Your favourite movie quotes.
pretty much anything from dodge ball
(May 18, 2014, 10:39 am)eddiescrew Wrote: pretty much anything from dodge ball

Seeing as this is the movie quotes thread, would you care to actually provide a quote from the film?
from "authors anonymous":

Possible names for future characters:
Anthony Gilmore. No, wait. Anthony T. Gilmore. Much better.
Fiona Fox. Slate McCoy. Fletcher Peck.
And a man known simply as Banjo.


Idea for a novel:
A U.S. senator is also a vampire.
'There can be only one!'

Highlander (1986)
I am gonna make him an offer he can't refuse

--Don Vito Corleone in The Godfather
- What is its nature? What does he do, this man you seek.
- He kills women
- No! That's incidental. What's the first and principal thing he does, what needs does he serve by killing?
- Anger, social acceptance, sexual frustrations ...
- No! He covets. That is his nature. And how do we begin to covet Clarice? Do we seek out things to covet? Make an effort to answer now ...
- No... we just....
- No! It begins by coveting what we see every day. Don't you feel eyes moving over your body, Clarice? And don't your eyes seek out the things you want?

from "four rooms":

- Who drank out of this bottle last?

- Uh?

- I said, "Who drank out of this bottle last?"

- What the fuck's wrong?

- It's fuckin' flat, man. That's what's fuckin' wrong. Goddamn Cristal is fuckin' flat.
There ain't a goddamn bubble left in the fuckin' bottle, man. Jesus Christ! What the fuck is goin' on here?

- Chill out, man.

- Who fuckin'... Who... Fuck... Who didn't put the cork in the bottle? All right? Somebody! I didn't do this!
I was drinkin' out of that other bottle there. Somebody didn't put the fuckin' cork in the bottle. Who didn't put it in?

- Chester, do you want me to open another bottle of champ...

- Who didn't put it in?

- Do you want me to open another bottle of champagne?

- No, don't you fuckin' open another bottle! I got enough right here! Fucking shit, man.
God, we've opened enough fucking bottles! Do you know how much this shit costs? No! You don't.

- Yes, I do.

- No! You don't! No! You don't! 'Cause it's fucking free, man. It's just fucking free to you fucking assholes.
Shit. I give and I give and I give and I give and I give...
Peter Parker: We all have secrets: the ones we keep...and the ones that are kept from us.
from "bob, the butler":

- Now then, Robert...

- Actually, my name's Bob.

- Oh, well, Bob is short for Robert.

- Isn't Rob short for Robert?

- Yes.

- So then Bob would be short for Bobert.

- Your name is Bobert?

- No. Just Bob.


from "off the map":

- I don't know who I am.

- I don't either.

- Know who I am?

- You?

- You don't know who I am or who you are?

- No.


from "deathtrap":

I think I remember him. Obese. He was the glandular case that sat in the front and never took his piggy little eyes off me.

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