" to reparations. If she actually said that she would give out reparations to all blacks, she would single handedly start WW3 with the GOP that would say there aint no money and Camel head would bankrupt the country. So you see how free money from Camel Head is mostly Fake free money? Because the Supreme Court won't allow it. Just like the Supreme Court shot down all student debt forgiveness. And those that did get student debt forgiven were paid out of government funds that were robbed and ended the usefulness of the other programs. Like the Small Business Loan program. That program is bankrupt and can't do squat for hurricane businesses.

Kamala Harris open to reparations: Charlamagne the God interview


Netanyahu tells U.S. that Israel will strike Iranian military, not nuclear or oil, targets, officials say

So there you go. Yahoo aint going to light up all that Iranian oil. I kinda figured that would not be targeted. Half the world wants that oil just like half the black community wants Diddys money. So don't burn down Didddys money, whatever they do to him. And they will not target the nukes either. Because the world could use all that nuke stuff. We as a world need nuke reactors really bad. They are the only viable solution to global warming. So it's more valuable than gold and platinum combined.

So everything military is being marked for destruction. Starting with the military leaders. Iran has a growing weapons industry to supply lots of other enemies. So those assets would be blown up to stop drone and missile shipments to Russia. As well as sales to anybody else. Then when Iran is on it's knees to Allah, maybe the people will revolt and do the rest of the job of house cleaning in Iran.


That guy is just so fucked. He is richer than snot and being held in prison. So he can't do jack squat as everybody and their mothers runs up to grab a chunk of his cash. All made possible by the video of him beating on his girlfriend. She has already been paid a queens ransom, but now everybody else wants a cut as well. And whether Diddy did it or not will be impossible for Diddy to fight. He did it and paid for one, so he will be ruled guilty to pay for everybody else that steps forward.

The laws in America are imperfect. So if you choose to tangle with the laws, then you risk getting swallowed up by the imperfect parts. Trump could tell you that. That's why Trump admits NOTHING AT ALL. Any admission is an avalanche for everything else. Good thing Trump was not seen doing any crime on any of the Trump videos seized by the Feds.

Diddy used TV remote to rape woman: Lawsuit alleges | Banfield


You know, on the face of it, DEI sounds great. Something people today desperately need. Teach all this stuff to kids so that the nation starts getting better again. In fact, even robots might like us lots better if everybody was DEI. It's the bigotry we harbor that will get us all killed. It's completely illogical and dangerous to even the robots.

But something went terribly wrong with DEI. Instead of what it's name promises, we get Jew hate, race riots, and Trump getting shot at. So what the hell happened? Money, that's what happened. Anything that brings in a ton of cash, has hijackers waiting in the wings. Trying to steal control to grab at that cash. Just like what's going on with todays elections.

So libtards invented this DEI thing, but never did it right. They may have invented it just to make a new program that required a new tax stream. That's why Democraps want big government. It's really many tax streams. So the basic problem of DEI is incompetence from the ground up. Nobody is the governing body of the DEI process. There are no rules, frameworks, or standardization. So what you get in one state is completely different from another state. They all do their own thing with their own invented priorities. And that's why we got Jew hate out of DEI. In some schools, Jews are not invited to DEI. In others, blacks are not invited to DEI, etc, etc. And then it only gets murkier. DEI promoting inclusion over qualification. So now we got all kinds of idiots in charge of things to meet hodge podge DEI rules. That's why Trumps secret service protections were compromised. And our military is also in disarray over DEI. It's got dumb rules that vary from place to place. How can we be fighting wars like that. Biden is all tangled up in DEI. That's why he's messing up the Gaza war. Add to that the mental decline of Biden, and you can see why Natty Yahoo has no interest in talking to Biden. If you can't talk frequently, then you can't be making peace. I don't think Biden ever talked to Putin, or North Korea. So DEI aint doing squat for Biden and the rest of the country.

So what do we do? Start over again. Pull the plug on the mess Democraps created, and begin again with a Musk like expert appointed to create a national DEI program with standardized rules and expectations. And it's not ground breaking either. All schools receiving federal aid must have their programs accredited to national standards. That way college graduates nation wide learn all the same things in all the classes they take. And if private schools choose to teach their own thing, then students will eventually learn that their degrees are not rewarded like accredited degrees. Indeed, an unaccredited "doctor" will not be allowed to operate on anybody in this country. So you see the power and the usefulness of accreditation. DEI needs all of the same oversight. Without it, you got the mess that we got now. Tons of cash going into it, but idiots coming out of it.

The University of Michigan Doubled Down on D.E.I. What Went Wrong?

Election betting odds...

Well Americans can now bet on the Presidential election, as the world has been placing bets for along time. Bookies got really spanked in 2016 because they got lazy and put more trust in the polls. Since then, odds makers have been inventing all kinds of alternate ways to more accurately keep up with actual probabilities. And bookies are using all the methods at the same time to help hedge their risks.

So the polls are just rigged crap, and Democraps current behavior doesn't seem to reflect what the polls show. But a look at the betting odds is a real eye opener. They can change at any time, but right now in 8 betting markets, Trump is flatly running away with it, with the worst market showing Trump 14 points ahead of Camel Head. Of course big bets can jack the numbers around, but looking at 8 different markets shows the unmistakable trend way up for Trump since the VP debate. It's no wonder Camel Head went on FOX. She can't get another debate to bash Trump, so she bashes Trump on FOX. And she is getting well rehearsed in using her bag of excuses tricks. So she is on FOX blaming Trump instead of explaining her own policy failures.

With betting odds like these, it's likely that Democraps got Jack Shit and Fat Ass Willis on the phone to stir up the bees in their prosecutions. So Jack Shit filed to release more evidence in his pretzel prosecutions and Willis filed to have the thrown out Trump charges reinstated. Desperate moves to try to make something happen.

So with betting odds like these, Democraps would have to have a really huge ballot stuffing effort to catch up. And maybe that's why Democraps are now barking at each other. Because lets not forget. If the Democraps loose, they will be the targets of all future investigations. So these odds are huge reasons to worry. These odds say that the voters are not so sure the free money they get will be a big help. Like getting an 8 cent rebate on $4 gas. Woop tee doo.

Betting Odds - 2024 U.S. President

SpaceX Launch...

Wow, I found an all angles view of the booster landing and it looks like the bottom of the booster actually hit the tower when it was almost slowed down. The outer engines were not running, so if they hit the tower and bent in some, then it was of no concern. But gusty winds could have made the landing a very different story. Winds on launch are not a big concern, but landing is a whole different story. And the fire out the side of the booster turns out to be an escalating destruction of the quick disconnect hardware at the base. But since the booster was recovered, every detail of the failure can be studied and rectified. It's amazing how much can go wrong with these rockets and they still keep flying. Way different than the NASA way. A side cover seems to have exploded off, but fuel leaking out of the burning quick disconnect could have gotten into the side cover and then exploded. It looks like leaking fuel was spraying all over the place in there creating quite the fire all over.

So Trump is carrying America on his back while Musk is carrying the space industry on his. We need so many more people like these instead of the Democraps that louse everything up. People need to stop banking on free money and take pride in making their own way. It's a great feeling writing your own ticket every day. Then you do much less ass kissing. And that's just the start of the rewards. Like me being my own lawyer. So far I only spent a few bucks in parking meter fees. But I sure got an ugly nasty letter I now have to respond to. But hay, they cant arrest me or take my birthday away. So I'm going to write a nasty letter right back at them, hah. Not too nasty though. I want to be viewed as the good guy...

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