Win 10 blocking utorrent
Just recently my Win 10 has flagged uTorrent as malware.  So, I uninstalled, restarted system, downloaded latest version but basically Win 10 blocks the software from trying a reinstall.

I've tried getting on the utorrent forum but there seem to be issues with the email I used.

uTorrent seems to be easy to use but I don't care really.  

I searched around for answers and it seems that the solution is allowing utorrent as an exception in the firewall.  However, this doesn't seem like a definitive solution and I'd rather be certain rather than wasting time trying things out.

Works fine on my Win10 for last year. Might need to put an exception in the 'Threat Protection' to ignore.
You should always allow a firewall exception for your torrent client, regardless of OS/client choice.

The firewall has nothing to do with windows flagging utorrent as malware btw. I cant vouch for utorrent (nor windows). If you feel it is safe, open windows security (or whatever it is called) and tell it to ignore utorrent. Otherwise there are a multitude of alternative torrent clients (and operating systems) to choose from.
MS Defender and some other antiviruses sometimes list utorrent as malware and will block it/prevent it from starting up. The recent-ish Windows 10 21H1 update resulted in some issues with utorrent users.

If you know for certain that your version of utorrent is safe (ie you didn't download it from a questionable site, and your copy doesn't come with browser hijackers etc etc) and you've been using it for a while with no issues, the only way to fix it is to tell windows to allow it, or use another torrent client.

Go to Settings > Update & Security > Protection against viruses and threats - here you should see the threat listed with a list of options on what to do with it: Remove, Quarantine, and Allow on Device. Check the 'Allow on Device' option and then click 'Start Actions,' which will allow utorrent to run.
Thanks for feedback. I'll consider it when I work out what to do.
Messing around with Windows 10 these days is a lot of hard work.  I've been using it now for several years, I have reached the stage now where you have to block all the communication between you and what Microsoft are doing which is called Telemetry.  I just pay for software which does all this and it works really well, there's a free version called Shutup10 where you don't have to pay.  For the one I use it's not very much but you need to buy it every 12 months and I find it's very good and it blocks all the servers from watching what you're doing.  You can believe that I've spent now a few years doing all this stuff so I'm quite advanced now.  I find out about things from reading this forum there has been posts from a few years ago which tell you good advice on all this Telemetry stuff.  I can't just explain it all on this forum as it's too complicated to type.

If you block them it's a lot better then and probably like trying to use uTorrent it has no issues.  There are other problems though like using Malwarebytes as a scanner program, I tend to turn all the trial premium features off and just use it for scanning for problems.  If you block the installation folders and .exe programs for applications like uTorrent then that shouldn't be a problem then.  Because I block all the communications between me and MS then there's no problems, again you need to look at making use of the Hosts file in Windows 10 to make sure that all the correct blocks are put into practise.  It's fairly easy if you've got good experience.  I know I shouldn't be giving my secrets away like this but I'm just trying to help a bit.  To be able to run things without being spied on and also safely so if you want to be a pirate you can it just takes quite a lot of experience.  I have been a pirate now for many years and have learned how to do all this through masses of experience.  You need a good VPN that is running all the time to hide your traffic which is a separate matter.

Using Windows 10 is a lot of work these days and having to update it every now and again also is a lot of work and takes a fair bit of skill.  Things didn't used to be all so complicated many years ago but they've all changed now which is why people want to head over to different platforms but I've always stuck with Win10 and I think it's really one of the best out there and I like it just means lots of extra work but it is very good if you've had some kind of professional training at some stage and you understand about how computers work and how Windows 10 works and how to go about setting up your PC in the way that you require and not how MS envision Mr. Average doing it.
just use qbittorrent
much better pgm anyway
Yes, I've heard about telemetry. I've also heard that one has to be careful with Win 10 because if you turn off too many features it can stop your system from working.

I've never used a VPN as I thought they were a con. The company sell the information you're trying to hide anyway. It's just a risk I take I guess. I guess I rely on the security of the uTorrent program 'when' it works.

I guess I got some reading to do.

The Brave Browser seems to allow torrenting through its own interface but I've not been able to work out where it downloads the files to? I searched for an answer to this and it wasn't clear.
(Feb 06, 2022, 12:00 pm)daigorohanzo Wrote: Yes, I've heard about telemetry.  I've also heard that one has to be careful with Win 10 because if you turn off too many features it can stop your system from working.

Yes that's true.  A while ago I tried a program thinking it was good but it wasn't.  Stopped my Win10 updates from working.  Turned out I was doing it wrong and using the wrong program.  Did a bit of research and learned more (learned a lot from youtube videos) then moved onto the program that I'm on now and works a charm.  A guy on youtube has endorsed it to many millions of people and it's very popular and does the job.  No I have nothing to do with the people who sell the software I'm completely independent and have an interest in keeping my own privacy online.

The idea of having a VPN is to get away from the laws that reside in your own country where you operate your home internet from.  Simply getting a VPN you move your whole setup to a completely different location away from the harm of the country where you live.  I'm afraid in this day and age simply using uTorrent protection will do no good at all and you risk exposing everything you do to everybody including the police and everyone involved in your online browsing.  Also like I said Telemetry will monitor all your Windows activity which is why you need to take action and try and block all the data being sent back to their data centre.  I would only recommend somebody like myself to be able to battle against all this spying as somebody who could offer advice as my advice on the subject is usually very limited due to people not understanding how and why this happens and not being able to explain how to go about making a stand against it.  Like RobertX suggested Linux Mint is an easier way to go about things but if you want Win10 then a lot of work is involved.  Win10 is a real can of worms to open for somebody who has limited knowledge on the matter.  It took me years to solve all my problems and bring myself up to a full state of defence so just imagine trying to explain it all to somebody who hasn't been trained in the IT industry and go about the right steps to take back your own privacy without getting it wrong?
Seems like the best workaround is to ditch Win 10 and run u torrent on linux on a rasperry pi and then synch up the HDD.

(Jan 23, 2022, 05:38 am)Spud17 Wrote: MS Defender and some other antiviruses sometimes list utorrent as malware and will block it/prevent it from starting up. The recent-ish Windows 10 21H1 update resulted in some issues with utorrent users.

If you know for certain that your version of utorrent is safe (ie you didn't download it from a questionable site, and your copy doesn't come with browser hijackers etc etc) and you've been using it for a while with no issues, the only way to fix it is to tell windows to allow it, or use another torrent client.

Go to Settings > Update & Security > Protection against viruses and threats - here you should see the threat listed with a list of options on what to do with it: Remove, Quarantine, and Allow on Device. Check the 'Allow on Device' option and then click 'Start Actions,' which will allow utorrent to run.

Hi, yes, I guess I'm probably one of the casualties from the Win 10 21H1 update from last month.

Re: utorrent version - I only download from the utorrent website BUT the versions I had always seems to have adverts.  Prior to Win10 update last month, I just ignored the adverts and carried on using utorrent.

I've made exceptions for utorrent in my firewall but it seems my Win10 has learnt to disable my utorrent.

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