Spoken languages thread

I am a Canadian, but I came from a Chinese background. I speak Mandarin and Cantonese, with the hopes of learning French, Japanese, Korean, and maybe another Chinese dialect later in my life.

I've been fascinated at languages, especially because learning a language is akin to opening your eyes to another culture.

At a young age, I've been forced, primarily by my parents, to heritage language classes on Saturdays, but I baulked at it. I would forsake my heritage so I can stay home and watch cartoons on Saturday mornings. Now, I have lived to learn to regret, and I do regret.

However, as I grow older, I realised that, despite my error, learning a language, or learning new ones, do not start or end in classrooms; instead they start and end in necessity and open-mindedness.

Overtime time, I have grown to appreciate heritages from other ethnic groups, like the Canadian aboriginals. They have a rich culture and an efficient way of looking at life. It's too bad, though, that some Native groups are diminishing, along with their dialects.

Let's make a thread on spoken languages. What do you know, besides English, how fluent are you, and do you speak it everyday? Also, what is your outlook on languages and learning it?

I'm dying to know.
Language is such a barrier for humanity, more people should dedicate some of their time to learn new languages. I know the basics of French and Spanish, and I learn my daily Japanese from all the anime I watch. I'm currently trying to learn Arabic and Icelandic, but I've been slacking off. Its not that its hard, its just that it really requires a lot of time, which I like to spend on other things.

Polish and German are my languages of interest, I'd like to be able to speak them in a few years.

edit: I forgot to add, I believe resources of learning new languages should be free, and nobody should have to pay for indefinite knowledge.
If you don't mind divulging, what is your nationality (and don't say American)?

For you, was it important to immerse by talking? To me, it is. I know a little French, but stopped learning it in high school, no thanks to my "better" judgement. My knowledge of French is competent only in vocabulary. I know problem citing months or weekdays, but I need help in grammar. Time to dust off the Living Languages torrent.

Joker, I share in your sentiments about things should be free, wholeheartedly. Of course, because of this, we have torrents from volunteers who would love nothing than to benefit the downloaders/seeders.

And Joker, you're an ambitious guy, like me. You want to learn a lot of languages, and all of them hard. I wish you the best.
i've always defended every nation should have, at least, two official languages: english and whatever their native language is.
if their native language is english, a single official language would be acceptable.
i speak portuguese and english. i know a tiny bit of french and spanish.
Quote:what is your nationality?

heh, technically I am American. I think your talking about my ethnicity, which to be honest, I don't know what it is and I don't care for it.

Quote:For you, was it important to immerse by talking?

Yes, speaking with another person using their native language is as immersive as you can get. Unlike religion, we can actually break this barrier that divides us humans, and communicate with each other.

Quote: we have torrents from volunteers who would love nothing than to benefit the downloaders/seeders.

Kudos to those who share knowledge within torrents for the whole world to learn.

Quote:And Joker, you're an ambitious guy, like me. You want to learn a lot of languages, and all of them hard. I wish you the best.

Thank you, I wish the best for you as well.
English and if I have a problem being understood when in foreign parts I do what all good Englishmen do SHOUT in English. It always works especially if money is involved, if I want to buy something and there is a language problem Shouting works 100% of the time because they want my money.
javanese for everyday, indonesian for work, english for internet.

i am born, grow and live in java, so i use javanese language to interact with others here.
i work for private institutions which requires communicating with indonesian language.
i love this forum , so i using the english language.
i believe that the difference in language is not a barrier to communication and search for new friends, wherever we are.

peace, love and respect   Cool
Dutch since i live in the netherlands/english in skewl (some subjects are in english) and on the internetz /german when i go to germany (its like a 10 min drive)
(Oct 01, 2015, 11:47 am)theSEMAR Wrote: javanese for everyday, indonesian for work, english for internet.

i am born, grow and live in java, so i use javanese language to interact with others here.
i work for private institutions which requires communicating with indonesian language.
i love this forum , so i using the english language.
i believe that the difference in language is not a barrier to communication and search for new friends, wherever we are.

peace, love and respect   Cool

Impressive, a triple header!

Isn't Java in Indonesia? I take it's like China: dialects in different parts, but Mandarin in all parts.

I tend to strive for fluency in Mandarin, because that's the lingua franca, but I can't stand how disrespectful some Mandarin-speaking mainlanders are when they go to Hong Kong. They don't try to speak our dialect when they're in Hong Kong, and they spit... never mind, thinking about it makes me puke. Anyhow, when I go to anyone's country, I tend to try to speak at least some of their languages, for the reasons I outlined, and out of respect.

This is why I want to learn French here in Canada. It's not necessary over here in Ontario, but, without the knowledge, I feel naked and not a true Canadian.
Quote:Isn't Java in Indonesia?

Yes, Java is island in Indonesia.

Quote:I take it's like China: dialects in different parts, but Mandarin in all parts.

Indonesian language formed from various elements of languages.

From Indonesia itself, which has so many tribes. the majority sources are javanese language, minangkabau language, sundanese language, madurese language, balinese language, and some languages from other tribes.

Indonesian language also have some source from dutch language and (i think maybe) other languages like portuguese language, indian language, chinese language and english language, because a few hundred years ago in here became the market for sailors from all over the world.

not different in dialect , in fact I do not understand at all if there are people who talk madurese, or people who speak balinese. If say dialect, may be malaysian language is example wich have many similarities with indonesian language.

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