Mar 26, 2020, 21:48 pm
With technology and governments changing I see two paths that this could go. The first path is with technology changing TPB's existence because inevitable and will forever exist. The second path is changing laws making it easier to subpoena ICP's leading to increased arrests of the pirates/up-loaders and the inevitable shut down of piracy. I have no clue what's going behind the curtain with TPB, any knows any TF article that sheds light on whats happening and the risks behind it, please let me know.
My question is what do you think will happen 5 or 10 years from now. Will Winston still be around? Will Medbay be a site Admin (probably)? Will the site be gone? Will the TPB be dead of new genuine torrents and only be maintained by bots like TvTeam? Will there be blackmail lists of up-loaders? Will it be more or less safe to pirate? Should up-loaders leave now before it becomes too challenging to maintain anonymity? What do you think will happen?
My question is what do you think will happen 5 or 10 years from now. Will Winston still be around? Will Medbay be a site Admin (probably)? Will the site be gone? Will the TPB be dead of new genuine torrents and only be maintained by bots like TvTeam? Will there be blackmail lists of up-loaders? Will it be more or less safe to pirate? Should up-loaders leave now before it becomes too challenging to maintain anonymity? What do you think will happen?