Russophobia Mania
Attack Of The Russophobes!

They're coming for your brains...and they cancel culture.

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Cat federation bans Russian cats

Published: March 9, 2022

Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe), an international cat federation with members in about 40 countries, is banning Russian cats from its competitions for the next three months.

FIFe announced this week that it is enacting certain restrictions on cats bred in Russia and belonging to exhibitors who live there.

As of March 1, no cats bred in Russia may be imported and registered in any FIFe pedigree book outside Russia, and no cats belonging to exhibitors living in Russia may enter any FIFe shows outside the country.

These restrictions are valid until 31.05.2022 and will be reviewed as and when necessary.

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Young Russian pianists banned from international music competitions

Published: March 10, 2022

The Dublin International Piano Competition in Ireland, and the Honens International Piano Competition in Canada have both withdrawn invitations to Russian pianists to participate in their contests this year.

Both competitions take place every three years, and invite young musicians from across the globe to compete for cash prizes and performance opportunities.

Russian pianist, Roman Kosyakov, 29, shared the email he received from the Dublin International Piano Competition publicly on his social media with the caption, “Here we are! All Russians participants have been banned from Dublin Piano Competition.

“I’m just curious, how this will help to stop the war?”

Kosyakov has lived in the UK since 2017, and is a recent graduate of the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, where he held a full scholarship for his studies. In a following post on Facebook, the pianist added: “I do understand restrictions but it is definitely not fair and certainly terrible to make such decisions against all Russian citizens.

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Cardiff Philharmonic pulls ‘inappropriate’ Tchaikovsky from programme

Published: March 10, 2022

The Cardiff Philharmonic Orchestra has faced public backlash after its decision to pull 19th-century Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky from a concert due to take place on 18 March.

The original all-Tchaikovsky programme, which included the composer’s 1812 Overture, a piece written in 1880 to memorialise the 1812 defence of Russia against Napoleon, has now been replaced by works from Dvořák, Elgar, and film composer, John Williams. The performance will be taking place at St David’s Hall in Cardiff.

The orchestra further justified its removal of Tchaikovsky’s works as, “There were also two military-themed pieces as part of the programme – Marche Salve and 1812 Overture – that we felt were particularly inappropriate at this time.”

The full original programme would have opened with Marche Slave, followed by Symphony No. 2 (nicknamed the ‘Little Russian’ – which is considered offensive to Ukrainians), The Sleeping Beauty Suite, and ending with the 1812 Overture, a work which, in the original score, features canon fire.

Quote:Doubly absurd because Tchaikovsky spent a lot of time in Ukraine, and incorporated a lot of Ukrainian folk music and stories into his work.

  — Matt Duss (@mattduss) March 9, 2022

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The anti-democratic targeting of Russian pianist Alexander Malofeev

Published: March 9, 2022

The cancellations of concerts by Russian pianist Alexander Malofeev in Vancouver and Montreal in Canada are inexcusable and reactionary. They only encourage and deepen the anti-Russian frenzy gripping certain social layers.

Malofeev, born in Moscow, is an acclaimed performer at the age of 20, the latest, as critics have observed, in the long line of Russian piano virtuosos dating back to the 19th century.

Only 20, “but looks much younger,” as the critics also invariably comment.

The Vancouver Recital Society, under pressure from various right-wing elements, announced the cancellation of Malofeev’s concert last week. Leila Getz, founder and artistic director of the Society, told the media that she felt “horrible” about the decision.

Getz, who said she had been trying to book Malofeev for years, told the Vancouver Sun: “I’m not a monster. I’m not a bigot. I care deeply about Alexander Malofeev.” She added, “But I feel more comfortable doing this than I do bringing him to Vancouver. I feel like I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t.”

It is revealing how these things work out in such circles. Getz feels “horrible,” she is apparently very conflicted, yet individuals like this at present almost always capitulate to the worst social elements and the basest moods.

On Tuesday, the Montreal Symphony Orchestra (OSM) announced the cancellation of three performances by Malofeev with conductor Michael Tilson Thomas scheduled for this week, on the grounds of “the serious impact on the civilian population of Ukraine caused by the Russian invasion.” It would be “inappropriate to receive Mr. Malofeev this week,” according to the OSM. What does one part of this statement have to do with the other? How is Malofeev responsible for the situation in Ukraine? Why in the world would his performing be inappropriate?

