What if we make a TPB with 100% copyleft filesharing?
Hi, guys. I know that i'm new on this forum, but i have an idea that might be new.

[Image: tpb.jpg]

I propose to make a torrent site that haves a similar interface to TPB, but the main policy is share only and exclusively copyleft content. The name that i suggest is The Corsair Bay, wich is inspired in the corsairs or privateers, wich were private persons (or ships) auhorized by a goverment throught letters of marquee to strike foreign vessels in wartime.

Practically, the pirate word is practically tersgiversated. And the solution to erradicate this tersgiversation, i propose to use the word "corsair" to be employed to the beliebers of the copyleft culture and/or consumer and dealer of the copyleft material. The logo that i included in the post is just a base of the logo of "TCB", that replace the "Home Tape is killing music" logo with the copyleft logo instead.

The main reason of this plan is demonstrate that a bittorrent share site can exist without be harrased by the violators of the Berne Convention and the WIPO Copyright Treaty such the members of TiSA and/or TPP.

So, what do you think about this?
I have 3 thougts on that...

1. being that if we did that it wouldn't make much sense cause what we are doing is basically sharing a bunch of 1's and 0's and all end up equaling a thing that is what we want so we aren't changing anything. so ya its kind of pointless

2. being that the piratebay is a search engine not a storage site, also if we did that that would mean that the worlds #1 bit torrent site lost to a bunch of money hungry ass holes, wich would also say that anything that is even a posibility of being infingeing on copy right could mean you can't even use a book for a school project.

and the final thing is

3. I don't think anyone would like that Idea that TPB logo changed just so a group can get promoted.

so ya I don't thing we would do that to boost a group that could go south on a free open net
i don't consider my day complete unless i've violated a convention or two.

also, privateers were considered to be opportunistic war profiteers... pirate sounds much better.

anyway... feel free to start your own site. let us know how it goes.
It's not often I need a dictionary but "tersgiversate" had me scrambling.   Confused
We support the creation of further file sharing sites and we're flattered that you would want to copy us.

That said, the parameters you've set for yourself guarantee your failure. 100% copyleft and zero harassment means the basis by which your success is judged is entirely out of your hands. Assuming you manage to gather some momentum, the amount of work required for you to verify the legal status of each and every torrent will rapidly become insurmountable. Not to mention the lowest common denominator problem you will face--having to reject torrents legitimately uploaded by an uploader in one legal jurisdiction if they're problematic in any other legal jurisdiction in the entire world.

Even then, even if your uploaders and you do a perfect job, you will still fail by your chosen yardstick.  google re. the ill-founded DMCA takedown notices google receives every day and you will see that you will be hassled even if there is nothing wrong with anything on your site. The hassling is automated, mindless and inescapable. You can choose whether to bow down to it, to fight it, or to ignore it. But you cannot do anything to stop it.
(Jun 10, 2015, 02:46 am)stormium Wrote: i don't consider my day complete unless i've violated a convention or two.

also, privateers were considered to be opportunistic war profiteers... pirate sounds much better.

anyway... feel free to start your own site. let us know how it goes.


Thanks by the support. I hope that this project will be sucessful and in the case of the corsair term, i'm using specificly the term corsair to avoid the confusion of pirate and not appear in Google search.

BTW, I'll be launching a link to the site soon.
(Jun 10, 2015, 10:46 am)eliotime3000 Wrote:
(Jun 10, 2015, 02:46 am)stormium Wrote: i don't consider my day complete unless i've violated a convention or two.

also, privateers were considered to be opportunistic war profiteers... pirate sounds much better.

anyway... feel free to start your own site. let us know how it goes.


Thanks by the support. I hope that this project will be sucessful and in the case of the corsair term, i'm using specificly the term corsair to avoid the confusion of pirate and not appear in Google search.

BTW, I'll be launching a link to the site soon.

at the rate copy right holders are trying to get people you will need more than hope and pixie dust even with copy left torrents.... 

as with torrents there is really no telling what the person is doing with said files so in essance if they using a VPN then basically the moment they alter the file enough they can upload it as their own as copyrighted work so either way there is a loop hole but then again i've been up over 24 hours now
Well, thanx for thinking out-of-the-box... ...but wait actually it is not any out-of-the-box idea. How TCB would be different from Mininova, Legittorrent, legaltorrent, academictorrents etc. etc ?

Majority of content on those sites are either in public domain or under Creative-Commons (share-alike) or under CopyLeft licencing system; which community can download, share and re-create the content (within same licensing) etc.

And, to my experience people don't seed legal content! Hardly 1-5 seeders and many torrent die too soon. Coz, they know others can download it for free (& without copyright hassle) from direct servers. So having legal content on p2p network might not be impressive idea for a long run, but it depend how you PR your site.

... though using TPB's interface and edited TPB's logo (with copyleft icon) for this site is new! I'm interested how it goes! best of luck!
Hi, guys. I'm back. I apologize if I coudn't log in during this time.

I made a draft of TCB logo, which I licensed with the Kopimi and CC-0 license.

TCB Logo with color scheme of the mock-up:

[Image: 256px-The_corsair_bay_02.svg.png]
The corsair bay 02 [Copyrighted free use or CC0], by EliotimeNosferatum (Own work), from Wikimedia Commons

TCB Logo with black color:

[Image: 256px-The_corsair_bay_01.svg.png]
The corsair bay 01 [Copyrighted free use or CC0], by EliotimeNosferatum (Own work), from Wikimedia Commons

I don't know what do you think about this idea, but analysing your suggestions, maybe is question of make a promotion of the plattaform is required with a promotion of some partners plus a good tracker maintenance. Maybe the sponsorship of TPB can help to promote the copyleft content, but maybe could be tersgiversed during the time of the site is avariable.

Anyway, if the FSF, EFF and/or another entity can support this project, welcome.
The TPB just has torrents of information, only. There is no copyrighted material or copyleft material, anyway. I don't think there has ever been anything but information on the site.

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