X-Men Vs. Star Wars, Rival Franchises
I just want to say really that the way it seems to me is that these 2 franchises seem to be in direct competition with each other at the moment.  I know that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the biggest one now in the world as all those movies share the same universe together and there's quite a number of them now so therefore the MCU is number one.  I know about Disney Pixar but that's not really counted officially as a proper franchise just more a collection of movies that all belong in a group.

The way I see it is that X-Men and Star Wars seem to be going head to head to see who can get the most number of films out that belong in their franchises.  Recently from Star Wars we've had The Last Jedi which a lot of people hated.  I didn't mind it really, I thought it was nice to see Luke Skywalker again.  I think maybe people expected too much as far as Luke Skywalker is concerned he wasn't all that great to begin with really like in A New Hope, he was just some kind of farm boy so I wasn't expecting a great deal myself with the latest one.  Also they've got Solo: A Star Wars Story out next.  I'm not expecting a huge amount from that myself either.  I think they just use all the best actors they can round up at the time and whoever will agree to appear in these movies for the right kind of price.

X-Men on the other hand, Logan was okay, I did fairly enjoy that one, I think Deadpool was quite a success and Ryan Reynolds is pretty good for what he does.  I was watching The Hitman's Bodyguard the other day and I thought Ryan did alright in that.  X-Men is about the same size near enough as Star Wars, if you include all the spin off movies together for each franchise I think they're not much different between them.  I'd have to go really and count them all out and see how many there is.  Deadpool 2 isn't that far away, I did enjoy the first I'm sure the second will be okay.  I know that X-Men kind of started at the beginning of the century.  Star Wars on the other hand has been going since the 1970s so much longer than that but yet they've managed to make more X-Men movies in that time that one has been going.

I'm not sure where this latest Star Wars main saga story is going.  Like I said I didn't mind the second one too much but on the other hand a lot of people seemed to be quite bothered about it and took it quite badly when they saw it.  With 2 of the main characters gone now I guess you have to try and focus on moving forward.  Also in X-Men they have written out a very important character just the same.

I did notice a while ago that they released a box set for X-Men but they did miss out the Deadpool movie and I was disappointed by the movie studios for doing that, I feel personally they should have included it as he is a mutant like all the rest of them just more of a comedy role.  I'm also thinking about whether I should get hold of the Clone Wars Star Wars movie as I've not even seen that, not sure whether to include it with all the other ones.  I know that was a George Lucas movie.  I've noticed that Clone Wars (I'm talking about the movie not the series) did go out of print for some time but it seems to have bounced back I'm not sure why.  Do you think you could put that with all the other movies with real actors in.  I know they've done that with certain movie packs like the Ninja Turtles movies they produced an animation.  Sometimes they do this, they have with Resident Evil, those Japanese animations they seem to be some of the best I've seen visually especially the last one looks very real.  Animations can only get better as the technology improves but just must take quite a long time to produce.
From my view I like Star Wars way the original story line went, after that it just seemed to me that the franchise turned into a cash lineup.
(Jul 24, 2018, 18:12 pm)contrail Wrote: From my view I like Star Wars way the original story line went, after that it just seemed to me that the franchise turned into a cash lineup.

Surely isn't that what all movies are about, to try and make some money.  At the end of the day a business trying to fund for more movies to be made in the future?