More generally, what does it say about the “democratic” content of the mind-numbing US, Canadian and European propaganda campaign that it relies on the whipping up of chauvinism and ethnic hatred?

Hypocritically, Montreal orchestra officials went on, “We continue, however, to believe in the importance of maintaining relationships with artists of all nationalities who embrace messages of peace and hope.” In other words, “we believe” in such relationships except when “we” come under any pressure and when standing up for principle might have some actual consequence. “We look forward to welcoming this exceptional artist when the context allows it,” i.e., when we can do so without sticking our necks out by so much as six inches.

The Montreal Gazette reports that the decision followed a “request” by members “of the Ukrainian community that the orchestra cancel Malofeev’s performances. Initially, the OSM declined, noting that the young pianist had distanced himself from the Russian regime,” but then proceeded to give in to this right-wing, nationalist lobby, which has the endorsement of the Canadian government.

The Gazette was honest enough to note that the current boycott of Russian musicians “contrasts sharply with the role the music world played in building bridges at the height of the Cold War. In 1958, Texan pianist Van Cliburn sparked a rare moment of détente when he won the first International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow, coming home to a ticker-tape parade in New York.” The newspaper further cited the comments of Yakov Rabkin, a professor emeritus of history at the Université de Montréal, who said he opposed the boycott of Russian musicians. “I don’t think it helps anyone. It just creates hatred against Russians,” Rabkin said.

On March 7, Malofeev commented further on Facebook that it was very “painful” to see what was happening. “I have never seen so much hatred going in all directions,” he said, “in Russia and around the world. Most of the people with whom I have personally communicated these days are guided by only one feeling—fear.” The pianist explained that he had felt “uncomfortable” about making a public statement on the war, concerned as well “that it can affect my family in Russia.”

He continued, “I still believe Russian culture and music specifically should not be tarnished by the ongoing tragedy, though it is impossible to stay aside now. Honestly, the only thing I can do now is to pray and cry.”

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Russian, Belarusian athletes banned from Winter Paralympic Games

Published: March 3, 2022

In a stunning reversal, Russian and Belarusian athletes have been banned from the Winter Paralympic Games for their countries’ roles in the war in Ukraine, the International Paralympic Committee said Thursday in Beijing.

The about-face comes less than 24 hours after the IPC on Wednesday announced it would allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete when the Games open on Friday, but only as neutral athletes with colors, flags and other national symbols removed.

The IPC received immediate criticism for its initial decision. It was termed a betrayal that sent the wrong message to Russia’s leadership. The IPC also said it was evident that many athletes would refuse to compete against Russians or Belarusians, creating chaos for the Paralympics and damaging the reputation.

IPC President Andrew Parsons, in announcing the initial measures Wednesday in a Beijing news conference, sympathized openly with the Ukrainian people but said his actions were constrained by his organization’s rules and the fear of legal action.

Parsons said almost the opposite in announcing his reversal, noting his constituents had pushed back.

“In the last 12 hours, an overwhelming number of members have been in touch with us,” Parsons said in a statement. “They have told us that if we do not reconsider our decision, it is now likely to have grave consequences.”

Parsons added: “What is clear is that the rapidly escalating situation has now put us in a unique and impossible position so close to the start of the Games.”

The IPC now joins sports like soccer, track, basketball, hockey, and others that have imposed blanket bans on Russians and Belarussians.

Russia was expected to have 71 athletes competing in Beijing. It was not immediately clear how many Belarussian athletes were involved.

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Milan University shocks intellectuals by suspending Dostoevsky lectures

Published: March 4, 2022

Bewilderment and confusion have descended on Italian cultural circles since Wednesday due to a decision taken by a prestigious university in Milan to suspend a series of teaching lectures that were to be given by the well-known writer Paolo Nori about Russian literary giant Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Barely holding back his tears on social media as he publicly read the letter informing him of the suspension of the lectures, Nori said he had received several offers to deliver the material at other universities.

He said his surprise at the decision was doubled when he read the university’s statement justifying the decision by saying that the reason for canceling the lectures was to expand the students’ horizons by adding some Ukrainian writers to their syllabi.

“I do not know Ukrainian writers, and therefore I will carry my lectures to another place,” added Nori.

