Two Greek soldiers arrested by Turkish Army in the area of Evros river
Two Greek soldiers were arrested by units of Turkish army near the natural border of the two countries, the Evros river. The two Greeks, a lieutenant and a soldier commissioned for 5-years, were on patrol in Kastanies on Thursday (March 1st) morning.
[Image: kastanies.png]

The Greek Ministry of Defense said in a statement on Friday morning that the two soldiers on patrol lost their way due to heavy snowfall in the area of Kastanies and crossed into Turkish territory where they were intercept and arrested. They are in good health, the statement said adding “typical procedures are underway” for their return to Greece.
The ministry does not clarify when exactly they were intercepted. However, a Greek military affairs website notes that the incident took place Thursday noon.
The two were taken to the city of Edirne (Andrianopoulis), where they remain in custody in the Gendarme headquarters.
The Greek Defense ministry said it was in contact with Turkish authorities for the return of the soldiers to Greece. It is not clear whether the Greek consul in Edirne has contacted the two soldiers.
Greek media report that patrol units from both sides cross the natural borders by mistakes and that normally such incidents are solved within minutes between the military authorities of both countries.
The fact that the two Greek soldiers were transferred to Edirne cause concern, with the worst scenario to claim that Turkey might want to exchange the two Greeks with all or some of the 8 Turkish soldiers who fled to Greece after the failed coup of July 2016 and were granted asylum. Ankara has already submitted three requests for their extradition. claims that “the arrest was part of a Turkish plan to increase tension between the two countries” and that “Turkish patrol were in the area on purpose and had set an ambush.” Apparently citing sources from the Greek foreign Ministry, the website alleges that Turkey is preparing to try the two with charges for illegal entry” in the country.



Notes: Here in Greece, the above news are the big headline of the last days.
Many people believe that this incident is not accidental and that Turkey will exploit this opportunity to request exchange of the two Greeks with the 8 Turkish soldiers that remain in Greece after the judicial denial for their extradition to Turkey.
However, according to the greek laws, the only responsible authority for extraditions is the Court, not the Prime Minister or the government.

Some other people accuse the 2 greek soldiers because they surrender to Turkish soldiers without resistance. (Personally, I am strongly against war and I recognize the difficult state that the Greek soldiers faced.

On Monday, will take place in Turkey the trial of the two greek soldiers and many people believe that Erdogan may intervene negatively in the case finding a excuse to keep the greek soldiers in Turkey.
Greece must take back its territories it had before 1914
(Mar 04, 2018, 12:04 pm)4444vvvv Wrote: Greece must take back its territories it had before 1914

I'm sorry for the soldiers got in the middle of a stupid political matter, but that is what soldiers are for: The strong arm of the state.

That said, I don't believe anyone will back that idea - The UNO is a piece of hot air and pervert vanity, imo. And other countries don't care.
Considering Greece took a devastating blow with global recession, starting a war for Turkey wants 8 dissident/defectors, not gonna happen.
Btw, if Turkey go thru all this trouble for 8 people, things should be mad there. Maybe war is unnavoidable; if not this, they'll find another "reason".

I've a better idea: Any country willing, please invade mine. This place is full of corruption, ignorance and the resulting violence and poverty and filth.
I don't live in Greece neither Turkey, just a place way way south of Disneyland.
Usually they will try diplomacy first, then maybe they will start trying some more gruesome ways of resolving the issue which can then spiral out to other things.
Am I the only one who find the title mildly homoerotic?

What were the two greek soldiers doing by the river all by themselves?
Did turkish soldiers find it arousing?
How did they "punish" them?
Bad News for the 2 greek soldiers
Greek soldiers to remain in Turkish prison after appeal rejected

The two will remain incarcerated until a trial date is set

The Greek soldiers who are being held in the high-security prison of Adrianople in Turkey will remain incarcerated until the conclusion of their trial. Second lieutenant Mitretodis and sergeant Kouklatzis were detained by Turkish border security after they accidentally crossed in Turkish territory while on patrol near the Evros River on the northeastern borders of Greece with Turkey.
The lawyers of the Greek soldiers appealed he against detention order, which was issued as they had been judged to not be in possession of a permanent residence in Turkey. According to their first hearing in the court, the decision was expected to be issued within one week.

However, as Turkish news agencies Haberler, Sabah, Haberturk broadcast, the lawyers were summoned by the judges and were informed that their appeal regarding the custodial sentence of the two soldiers had been finally rejected.

The Greek side had effectively requested that the court recognise the Greek Consulate as the temporary residence of the detainees in Adrianople and thus to be released from prison until the appeal was adjudicated, something which was rejected. but this was not accepted.
Their trial, which was due to take place in the morning, was postponed, and the two Greek soldiers were never led to the courtroom. It is unclear when a trial date will be set, which means they will remain in the Adrianople prison.


Notes: Turkey delays intentionally in this issue. Erdogan will try to exploit the issue for sure.  I think that these unfortunate guys won't return to Greece soon. It is commonly known that Turkish airplanes breach the air borders of Greece everyday. Turks now are so so sensitive because about a - by accident- breach of their borders.
In the past, respective breaches of the land borders by soldiers were solved easily between the leaders of the greek and turkish military units without the intervention of police and judges.  It is the first time that Turks arrest Greek soldiers for a marginal borders breach like this.
Greece is a bankrupt country that follows defensive policy against Turkey. On the other hand, Turks challenge Greeks constantly and exploit the defensive tactic of Greek.
Greek borders are also the borders of the European Union but Europe does not care about this very much.

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