Windows 7

Need a clean installation cd/usb of windows 7 ultimate x64 sp1  Eng and how to activate pls.

Link for the torrent pls.
You will find many tutorials on YouTube about how to install and activate.

Here the download (magnet) link:

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1 English

Windows Loader v2.2.2
A note:
The Win7 Ultimate version uses a different (r@in) activation than the typical KMS versions, and seems to be more easily damaged by some corporate apps (and require reinstall of the activator). I run it here and speak form experience.

Win7 Enterprise seems more stable with the standard activator, which I have rarely had to 'reactivate'. I also run it here.

The only main difference seems to be the dreadful Unix implemenation on Ultimate, which I wiped, as I had Cygwin installed.
AFAIK, Windows 7 Ultimate can't activated using KMS method. that's why i posted DAZ Loader rather than KMS activator.
If memory is correct, it was Adobe crap like Photoshop and Acrobat that had a tendency to break the r@in/daz loader on Ultimate.

Reinstalling the loader fortunately worked.

The Unix subsystem should be removed as it insists on firing up a server. Cygwin is better, as it only comes when called (though should be placed last in path).
thanks Smile)
wow... this is a nice torrent. thank you bro for uploading that.
If you don't want to go through the hassle of activating Windows 7, just get the pre-activated copies of Windows 7.

It, well, pre-activates it for you. Someone like murph78 has made such a reelase.
Pre-activated version would still get broken after a mayor update. Thankful, there's no big updates anymore, so the DAZloader is perfect for activating Windows 7. So just get an official Win7 ISO, install without entering a key and just activate with DAZloader after installation and updates are all installed
My pre-activated Windows 7 works just fine! Big Grin

It's made in October 2019!

EDIT: I'll let you in on another secret: I don't update! What's the point? You'll only get quick fixes that are barely holding the OS together, so fuck that!

If I see another Windows 7 with a latest update from a warez site, I would just download that version and wait until I need it, but that will be a big if.

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