No, they regularly cut the movies. Sometimes for flow, most often for content, like the rape scene in Samurai Cop. Usually they cut content for gore more than language, but scenes like the above are obviously not necessary and push it away from their ideal of being friendly enough for as wide an audience as possible. I don't think it has anything to do with Mike, as he curses plenty, but more with business in general. In the past, they've often censored their own cursing, particularly during more family-friendly movies. I mean, they've talked about all this in the past. This is not a surprise to anyone that they edit down the films to provide the best product possible to the widest audience.

Also, your understanding of film licensing isn't very good.
Having seen Kill and Kill Again uncut, I'm still kinda at a loss why they lopped 30 minutes out of it.

Anyway, thanks Starlock!
that's fair, I can see why they'd cut that part out but yeah anyways thanks as well Smile
Thank you, Starlock!
Thank you kind Starlock!
I was bored tonight, so I watched the Amazon full cut alongside the Rifftrax version, and noted what was cut out.  So here is what you don't see in the Rifftrax version:
  • Scene with Sonny getting out of bed with naked girl and we see girl and man butt

  • Guy listing available apartments to Sonny before he goes in to see the coach

  • Short bit of the scene with Catch and Pam cooking; extended table talk about school and career

  • Scene with old guy coming home and getting harangued by his wife about her being alone and asking him to quit

  • Scene with Pam and Catch talking about Sonny, the coach, then they make out 

  • Creepy scene of old guy's wife getting sexually harassed at bar

  • Sonny tells Catch he's leaving outside Coach's office

  • Coach's pep talk

  • Outward Bound sequence. Guys go camping. Catch gets a blister on his foot. They go rock climbing (Joel!), someone slips a little, all in silence. Then Catch talks about quitting. Cut to scene with Catch back home with Pam, watching news report on the team. They discuss the coach, then they do creepy foreplay and apparently bone (no nudity).

  • Extended volleyball playing. I mean really extended

  • Guys discuss Catch carrying the Polish girl's papers before entering airport

  • A bit more of Catch hurriedly packing his bag after airport inspection

  • Additional dialogue in Catch trying to quit to coach scene about coach's dead 10 year-old son

  • Credits
So mostly I can see why they cut what they did. Ninety percent of it was just two people looking at each other and talking about banal stuff, the other stuff was either creepy or depressing.  I wish they had left in the camping/rock-climbing sequence, there could have been a couple good riffs there.
Thanks for the full run-down. Interesting to read.
Thanks for upping this one....wow this was a little hard to watch though, not talking Cat hard but pretty hard.
Spiker (1986) - HD High MP4 1080p (7.69 GB)
Starlock's links are dead, so here's a reupload:

HD Medium (1.36 GB)

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