I really do see why they are pushing for all these 4K discs so much.  They are trying to wipe out all the earlier formats.  Only trouble is that it's all Hollywood movies that get released in 4K.  I don't even own a single 4K disc myself, neither do I have a player either.  I guess they can charge their funny money for these 4K discs even if it does have HDR and all the bells and whistles included.  I know that our 4K TV that we watch was too old for HDR anyway.  The problem I face is having to consider getting a different TV (something which is rediculous) due to all the cost.  The TV system we have at the moment, there's nothing wrong with it it looks fine.  Also I use a Standard HD Bluray player if I'm not streaming through Kodi.  I am actually thinking about buying a 4K release but I'll have to wait first until I can afford to get it.  I just want it for the HD Bluray that's all, I'm not bothered about the 4K I have nothing to play it on, it won't play in the computer either I don't have one of those fancy UHD computer drives.  I can't afford all this latest technology but they seem to be charging a lot of money for it.  I go and visit the local store from time to time and I see now they have these 4K discs on sale but you can tell that nobody buys them much the shelves are always full.  You can tell when a movie goes on sale, like Star Wars or X-Men for example.  If the 4K is on the shelf it's interesting actually do these get sold at the moment or is the shelf just completely full and everybody buys the standard HD release instead?  I know they are trying to make as much money as they can but really how do they expect everybody to afford these things.  The prices do seem bad I've seen one or two knocking around recently the UHD discs but it's not really something I would dare to buy at the moment, just far too much out of my price range and then you've got the problem on how on earth are you supposed to copy the thing.  You can't really and all the software and things I use all the time are no good.  You need to find new programs that will do that but there's nothing really that's any good.  I use a great program at the moment and it's excellent for doing what I need.  It's not really designed for 4K discs.  I know that if they give you higher quality it does look better but at what cost exactly?  I mean who can afford that these days unless you've got some high flying job that pays out huge amounts?

I think when it gets more affordable I might think about 4K more.  My problem is getting all the HD ones and I'm happy with a lot of those as there's so many non Hollywood films you're lucky to get the standard Bluray...
Was The Last Jedi as bad as they say it was?

I don't know, but I just hope they don't suffer the same thing Star Trek is suffering from: a lack of an updated storyline that points directly into the future, meaning that they've been making too many backstories. If Star Wars will do that beginning with Solo, then I won't watch it.
The way I see it, MCU is pretty much UNSTOPPABLE at this point. DC is flailing but I think the DC movies are good. Both stick to the core ideals, MCU just does it better

X-men will always do well, since the storyline is about the X-men themselves. Logan was one of my all time favorite movies. X-men sticks to its original ideals as well

Star trek , love it or hate it, the original idea of space exploration is there, they don't deviate from that so I think that's OK.

My issue with Star Wars... They have deviated from the original core of the story. star wars is about DARTH VADER. From Anakin as a kid to Vader. Now we have solo and a depressed Luke? Ya, they're cashing in... I haven't seen the last few Star Wars TBH.
Too bad, LZA, but I disagree.

Since 2001, the works have become a latch-on to the earlier success of the franchise to make a buck.

Anyhow, I think all good things must come to an end. They should put the kibosh on the X-Men movies if they're not going to further the timeline after Logan. Don't over water plants and don't outstay your welcome. You should leave when the audience is still applauding.
Undoubtedly, Darth Vader the greatest ever villain to grace the cinema screen. The no. 1 bad guy in the universe. Or has that changed now and maybe that top spot has altered in the wake of a new ultimate villain?
(Jul 25, 2018, 04:57 am)RodneyYouPlonker Wrote: Undoubtedly, Darth Vader the greatest ever villain to grace the cinema screen. The no. 1 bad guy in the universe. Or has that changed now and maybe that top spot has altered in the wake of a new ultimate villain?

I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE 100%. I think Darth Vader IS Star Wars... Without him, may as well be just another random space movie.
(Jul 25, 2018, 14:23 pm)LZA Wrote:
(Jul 25, 2018, 04:57 am)RodneyYouPlonker Wrote: Undoubtedly, Darth Vader the greatest ever villain to grace the cinema screen.  The no. 1 bad guy in the universe.  Or has that changed now and maybe that top spot has altered in the wake of a new ultimate villain?

I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE 100%.  I think Darth Vader IS Star Wars... Without him, may as well be just another random space movie.

I thought it was nice later on after the original trilogy to see exactly how he turned to the Dark side.  I must admit I really did enjoy seeing that.  Enjoyed every second of it but I agree really it seems to have tailored off now, like you said a depressed Luke and Solo going back to his former years.  The original Star Wars movie seemed to be about Luke becoming the Hero and just trying to save the princess and then it got more complicated, it turned into a family affair.  They say that family is what builds for strong foundation.  Was a bit of a dysfunctional family though I must say...  No wonder Luke was depressed if he had the number 1 bad ass for a dad villain in the world and a sister he never grew up with I'd be a bit down myself lol
Every franchise wants that edge so instead of doing something different it seems they play it safe and copy each other dulling the plot lines.

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