The university’s decision sparked a wave of criticism and protests among cultural and educational groups, while political parties demanded an urgent parliamentary discussion of the suspension.

Many professors showed solidarity with Nori and demanded the dismissal of the university’s president.

“I thought it was a joke at first. I wasn’t expecting such a move,” said the head of the political economy department at the university.

“We can understand the cancellation of Russian performances and concerts, but we are talking here about a writer who lived in the 19th century and a writer who loves literature and is known for his studies and works. It reminds me of the war days when it was forbidden to play Beethoven and other German composers,” he added.

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FIFA/UEFA suspend Russian clubs and national teams from all competitions

Published: February 28, 2022

FIFA and UEFA have today decided together that all Russian teams, whether national representative teams or club teams, shall be suspended from participation in both FIFA and UEFA competitions until further notice.

These decisions were adopted today by the Bureau of the FIFA Council and the Executive Committee of UEFA, respectively the highest decision-making bodies of both institutions on such urgent matters.

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Electronic Arts is removing Russian teams from its FIFA and NHL games

Published: March 2, 2022

Electronic Arts has announced that it’s in the process of removing both Russian national teams and the country’s professional clubs from some of its biggest sports games.

That will include NHL 22, FIFA 22, FIFA Online, and FIFA Mobile; it’s not clear when the teams will be pulled from the game, but the publisher says that it has “initiated processes” for their removal. EA says that the decision was made “in line with our partners at FIFA and UEFA,” as well as the IIHF. Those governing bodies — which manage global and European soccer and international hockey, respectively — recently banned Russian teams from all competitions “until further notice.” In addition to the Russian teams, NHL 22 will also be removing Belarusian clubs as well.

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Just skimmed through the post, and I must say, it's disturbing.

Will Zangief be removed from the next Street Fighter game?
(Mar 10, 2022, 21:08 pm)RobertX Wrote: Will Zangief be removed from the next Street Fighter game?


I wouldn't be surprised.
Sanctioning a corrupt regime is one thing, this is pure prejudice.

I like Tchaikovsky.

I guess we haven't learned from World War 2, when Japanese citizens living abroad were forcibly relocated because their wayward brothers were imperialists.

Since the pandemic, I thought the message was that we would pull through to make COVID-19 conquerable and not kill each other.

And then something like this comes back.

Now, I think thugs like Putin and Xi should go to hell, but now, it's as if a soccer team or the music a long-dead composer are a threat to the rest of the world. They already said they don't want war, what the hell are they banned for?

I guess I should shut up now; my rhetoric is already getting old. It's just that the next contest is how fast a power can bomb the rest of us into the stone age.
Russian tennis players supporting Putin may not be allowed to play at Wimbledon

Published: March 17, 2022

British Sports Minister Nigel Hudson said that they need to make sure whether Russian tennis players support the policy of President Vladimir Putin. If their fears are confirmed, certain measures will be taken against players from Russia, CNN reports.

«We need to make sure that tennis players don't support Putin. And we are considering what criteria can be introduced within this framework», the British minister said. Wimbledon will be held in the UK from June 17 to July 10.

Earlier it was reported that the Director General of the French Tennis Federation, Amelie Udea-Castera, said that Russian tennis players can take part in the Roland Garros tournament, which will be held from May 22 to June 5 this year. Athletes will perform in a neutral status.

The Wimbledon is one of the four Grand Slam tournaments, since 1877, holding most of its matches on the grass courts of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club (Wimbledon, Great Britain).


Has British Sports Minister Nigel Hudson considered screening players based upon whether they support Israeli apartheid or not?

No, I didn't think so.

Are they now going to carefully scrutinize the political leanings of all athletes to determine their eligibility to play sports?
Space conference censors cosmonaut’s name because he was Russian

Published: March 18, 2022

Legendary cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin has been caught up in the global push to punish all things Russian amid the Ukraine crisis, despite having died more than half a century ago.

A major US space industry conference has censored Gagarin’s name, essentially canceling the first human to travel into outer space. The Space Foundation, a Colorado-based not-for-profit group led largely by aerospace industry executives, altered the agenda for its upcoming Space Symposium in April, renaming a fundraising party that used to be titled “Yuri’s Night.”

