New market research shows shocking trend among Gen Z and Gen Alphap
My boyfriend and I were listening to the radio in the car and they cited some sort of marketing research.   It turns out that huge portions of Gen Z and Gen Alpha identify with the 1980s when it comes to pop culture and attitudes.  Marketers and retailers are said to be truly surprized at the results.

Well duh.... The last time everything did NOT suck was the 1980s. 
  • Today's movies are garbave
  • Today's music is pure ghetto trash
  • TV shows are like 8 episodes and wait 2 years for the next 8
  • Clothes are made so everyone looks like trailer trash or to hide a man's dick inside a dress
  • Everyone is supposed to screw everyone regardless if they have a penis or a vagina.

I guess this includes me too because I wasn't alive in the 1980s and they look a hell of a lot better than the crap happening today
For someone like myself (born in the 1960s) this is mildly amusing confirmation that the more things change, the more they stay the same.  Or to put it more bluntly:  same old shit crammed into a different container.  In the days of my youth, the focus of "good old days" nostalgia was the 1950s.  Must have been why Happy Days was such an insanely popular TV show--a (originally) mildly amusing show that was on TV for eleven fucking years, which was about nine years too long.  Ditto for M*A*S*H

Needless to say, the 1950s and the 1980s weren't all that.  Any time period you care to name has plenty of the good, the bad and the just plain stupid.  Reminds me of a crap-ass old video reformatted into an insanely upscaled container.  Still crap, but now in a bigger pile.

EDIT:  Just now noticed "Alphap", heh, heh, heh.  Good one.
(Feb 12, 2024, 13:47 pm)CaptButler Wrote: For someone like myself (born in the 1960s) this is mildly amusing confirmation that the more things change, the more they stay the same.  Or to put it more bluntly:  same old shit crammed into a different container.  In the days of my youth, the focus of "good old days" nostalgia was the 1950s.  Must have been why Happy Days was such an insanely popular TV show--a (originally) mildly amusing show that was on TV for eleven fucking years, which was about nine years too long.  Ditto for M*A*S*H

Needless to say, the 1950s and the 1980s weren't all that.  Any time period you care to name has plenty of the good, the bad and the just plain stupid.  Reminds me of a crap-ass old video reformatted into an insanely upscaled container.  Still crap, but now in a bigger pile.

EDIT:  Just now noticed "Alphap", heh, heh, heh.  Good one.

I had a transgender male (ie: bull dyke) try to pick me then freaked out on me because I made the mistake of saying that I'm NOT interested in vagina.

As far as she was concerned, she is a man and I'm being a bitch because I'm only into men who were born with a fully functional penis.

I'll bet that never happened in the 80s
(Feb 12, 2024, 10:54 am)Ladyanne3 Wrote: My boyfriend and I were listening to the radio in the car and they cited some sort of marketing research.   It turns out that huge portions of Gen Z and Gen Alpha identify with the 1980s when it comes to pop culture and attitudes.  Marketers and retailers are said to be truly surprized at the results.

Well duh.... The last time everything did NOT suck was the 1980s. 
  • Today's movies are garbave
  • Today's music is pure ghetto trash
  • TV shows are like 8 episodes and wait 2 years for the next 8
  • Clothes are made so everyone looks like trailer trash or to hide a man's dick inside a dress
  • Everyone is supposed to screw everyone regardless if they have a penis or a vagina.

I guess this includes me too because I wasn't alive in the 1980s and they look a hell of a lot better than the crap happening today

Art has always been exposed like inside a bazaar: everybody gets to pick whatever resonates with them. It was harder in past due to lack of ITs but nowadays it is clearer. When cheap content is predominant, that is because majority enjoys cheap content or doesn't care.

While spending time alone, I tend to listen to highly unconventional stuff, music on youtube which usually has less than 20k views. Or watch films which are by far off the leader board. I'm willing to bet to a certain extent everybody is doing that.

CaptButler Wrote:EDIT:  Just now noticed "Alphap", heh, heh, heh.  Good one.

In terms of attitude, Zoomers and Alphas already annoying me very much. I'm not looking forward to the generation Beta, Theta, Gamma, etc. It could be the society I live in, I don't know. It makes me think whether I was like them and hate myself for it.
(Feb 12, 2024, 17:23 pm)maskaw Wrote: Art has always been exposed like inside a bazaar: everybody gets to pick whatever resonates with them. It was harder in past due to lack of ITs but nowadays it is clearer.

I'm watching 77 Sunset Strip

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