Just curious what you guys think about Pelosi's Taiwan trip recently
Do you guys have any opinions on Pelosi's Taiwan trip?
I'm native Chinese who've been living in mainland China for 36 years, but I'm open-minded. Any comment is welcomed.
Its fine. China bested by an old hag. Hah. Crazy Nancy. Just goes to show how entirely flat footed China is in this historic time of invasion. China leader facing "election" and hes got nothing of huge consequence gained from Russians crazyness. They bought some of Russias "cheaper" oil, but it still cost them more than they were paying before Covid hit. China was in no way ready for military conflict, and all they can do is shoot off fireworks for propaganda points. China sees now how Russia has been preparing for a decade for invasion. And China now sees how they wasted all their past efforts. Expanding business to worm their way deep into the world economy, but doing it all with western currency. And they cant turn it off like a water spigot. Especially when they are still hamstrung by Covid economic shut downs. China is such a failure right now, compared to what they thought they were. China even felt like they were superior to the Russians, but now realize how blind they have been. So China is going to be having temper fits for awhile, till the election nonsense is past.
I agree that The Emperor's seeking a third term had a great deal to do with the over-the-top reaction to the Pelosi visit.  Still, there would have been a fairly big reaction anyway--the Speaker of the House is second in line in the Presidential succession (at one time, it was the President Pro Tem of the Senate, but I believe they are now no. three). 

I think what happened in Hong Kong is an even bigger factor, though.  After seeing that, any support for reunification that there was in Taiwan (and there was some support) pretty much evaporated.  In other words by overplaying their hand in Hong Kong, the Chinese government lost their chance to regain sovereignty in Taiwan (lost in 1895 to the Japanese), since "one country, two systems" was exposed as a cynical political ploy.  China's chances now are little better than that of the Russians in retaking Alaska.
(Aug 07, 2022, 21:11 pm)CaptButler Wrote: I agree that The Emperor's seeking a third term had a great deal to do with the over-the-top reaction to the Pelosi visit.  Still, there would have been a fairly big reaction anyway--the Speaker of the House is second in line in the Presidential succession (at one time, it was the President Pro Tem of the Senate, but I believe they are now no. three). 

I think what happened in Hong Kong is an even bigger factor, though.  After seeing that, any support for reunification that there was in Taiwan (and there was some support) pretty much evaporated.  In other words by overplaying their hand in Hong Kong, the Chinese government lost their chance to regain sovereignty in Taiwan (lost in 1895 to the Japanese), since "one country, two systems" was exposed as a cynical political ploy.  China's chances now are little better than that of the Russians in retaking Alaska.

Well don't write them off entirely. China is going to be a continuing threat as the years go by. They just shot their own foot off in the short term. They still got a massive population and have been stealing so much technology, and they actually understand what they steal. So they are still a threat to take over the world in the long term. Slowly bleeding us of our potential to compete. Ruskis got little competing tech, and that will be their downfall in the same long term. They got energy control now, but fossile fuels are a waning necessity. That's where China can become incandescent. Grabbing world leadership in renewable energy production. So we got to get on the ball and ramp up across the board on silicone production. Or the day will come when China cuts us off for not kissing their feet.
(Aug 06, 2022, 18:18 pm)syntax_china Wrote: Do you guys have any opinions on Pelosi's Taiwan trip?
I'm native Chinese who've been living in mainland China for 36 years, but I'm open-minded. Any comment is welcomed.

It was a visit. Not a declaration of war. Some 25 years ago, the visit of the speaker of congress to Taiwan had no such consequences. So why now?
What I see at the root of the problem, is a different definition of what is country. One definition defines a country by its territory. Another definition by the will of a population to live together in a country.
In history, many wars started because most countries defined themselves by their territory - and usually taking their largest historic extent as a basis.
I personally find this approach outdated. I therefore admire countries who can dissolve themselves in a peaceful way. Like Austria-Hungary in the past, Czech republic and Slovakia and may be soon England and Scotland.
And not all countries want to grow in size neither. Switzerland rejected more than 100 years ago the wish of the Vorarlberg population to join Switzerland. Sometimes small is beautiful and
I refuse to believe the bigger a country is the happier will be its population.
My wish is to just see the size of a country as something flexible and the result of a peaceful process . This makes the question of a territory ephemeral.
I know not everybody will like that definition. But with such a definition many conflicts in the world would cease to exist and we would have more peace.
So  this is my relflection to open-minded people.
My wish is for my butt hole to heal over so I dont have to poop any more. Think of all the water the world would save without toilets. And all the trees that would not have to be cut down for totally wasteful toilet paper. And the massive reduction in methane green house gas. No more farts that escape when you bend over to help a lady pick up stuff she dropped. Yup, I can see the day when a "great leader" will one day rise up and declare all first born have their butt holes sewn shut. A leader with extrordinary vision to do what must be done to kick start all mankind to a higher plane of being. Its for our own good...
[Image: Rabbit-Flemish_Giant-The_wonderful_thick...rabbit.jpg]
syntax_china, forgive me for being offensive (which I don't intend to be), but isn't SuprBay blocked by the Great Firewall?
Pelosi is almost done her time has just about ran out. She went over there to show the flag so to speak. Nothing to get excited about. In the not to far off future she and Diane Feinstein will be lingering in the SF Bay area slowly growing senile. Maybe "Slick" Willy Brown will entertain them or is he still around?
Wonder what has become of Hillery C she seems to have fallen off the world, probably a good thing since it was hate of her that allowed a Trump Presidency. Anyway time moves along.
Gotta love the sight of those Pro-CCP Chinese crying and hitting themselves after being proved wrong about Pelosi not going to Taiwan.

I tried, but try as I might, I can't really feel sorry for them.

I just hope some of them would mutilate themselves too.

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