The group noted that “in light of current world events,” the fundraiser had been renamed “A Celebration of Space: Discover What’s Next.” That page was later deleted and replaced with an updated conference agenda that excluded the explanation for canceling Gagarin.

The annual Space Symposium is in its 37th year and costs nearly $3,000 to attend with a “premium access” pass. It typically attracts about 10,000 space-industry professionals from around the world. The focus of the renamed event remains the same – “to celebrate human achievements in space while inspiring the next generation to reach for the stars,” the foundation said.

Gagarin made such an achievement in April 1961, traveling in the Vostok 1 capsule in an orbit of Earth. The historic feat made him an international celebrity and earned him such honors as being granted the title ‘Hero of the Soviet Union,’ the nation’s highest award. A native of a small village west of Moscow, he died at the age of 34 in 1968, while serving as a flight instructor.

The cosmonaut becomes the latest Russian icon to be posthumously punished as the US and its NATO allies impose sweeping sanctions on Moscow over the war in Ukraine.
Latvia: Police wanted to detain a man with a Russian flag, but did not find a law against it so he had to be released

Published: May 12, 2022

Video at:
Facebook shut down Syria Government page for a song glorifying Russia

Published: May 16, 2022

A song titled "Glory to Russia" in Arabic caused Facebook moderators to shut down a Syrian government page, the local media reports.

According to the report, the song which had been posted on 9 May, the day Russia celebrates defeating Nazi Germany during the Second World War, was put out by Syrian government social media accounts, including one called the Syrian Arab Television and Radio Broadcasting Commission.

After the song was released, Facebook removed the song that celebrated Russia and its army, the report says.

However, the song continues to appear on YouTube as it has been posted by a public TV channel.

Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict in 2011, Russia has supported the administration of Bashar Al-Assad of Syria.
International basketball federation FIBA bars Russia from upcoming world tournaments

Published: May 18, 2022

The International Basketball Federation (FIBA) has officially confirmed its decision to suspend the Russian national women and men’s teams from the FIBA World Cup competitions in 2022 and 2023 respectively, according to FIBA’s statement on Wednesday.

The world’s governing body of basketball also barred Russia from international 3x3 basketball competitions in men and women’s categories.

According to the statement from FIBA’s press office, the world’s governing body of basketball decided to impose sanctions both in regard to national teams of Russia and Belarus, namely against the Russian Basketball Federation (RBF) and the Belarusian Basketball Federation (BBF).

"Further to the decision taken on March 1, 2022, and confirmed by the Central Board on March 25, 2022, to not allow Russian teams and officials to participate in FIBA Basketball and 3x3 Basketball competitions, the FIBA Executive Committee today has confirmed… decisions in regard to the Russian Basketball Federation (RBF) and the Belarusian Basketball Federation (BBF) for FIBA Basketball Competitions that will take place over the coming months," according to the statement.

The statement reads that: "Russia is withdrawn from the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022 to be played in Australia from September 22 to October 1. The replacement team is Puerto Rico."

In regard to men’s national teams of Russia and Belarus at the 2023 World Cup, FIBA’s press office stated that: "Russia is withdrawn from Group H and Belarus is withdrawn from Group B of the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023 European Qualifiers, with no replacement teams appointed."

FIBA also stated that "Russia is withdrawn from the FIBA 3x3 World Cup. The next ranked teams, Israel for women and Slovenia for men, will be invited to participate… Russia is withdrawn from the FIBA 3x3 U23 Nations League. There will be no replacement teams."

The global federation also barred basketballers of Russia and Belarus from FIBA 3x3 U17 Europe Cup Qualifiers 2022 and FIBA 3x3 U18 World Cup 2022.

"FIBA's European Zone Board and the Basketball Champions League Board have been invited to take corresponding decisions for the respective national team and club competitions, which will be communicated in the next coming days. FIBA will continue to closely monitor the situation and take further decisions as needed," the statement from FIBA’s press office added.

On February 28, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) issued recommendations to international sports federations to bar athletes from Russia and Belarus from taking part in international tournaments referring to Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine.

Following the IOC recommendations in late February, the majority of global sports federations decided to bar athletes from Russia and Belarus from all international sports tournaments.
Latvia: Old man robbed of his Russian flag

Published: May 18, 2022

The idiot snickering behind the camera evidently thought assaulting an old man to be funny.

Video at:

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