PS4 Jailbroken?
So, a gentleman came on IRC and claimed to have jailbroke his PS4 already. I'm not a big console gamer myself, but he posted a link with instructions to jail break. Anyone heard about this? Is this legit?
It's almost certainly not legit. If it was true, then it would be major news and we would all have heard of it. But somebody has to be the first to do it, so there is an outside chance.
After looking into it a bit more, I'm inclined to agree its not legit. What was advertised as a "1-hr" old exploit on IRC carried the exact same instructions as a site claiming to have jail broken the PS4 almost 2 weeks ago. And there ain't no such damn thing as a 2-week old console jail break that hasn't made tech news. So, if any of you see a PS4 jailbreak advertised:

Neither is this:

If you read into this thread:
the one's who claim this is true are one hit wonders. So more than likely, this is complete fucking bullshit. As much as I wanted to believe this is true, it isn't.
The PS4 has no jail break yet. It will in the future. And personally, I hope so not because I wish to pirate games on it, but I would like to have a console-driven Linux distro up and running, ever since the PS3 cut its yellowdog capability.

So avoid the scam. What scam you ask? Well, a number of file download services offer monetary rewards to users who generate large amounts of traffic to download their files. Usually this is in the form of pirated files, but it can also be in the form of complete bullshit. For instance, f I post "" and tell people that these were the files the paparazzi didn't release, I could potentially generate a large number of downloads, and thus earn cash.

This particular scam also carries with it two important keys that help protect it from being figured out. 1: It looks like a simple enough process that an average person might try it, but 2) It also looks deceptively simple. Someone trying might blame themselves for not getting it to work rather than realize that the entire thing is a scam, leading them to not report it as fake.

Don't fall for this shit. If various tech news companies - TechCrunch, TechDirt, ArsTechnica, Wired aren't reporting on a Jailbroken PS4, and you're not sure - chances are its bullshit.

Also: From Ps3news:

One quote comes to mind defending the PS3 jailbreak as legit. This poor person has been threatened by Sony to take down the jailbreak or else:
[Image: BaVqWWPCQAAolfP.jpg]

This poor person! Sony has given him one whole day! (*BULLSHIT*) or else its going to be another Geohotz "sceanario" (*BULLSHIT*). The fucking fakers can't even be bothered to spell check anymore.

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