QualityWings 787 for P3D
The QW787 installer has been leaked: http:// files.100megabyte.com/qwsim/QW787_v1.1.0_P3Dv4.exe
Hoping for someone to crack it before official release
(May 24, 2018, 05:08 am)AlaskaMaska Wrote: I would really love this crack, can't wait!


There you go guys! So far only for P3D v4 ( once i found the fsx version I'll upload it here )


This dude is too quick with cracks!
Any got 787 immersion

Thank you
Hello- I cant find a QW787 immersion for P3D v4- only for FSX. Can someone crack it please? Thanks!



workerbee edited Jul 28, 2018 15:13 pm this post because:

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(Aug 21, 2018, 17:14 pm)Jackaroo05 Wrote: Bump.

are you looking for quality wings 787 v 1.1???

i got it for p3dv4.3 if thats the one you need let me know so i upload it for you.

Hi guys its me again trying to help everyone out.... i got it ripped and tested it in another pc and runs great so you should have no problems.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/4t1751ok2p...5D.7z/file

Then just replace the contents, they are named folder for p3dv4.3

Tested on p3dv4.3

my english is not great so take it easy on me if it doesnt work for you i will try to help you all.

if it works make a comment letting us know.

Can confirm this works. Thanks!

workerbee edited Aug 23, 2018 10:56 am this post because:

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Nice im glad i can help to this community!
The wing and engine effects in humid condition are not working...
Everything else is.

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