The SuprBay Help Identify a Movie Thread.
There are already several different threads in the Movies forum from members requiring help in identifying a movie, so thought it was time we had an official Help Identify a Movie thread, where queries can be kept in one place, instead of members having to search for them throughout the movies forum.

Post as many details of what you remember about the movie that you cannot name - where and when it's set, any actors you can ID, anything about the music score or soundtrack, a rough guestimate of when it was released, and anything else - even if you consider it to be an inane or unimportant detail, because it could very well be the identifying hook that produces a title.

Any guidelines will be edited in later, depending on how the thread goes, and any aidz will be trashed.

N.B. This thread is NOT for identifying porn movies, post here if you want help with that:
Well here goes...
Cannot remember much at all other than at the end of the movie (right before credits) there is, I think, 3 guys (friends) or brothers walking toward camera and tellin' each other jokingly, "f#@k you", "no, f#@k you" and complimenting each other. I believe there was turmoil between them for most of the movie but do make up in the end. It was on a pay movie channel so I'm thinking it was newer for the time, 1987 maybe '88. That's all I got.
If you can wrap your brain around that, awesome. For me, this is the last old movie I will ever need to find.
(Sep 15, 2014, 12:31 pm)lowbred Wrote: 3 guys (friends) or brothers walking toward camera and tellin' each other jokingly, "f#@k you", "no, f#@k you" and complimenting each other. I believe there was turmoil between them for most of the movie but do make up in the end.

These 3 guys who are walking towards the camera - have they just left a martial arts tournament, are they members of a motorcycle gang, have they been ghosthunting in the woods? Was it a sci-fi movie, a musical, or horror? There must be some way to sum up the general feel of the movie so members have some basic info to go on.

Were the 3 guys adults, say in their 40s, or 18-19 year old teenagers? What's their ethnicity, and what country would you say the movie is set in?

Often, when you are able to eliminate certainties like 'no, it definitely wasn't a sci-fi movie' - you may find positive certainties pop in your head, and any detail at all on what you can recall, will help others to help you.
Sci-fi, musical, horror, definitely no. The feel I think was more street/crime/action with bits of humor. Most likely some city/town in the US. As far as age, I'd say they were 18-25. All white guys. When they are walking towards the camera sharing curses and compliments, I 'm sure they had just accomplished something together, which brought them back into each others good graces. I'm seeing dirt in their path, whether it's a dirty alley or a gravel/dirt road/parking lot, idk..?
I'm searching for some old movie maybe
from 70s or 80s, its a thriller, reminds those
of a Hitchcock, there is a guy that get
to live for few days in an expensive
apartment, huge bed, maybe round,
huge window, his frend left and
asked him to look for the apartment for
time being, and one night he witnessed
as in neighbours house there is a woman
being killed, I'm not sure, maybe she
is drilled with huge drill or something,
and after that someone trying to hunt that
guy too, and eventually it came out that
that guy was asked to live here on
purpose to witness that murder, or
something like that, not sure, maybe
that woman wasn't even murdered and
it was all made up

thats pretty much all I can remember
maybe something is incorrect, if
someone knows that movie please tell

@ pirateware

Body Double (1984) ?
(Sep 17, 2014, 15:39 pm)asterastrip Wrote: @ pirateware

Body Double (1984) ?

yep, thanks
Hey dudes,

About 2001, I saw a South Korean cop drama that had the Beegees song, "Holiday," played throughout the movie.

I vaguely remember what happened, the movie starts with a bunch of guys beating up on a loan sharks, who were bullying a debtor. It was like something that came out of the video game Final Fight.

Then, after dropping off his girlfriend, the guy goes and plots a killing that he does to some random man. The man's friend runs after the assassin , only to turn back and run a large mob.

Not exactly Shakespeare storytelling, eh? Wink

Well, to my problem: I forgot the name of the film, but I know it's South Korean, and I know the Bee Gees song was in for sure. Please help me find the name of the movie.

This one ?
That's it! Thanks.

I had no idea that this was transferred to another thread.

Apologies for wasting digital paper. Smile

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